Chapter 202 The Big Bad

Wei Chen smiled and said, "Just say it, there's no pretense here. Jun Moren is right under the ring."

Liyue took advantage of the situation and switched the big screen to the God's perspective. The God's perspective is a top view, and only Wandering Tianya can be seen standing alone on the stage, and there is no one in the next round of the ring.

Barrages immediately flew up, most of them mocking Wei Chen.

"The cowhide is blown."

"Pretentiousness was slapped in the face."

"I thought you could really guess right?"

"That's it, pretending to be a god."


Li Yue asked Wei Chen, "From the perspective of God, you can't see people at all."

Wei Chen smiled and said, "Believe me, Wandering around the World has been on the ring for 15 seconds, within 15 seconds, Mo Fan will definitely succeed in sneak attack."

As soon as the words fell, Langji Tianya jumped from the ring to the side, and ran straight to the woods on the side, but only ran for three seconds, then turned around and ran around the ring.

Wei Chen smiled and said, "The opponent has teammates who are watching my live broadcast, and told Wandering Tianya about my guess."

As soon as Wei Chen finished speaking, a figure suddenly appeared behind Langji Tianya who was running, stabbing Langji Tianya's back with a single knife, assassin skill, backstab.

After Jun Moren succeeded in backstabbing, he pulled and twisted the dagger to remove the bones. It was an assassin skill and was often used in conjunction with backstab.Jun Moren is a ninja, and belongs to the dark night system like an assassin. As long as he has a dagger or a short sword in his hand, the skills of an assassin below level [-] can be used.

Eviscerate not only does damage, but also paralyzes the opponent.

Jun Moren put the dagger back into its sheath, drew out the ninja knife, and after a quick seal, the figure was divided, and a dozen ninjas surrounded the wandering world and hacked.

Ninja level 70 big move, ninja - shadow dance.

The deboning effect lasted only two seconds, and without being hit a few times, the paralyzing effect of Wandering in the End of the World disappeared, and he directly launched the ultimate move, Bailong Meteor Shot, to scatter the surrounding ninjas one by one.

Fang Shiqian smiled and said: "Wandering around the world is not experienced enough. At this time, you should use the dragon to break the army, escape from the ninja group first, and wait for the shadow dance time to come back and fight again. He will destroy these clones, Jun Mo Shinobu didn't lose blood, on the contrary, the figures he didn't kill are still cutting him, it's purely one-sided beating."

Wei Chen said: "In five seconds, Wandering Tianya's blood volume dropped to 82 grams. In addition to starting the backstab and removing bones to lose 5 grams of blood, Wandering Tianya lost 13 grams of blood when he was killed by Shadow Dance. Losing a big move, the blood volume drops to 92 grams at most. This is the malady of ordinary players, who only care about recklessness and don’t know how to save themselves.”

Fang Shiqian said, "Hey, Wandering the World, what are you doing in a daze? Shadow Dance beats no one left, which means Jun Moren is hiding underground."

As soon as the words fell, Jun Moren turned up from the ground and slashed at Langji Tianya's leg with a knife, sending Langji Tianya flying backwards.

Fang Shiqian exclaimed, "Hey, this trick is vicious."

Wei Chen said with a smile: "When Mo Fan first came, the geocentric decapitation technique liked to chop people's jaws. His previous opponents were ordinary players, so he could succeed. After joining the team, his teammates all reacted very fast and their hands were fast. He is also a very fast master, his geocentric decapitation technique has been repeatedly broken, and the Drunken God taught him a lesson, and now he has changed to cheating."

Fang Shiqian said with a smile: "The chin is too difficult to chop. You need to fly horizontally. The opponent can either parry it or dodge it by dodging backwards. Now you can fly vertically and chop from behind. Not only will you be safe, but the opponent will also be safe." It is impossible to guard against, this is the benefit of having a master teach."


Before Wandering Tianya flew out, Jun Moren didn't chase after him, but put away the ninja knife, changed it into a pistol, and then turned it into a long spear, and gave Wandering Tianya a shot in the back of the head, Barrett sniped.

Wei Chen said with a smile: "The pistol in Mo Fan's hand is called Zhui Ming. The weapon comes with a Barrett sniper, and he has disabled the sharpshooter's ambush skill, and Mo Fan has used the stealth on the silver weapon. Just now He just used stealth to run to the edge of the big ring, then changed to a pistol, and used his ambush skill to stand against the big ring, so that he could not see him when he ran past him, and he easily completed the backstab and tick bone."

When Wei Chen introduced, Jun Mo Ren had already run after the wandering sky. During the running, the pistol had been replaced with a ninja sword, and then he pulled out the dagger from the hilt and bounced it towards the ground, still in a dizzy wave Tianya's vest is a sword, a life-threatening blow.


Wei Chen said: "This is the first time that Mo Fan didn't use the CD flow, and directly took people away in a wave. He used control and damage skills at intervals, and he didn't explode the whole time. This guy has made great progress."

Liyue began to summarize: "The Heming Xingxin team won the digital age in the last game. After this game, the game is over. In the previous issue, Fang Shen arranged the questions. Zuiwo used a total of 75 moves on the battlefield. Answers It's a move, a blast grenade. The first player who answered correctly is called Wuxinsleep. His profession is a swordsman. We have traded Ziwu Light Sword and Holy Dragon Sword to him. The screenshot of the transaction has been placed under the question on the official website. In this issue, Do you have any questions to ask?"

Fang Shiqian said: "It's an old question, which ninja level 75 skills did Jun Mo Ren use in this PK?"

Liyue typed the question on the big screen, and then said: "To answer the question, please go to the interactive area of ​​the official website. If you are free, you can search the website in front of Director Wei and enter our official website. After answering the question, you can watch the video of our previous explanations. , One hundred minutes later, our live broadcast will restart, Zhiyue Qingcheng will see you soon."

Tang Yue didn't watch the game, and when the game was over, a WeChat message came.

Xiaoxue: "Drunk God, Jun Moren is the one who destroys others, doesn't he?"

Xiaoxue is Xiaoyao Qiaojian's WeChat nickname. Xiaoyao Qiaojian's name is Xia Xue. According to her, the day she was born coincided with the beginning of summer, and the weather happened to be abnormal. There was a burst of snowdrops. She was born when it was snowing. The family thought it was a coincidence. Just call her Xia Xue.

Tang Yue replied: "Yes, we introduced it when we explained it before."

Xiaoxue: "He's a big villain, he beat our captain's orange martial dragon shadow stick."

Tang Yue: "Hahahaha, then we are all big villains. We snatch wild map bosses every day and PK every day. I don't know how many players' equipment have been exploded."

Xiaoxue: "Why do you want to blow up other people's equipment? Our captain, Longying Cudgel, bought it for 2 yuan. After only playing for a week, it ended up being blown up at the entrance of the dungeon. I was so angry that I had to work for three months." The money I just saved was snatched away in a few seconds."

Tang Yue blushed: "Was it Deception who blew up your captain?"

Xiaoxue: "It was useless for Deception back then, but his style of play today is very unique, and our captain recognized him."

Tang Yue said: "Oh, what is the style of play, how did you recognize it? Did you admit it wrong? Deception usually only picks up waste at the scene of the boss fight, and won't go to the entrance of the dungeon to explode equipment."

Xiaoxue: "The ninja not only holds ninja knives, but also daggers and pistols, beating our captain until he has no strength to fight back. Is there anyone else besides him?"

Hearing what Xiaoxue said, Tang Yue suddenly thought of it and felt ashamed.

Of course the other party admitted their mistake. It was not Mo Fan who blasted their captain, but Tang Yue herself.

The big villain who exploded Chengwu at the entrance of the dungeon is the ninja secretly like the wind, and it is Tang Yue's trumpet. The Dragon Shadow Stick has been dismantled into parts, and the parts are still in his warehouse.

(End of this chapter)

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