Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 213 Competition Highlights

Chapter 213 Competition Highlights
Just when Zhao Yuzhe was a little confused, Fengcheng Misty Rain had already stabbed him more than [-] times in a row in the back, and they were all ordinary attacks. The attack data of the wand is also synchronized with the attack speed. If you wield the wand with a wand, you can’t use it so fast. It’s different if you switch to a dagger. There are also bonuses.

Zhao Yuzhe managed to break free from Fengcheng Misty Rain's arms, and saw that Chu Yunxiu's dagger had been inserted back into his staff, and he had read the ultimate move of Heavenly Thunder and Earth Fire. When he pointed at her, the thunder and lightning above his head made him paralyzed and was crushed by the ground. Blast him into the sky.

One move blasted Zhao Yuzhe until he was scorched on the outside and tender on the inside. Before Zhao Yuzhe recovered from the lightning paralysis, another blast of flames blasted him into the sky, and then he drew out his ninja knife and slashed at Shaoguang for a while, seeing that he was about to fall to the ground , suddenly received a knee attack, knocking Zhao Yuzhe into the air, just as Zhao Yuzhe was about to be manipulated after landing, the halo of lightning bounced him away again.

Looking at Shao Guang's blood volume, before Zhao Yuzhe recovered from the stiffness, Chu Yunxiu had already returned the dagger.

When Zhao Yuzhe saw her movement, he thought she was drawing a sword and slashing him. He didn't feel good, so he turned around and ran away, looking indescribably embarrassed, but before he could run far, the elemental mage's big skill move, Thunderbolt, fell at the end of the day, and a thunderbolt as thick as a bucket The bundle wrapped him completely, and then blasted him until he was scorched outside and tender inside, when Zhao Yuzhe was trembling from the electric shock.

Chu Yunxiu pulled out the dagger, stepped across diagonally, stabbed in an instant, and directly emptied Zhao Yuzhe of the remaining blood.


Back on stage, Chu Yunxiu smiled: "It seems that you are not the best elemental mage yet, keep working hard."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, leaving behind Zhao Yuzhe, who was already extremely depressed, in a mess in the wind.

It's too embarrassing. In just 48 seconds, he was killed by Chu Yunxiu in close quarters. When he was struggling, he knocked randomly with his staff, knocking out 4% of Fengcheng Misty Rain's HP.

Zhao Yuzhe still shouted tenaciously: "Senior, I want to experience the confrontation of elemental mages."

Chu Yunxiu walked halfway, and suddenly stopped. The host quickly activated the charge skill, stretched out his hand from a long distance, and pointed the microphone straight at Chu Yunxiu.

Chu Yunxiu didn't answer the microphone either, but just said into the microphone: "Don't thunder and earth fire count? It's still thunder and lightning. You want me to use more mage skills, so you should hide more and stand up." No, blame me for not having many mage skills, how funny."

With a microphone in his hand, Zhao Yuzhe continued to challenge: "It may not be like this next time."

Chu Yunxiu said: "Then I will kill you next time."

After talking this time, ignore it.

She was in a hurry to finish typing, she wanted to go back and watch TV dramas, so she had no time to grind her teeth with Zhao Yuzhe.

Seeing that Chu Yunxiu ignored him, Zhao Yuzhe turned around and left. The host immediately chased after him and pulled out the microphone in his hand.

Zhao Yuzhe forgot to return the microphone a long time ago. Feeling that something was taken from his hand, he turned around and looked back angrily. When he saw the host crossing the two microphones in front of him and putting on a defensive posture, he realized that the host had just taken the microphone from his hand. Microphone, so he stopped talking too much, and quickly stepped off the stage, instead of returning to the seat of Winding, he went out directly.

Wei Chen said with a smile from below: "This kid wanted to step on Yunxiu, but he was beaten and cried."

Ye Xiu stabbed at him directly: "It's understandable for young people to challenge seniors, but old people must be tolerant. If they can't lose, they will disappear."

Wei Chen immediately said, "Get rolling."

Both Ye's father and Ye's mother have worked hard for many years. Of course, there is a lot of blood under the lively surface.

Mother Ye asked Zhong Yeli: "Ye Li, why didn't anyone challenge Xiu'er? Didn't they say he's amazing?"

Zhong Yeli smiled and said: "God Ye retired last year, and now he is playing in the Challenger League. Rookies challenge him."

It's the first time that Chu Yunxiu, the number one elemental mage, suddenly drew out his ninja knife to slash people. It was the first time he had seen Zhao Yuzhe so powerless to fight back. It must be surprising. .

The three games made the audience's mouths goosebumps, and the challengers and veterans behind them showed their real skills, but that's it, the applause of the audience was sparse.

After Chu Yunxiu stepped down from the stage, she immediately picked up her mobile phone to watch the TV series, and then she didn't look up again. The camera that swept over from time to time recorded the whole process, and all the audience knew that she was interrupted while watching the TV series.

After watching the finale, I feel lost.

She looked disappointed, not because of the competition, but because of the end of the wonderful TV series. For her, it would be best to make [-] episodes of the bloody farce.

As for breaking the time switch, shouldn't that be the right thing for a professional veteran like her?

It doesn't exist, all these emotions of hers were given to the TV series, on the field, it's over after defeating the opponent, whoever you are?

Fengcheng Misty Rain's skill points are [-] points higher than his opponent's. Silver Weapon's attack power is super high, and it can transform. With Ninja Sword and Dagger in close combat, can they still lose?As for the Yinwu, which he said last time, why it appeared again, there is no need to explain it.

Seeing the bursting barrage scrolling on the screen, the audience is supporting Chu Yunxiu and paying attention to the merchants of Glory, and there are also a few companies that are happy and happy. Those companies whose contracts expired but did not renew because of the Misty Rain Club. I regretted it all.

The climax of the evening finally came when the last challenge game was over.

The big screen began to play videos, which were game highlights from the first season. After reviewing these videos, many old fans sent barrages one after another.

"The Battle of One Autumn Leaf Library."

"God of Fighting Breaks Blossoms and Blood Scene..."

"God of Fighting King of Fighters Fighting for the Front."


The video highlights were played for half an hour, all of Ye Qiu's classic battles.

The video ended on One Autumn Leaf's face, and the host smiled and said, "In the past eight years, the game provided by One Autumn Leaf, few people knew Ye Qiu's true face, and now we have finally invited Ye Qiu to the scene. "

A beam of light suddenly fell on Ye Qiu and Ye Xiu, and the big screen followed. The host said to the audience, "There are two people who are exactly the same, which one is Ye Qiu?"

The beam of light suddenly narrowed and fixed on Ye Xiu. The host called out, "He is the master of One Autumn Leaf. We invited Ye Qiu to the stage."

The staff had been waiting by the side for a long time, and when they heard the host's words, they passed the microphone to Ye Xiu and invited Ye Xiu to come on stage.

Ye Xiu didn't know what happened beforehand, but he didn't feel shy, took the microphone and walked up to the stage.

Now his large advertisement is hung in the mall outside, and anyone who wants to know him knows what he looks like.

Ye Xiu said as he walked, "Wei Cao asked me to come on stage, is it the magician who wants to challenge me?"

Both parents were present, Ye Xiu restrained himself quite a bit and was very generous, he didn't call Wang Jiexi directly by his nickname Wang Big Eye.

(End of this chapter)

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