Chapter 214 World Cup

The host asked Ye Xiu, "God Ye, do you know why you were invited to the stage?"

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "Give me a farewell to retirement? No need, I'm just retiring temporarily, and I'll be back next season."

Ye Xiu spoke so directly that the host didn't know how to answer the conversation, so he could only smile and say, "I invite Chairman Feng of the Alliance."

Chairman Feng had been waiting to go on stage for a long time. When he heard the host calling him, he walked up while applauding. Let's play a game."

Ye Xiu said, "He doesn't know how to play Glory."

Chairman Feng patted him behind him before letting him go, walked to the middle of the stage, took out a certificate of honor from the inner pocket of his suit, took the microphone handed over by the host, coughed and said: "With the approval of the Alliance Committee, the Retired player Ye Xiu Glory League Lifetime Achievement Award."

'boom. '

'Oh. '


The surprised voice of the audience actually shook the eardrums of the audience.

Even Ye Xiu couldn't believe his ears. He opened his eyes wide and asked uncertainly, "Lifetime Achievement Award? For me?"

Chairman Feng put the microphone next to his mouth and said loudly: "The league launched honorary title awards, player Ye Xiu was selected into the Hall of Fame, and was awarded the title of God of Glory."

Tang Yue turned to Ye Wentian and said, "Third Uncle, Brother Xiu is the first player to be inducted into the Hall of Fame, and his title is the supreme god of the league, the God of Glory."

Of course Ye Wentian was very happy in his heart. Although he had paid attention to his son, he didn't understand his son's position in Glory. Tonight opened his eyes.

Zhong Yeli took the mobile phone to broadcast the barrage on it, and handed it to Mother Ye to see, all the players were cheering.

"God Ye, the God of Glory."

"The league finally opened the Hall of Fame."

"If I, God Ye, don't enter the Hall of Fame, no one will dare to enter."

"When will my Juggernaut enter the Hall of Fame?"

"My King of Fighters hasn't entered the Hall of Fame yet."

"The Juggernaut has two championship rings, but the King of Fighters only has one."

"The one who takes the two rings first is the magician."

"I, God Ye, have three championship rings. If I don't have three rings, how dare I get in?"


Miss Manners came to the stage at this time, and took out a trophy, which was the logo of glory formed by the knife array, and the base was engraved with the word 'God of Glory'.

The first day of the All-Star Weekend ended, and when Heming Xingxin went out, Chu Yunxiu and Su Mucheng had already walked with them.

When they got to the exit, Wang Jiexi was waiting with Wei Cao and the others. When they saw Ye Xiu, they surrounded him. Baozi reacted quickly, but didn't understand the situation. He immediately rushed to the front, blocking the crowd of Heming Xingxin Front.

"Baozi, we are all friends, don't be rude."

"Oh, friend." Baozi agreed, and then asked Wang Jiexi, who was in the lead, "Where did you come from, brother?"

Wang Jiexi had been in contact with them in the tenth district for a while, and even made several appointments to fight. He knew that Heming Xingxin's Baozi Invasion was an off-line guy, so he didn't take it seriously, and said to Baozi solemnly: "We are the Weicao team. of."

Only then did Baozi suddenly realize: "Oh, that's an insider, we're going to have dinner, do you want to go together?"

Wang Jiexi smiled and said to Heming Xingxin's people: "Everyone come to City B, we are the host, please let me be the host tonight, please do honor me."

Father Ye and Mother Ye walked away from the side, nodded to Wang Jiexi and said, "Let's play with the kids, we're going home."

Wang Jiexi immediately said to Father Ye: "Why don't uncles and aunts come together, and let me, as a junior, toast the two elders."

Father Ye smiled and said, "You're welcome, it's better for you to go and play, and we won't bother you."

Ye Qiu also nodded to Wei Cao and the others, and helped Ye Mu to the parking lot.

Lou Guanning just showed up and said to Wang Jiexi, "Master Jiexi, our dinner has been booked, let's come together."

Wang Jiexi smiled and said, "Then let's go together, I'll come tomorrow."

Originally, they were planning to go back to Heavenly Swords and eat the cafeteria buffet. The dinner was booked and so on, but it was just an excuse. Of course, Lou Guanning said it was booked, so it would definitely be booked. When they drove to a private restaurant, the cold dishes in the box had already been prepared. Set it up, it is indeed booked, including Wei Cao and everyone, there are six tables in total, and the seats are just right.

Of course there is wine on the table, white wine, red wine and beer are complete, you can drink it or not, anyway, there are several fruit and vegetable drinks.

The members of the three teams mixed and matched and sat down. Wang Jiexi, Ye Shen, Wei Chen, Tang Yue, Zhang Jiale, Sun Zheping, Fang Shiqian, Lin Jie, and Lou Guanning sat at a table. There was originally a seat for Chen Guo, but she moved the stool Go to the next table and sit with Zhong Yeli, Liu Fei, Yan Cunxin and others.

Wang Jiexi was the first to find out the topic. He asked Tang Yue about the league in country Y, and then talked about personnel strength, equipment, silver weapons, and tactical coordination. Wang Jiexi was obviously prepared. He should have watched a lot of foreign league videos. There is no need for Tang Yue to sing a one-man show.

Regarding the matter of the league, everyone tacitly did not mention it, and finally talked about the European Cup.

It is no secret that the Y server has already started to promote.

Glory didn't start servers all over the world at the same time, but after so many years of accumulation, the servers of all countries have finally been unified to level 75, and they have the foundation for the World League.

Tang Yue finally said: "The European Cup has been finalized. It is said that in order to compete for the right to host the first World Cup, servers from various countries are wrangling and wrangling. After all, there will be results. For Glory, after so many years of planning, now If you haven’t reaped the fruits of victory, you are really not a qualified businessman.”

Wang Jiexi immediately said: "The World Cup? That's right. The clubs of various countries have been standardized. Most of the initial god-level accounts are now controlled by their successors. If the delay continues, the new generation of stars with the most player base will also retire. Glory does not know how much it will lose." Benefit."

Tang Yue smiled slightly and said: "It is because of the broad prospects and far-reaching benefits that countries compete for the right to host the first World Cup. Unlike traditional sports, glory competitions do not require years of accumulation. Talent is more important. If there is no more The vast stage will not be able to attract talented players to the glory stage. Therefore, this first session is a landmark initiative, and it should be played in the form of the national team. It has already involved the level of winning glory for the country, so they can't help but fight for it. "

Wei Chen nodded in agreement, and said to Ye Shen, "A genius like Moon God sees farther than us. We play games, have you ever thought about winning glory for the country?"

Ye Xiu said, "That's because you haven't considered it."

Wei Chen immediately said, "It seems that you have thought about it."

Ye Xiu nodded: "Brother has researched so many classic tactics, created a dynasty of three consecutive championships, and attracted countless fans to play Glory, isn't it laying a solid foundation for the future national team? Couldn't they win glory for the country without my silent dedication Inside? Otherwise, Old Feng will give me a trophy?"

When it came to the championship, Wei Chen shut up straight away. They, Lan Yu, were defeated by this guy, and they didn't even have a chance for the second place.

(End of this chapter)

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