Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 215 Which players do you like?

Chapter 215 Which players do you like?

Zhang Jiale said from the side: "Don't say that they are winning glory for the country. As the only god-conferring person, you must participate in the first World Cup."

Sun Zheping echoed from the sidelines: "That's right, if you don't get the god-conferring, how can young people have the motivation to strive for the god-conferring."

Tang Yue applauded first, and a group of young people who were listening attentively also applauded.

Tang Yue picked up the drink, stood up and said to everyone: "Let's replace the wine with a drink, and pay respects to the six pioneering gods present. We can have such a good game environment because of their silent dedication over the years. No players If there is no foundation, there will be no vigorous development of professional teams, and there will be no investors to pay us to play games."

Ye Xiu is the first-generation Captain of Excellent Era, Wei Chen is the first-generation captain of Lan Yu, Sun Zheping and Zhang Jiale are the first-generation captains and vice-captains of Hundred Blossoms, Lin Jie and Fang Shiqian are the first-generation captains and vice-captains of Weicao, they are A real god of land reclamation.

Although Wang Jiexi made his debut early, he is not a pioneer.

Wei Cao and the young players didn't know Wei Chen. After listening to Qiao Yifan, who was sitting with them, he learned that Wei Chen was the first president of the Lanxi Pavilion Guild, and the first captain of Blue Rain. His account number was Suokesar. The previous account, Blue Rain was actually created by him alone. The current boss just invested money when forming the alliance team.

During the dinner, Liu Xiaobie took the initiative to find Tang Yue with a beer mug, and apologized again for his sword strike.

Of course Tang Yue knew it well, and she felt apologetic in her heart. After having a drink together, she whispered in his ear: "When you go to Excellent Era to compete, you can come find me."

Tang Yue didn't say what he was going to do, but Liu Xiaobie was very excited. After drinking it in one gulp, he filled up the beer again and drank three glasses in succession.

After drinking, she pointed at the bottom of the glass to Tang Yue and said, "The words of thanks are all in the wine."

He is from the Northeast, and he is used to drinking beer like water.

Tang Yue had no choice but to raise her glass: "I don't drink, I'll accompany you with a drink."

Wang Jiexi stepped in to have a party with Happy. It was said that he was meeting old friends like God Ye, Sun Zheping and Zhang Jiale, but in fact, he wanted to resolve the misunderstanding between Tang Yue and them and take the opportunity to draw closer.

Wang Jiexi could see right then that Tang Yue's encounter with Liu Xiaobie was an opportunity to promote the Heming Xingxin team. As long as the relationship was properly handled, Tang Yue would not treat Liu Xiaobie badly, so he comforted Liu Xiaobie.

If you lose your horse, you know it's not a blessing, and it's not for nothing.

After a meal that everyone enjoyed, Wang Jiexi slipped out to pay the bill, but was told that he had already paid for the meal when he ordered it.

Because there were too few people drinking, the banquet ended quickly, and everyone was still unsatisfied, so they changed to the tea room and continued to drink tea and chat.

Tang Yue gestured with her eyes, and then said to Wang Jiexi, "Master Jiexi, sit in the private room? I want to ask your opinion on the TV drama."

Seeing that the others were not moving, Wang Jiexi followed Tang Yue into the private room alone.

After the waiter delivered a pot of tea, Tang Yue asked straight to the point: "Master Jiexi, if you form a national team, which players do you like?"

Wang Jiexi smiled and asked, "Don't be so polite, just call me Old Wang. Does Young Master Tang have any inside information?"

Tang Yue said: "Wei Cao didn't know about Brother Xiu's award today, right?"

Wang Jiexi's heart skipped a beat.

Wei Cao really didn't know beforehand, but today not only Ye Xiu showed up, but Ye Xiu's parents and brothers also showed up, obviously they got the news beforehand, but Ye Xiu's surprise didn't seem to be feigned.

Wang Jiexi asked, "It seems like God Ye didn't know beforehand."

Tang Yue said with a smile: "Except for the executives of the alliance, I guess I was the only one who knew in advance, but I kept my mouth shut."

Wang Jiexi looked at Tang Yue and asked, "Is it related to the national team?"

Tang Yue nodded: "I visited the top management of the league and applied for the qualification to hold the All-Star Weekend, but it turned out that it was only the next year's turn."

Wang Jiexi asked, "Which one will it be next year?"

Tang Yue shook her head: "It's been decided. It hasn't been announced, so I can only keep it secret. But after discussing the business, I communicated with the league's top management about my guess. The European Cup has been announced, and the World Cup will not be far away. Then, the league executives authorized me to privately prepare for the national team."

Wang Jiexi: "Oh, what identity?"

Tang Yue: "The liaison officer of the preparatory team, there are only four people in the preparatory team, three are high-level members of the alliance, one team leader, two deputy team leaders, and I am the only clerk, so the private contact matter is implemented on me, It has to be kept secret."

Wang Jiexi asked, "Why keep it secret?"

Tang Yue laughed: "There are too many intertwined interests here. The alliance hopes to select the strongest team without considering the interests of each team."

Wang Jiexi asked again: "Heming Xingxin wants to make the most profit?"

Tang Yue said: "If you are pursuing the strongest team, you must consider it from a tactical point of view. Even if it is a little convenient, we deserve it, because I can enhance the role strength of the national team players, so this job, only I can do."

Wang Jiexi's big eyes didn't move, but his small eyes narrowed for a moment: "You provide the Silver Weapon?"

Tang Yue said: "How is Yinwu possible? I can improve the skill points of the national team players, about 200 points."

At level 70, the skill points of ordinary players are generally lower than 4300, the skill points of professional player characters are generally between 4700-4800, and the characters with more than 4800 are god-level characters.Most of the guilds competed for event rewards, and finally the team characters received the rewards and obtained skill books.

For Tang Yue to be able to give away additional skill points, there must be a special strategy.For this point, there have been many speculations among the players, but no definite answer has been obtained.

Wang Jiexi said with a smile: "Giving the national team players another 200 skill points is equivalent to consolidating their god-level status. You gave everyone a big gift first. A little convenience is really deserved."

Tang Yue said: "Even if the World Cup is two years away, you must be a member of the national team, so I ask for your opinion?"

Wang Jiexi asked, "Two years from now, God Ye will definitely participate, right?"

Tang Yue smiled and said: "Of course, I have found so many assistants for him, just to let him rest more and persist until he is 30 years old before retiring."

Wang Jiexi said: "Tang Yue, Zhou Zekai, Zhang Jiale, Huang Shaotian, Yu Wenzhou, Yu Feng, Zhang Xinjie, Xiao Shiqin, Chu Yunxiu, Su Mucheng, Sun Xiang, Tang Hao, Liu Xiaobie, Xu Bin, Tian Sen, Li Xuan, Li Hua, let me think again."

Tang Yue smiled and said, "Don't think about it, each team in the European Cup is only given 15 people."

"Bah." Wang Jiexi took a breath, and then asked, "How many times did I just say?"

Tang Yue said: "With Ye Shen and you, there are already 19."

Wang Jiexi smiled and said, "No wonder you want to contact them in private. The Alliance doesn't want to offend people. Aren't you afraid of offending people?"

Tang Yue said: "I don't want to make a TV series. My idea is to invite contestants to guest star in TV dramas. These guest stars form two teams. Team A will be the main force with 10 people, and team B will have 10 people as substitutes. Team A will play a game every month." In the domestic friendly match, there is not enough personnel to be transferred from the B team. After the TV series is finished, as long as the friendly match is maintained, there are two years to run in, and it should not be caught blind by then."

Wang Jiexi asked: "The idea is very good, did the alliance agree?"

Tang Yue said: "Of course, I came up with a package of plans. Those who participate in my TV drama's guest appearances will get investment shares, guest appearance commissions and friendship live broadcast share. Pick."

(End of this chapter)

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