Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 217 Xia Xue enters the grass

Chapter 217 Xia Xue enters the grass

Yan Cunxin hurried over with the tablet, and said with a smile, "The Hall of Fame page has been opened on the official website of Glory, a special page. Xiaoan and Luo Ji are revising the official website of Heming Xingxin. We also have a special page for God Ye."

Tang Yue took the tablet and entered the Hall of Fame of Glory. After clicking on it, there was a memorial archway with the word 'God of Glory' on the plaque. Below it was a photo of One Autumn Leaf's character. The character's equipment used last year's equipment, and the one on the face was Ye Xiu. makeup photos.

Ye Xiu stretched out his head to take a look and said, "The face is a makeup photo that the Alliance downloaded directly from Heming Xingxin's official website. Do we need a fee for the use of the portrait?"

Tang Yue said: "Haha, why is your god the God of Glory instead of the God of Fighting? It's because the alliance is going to ask you to speak for Glory. Since Chairman Feng has read it out on stage, the contract approval should be completed, and they won't Then pay for the use of the portrait."

Ye Xiu asked, "How much is the contract?"

Tang Yue took out her phone, found the original contract, handed it to Ye Xiu and said, "Hehehe, I'll sell you for 6000 million in three years. After the All-Star Weekend, don't leave right away, take Sister Chen and Liyue with you. A trip to the League Building, sign to get the money. The rules of our Heming Xingxin club are half, your personal part, Liyue will help you pay taxes, and after you get it, buy a house in City B, and let Ye Qiu watch the decoration Come on, save me going to live in your house again, and having three people squeeze into one bedroom."

Ye Xiu raised his hand and surrendered: "Okay, okay, I have arranged for you before I got my money, so I will also entrust you to buy the house, so let's use it for Ye Qiu's wedding."

Tang Yue put her arms around Ye Xiu's shoulders and said with a smile, "This is a good brother. Ye Qiu is teaching in a military academy. He doesn't have a lot of money. After all, he must have his own house when he gets married."

Ye Xiu asked Tang Yue, "Does this trash have a girlfriend?"

Tang Yue nodded: "It seems so. If you don't help him fix the house, he will live in the house prepared by his wife's house."

Ye Xiu looked at Tang Yue: "Why are you so clear?"

Tang Yue said: "Last time when I went to your old house, your business cousins ​​said that Ye Qiu embraced the beauty, and that the beauty even prepared the house. Anyway, I didn't feel comfortable hearing that."

Ye Xiu asked, "What do girls do?"

Tang Yue said: "The military academy is engaged in scientific research, doctoral students."

Ye Xiu nodded: "Very good."

Tang Yue said to Yan Cunxin: "Did you hear that? When the money arrives, you and Liyue will go and help Ye Qiu buy it. It's near QH Park. According to the price of 3000 million, you can buy it in full. It's not enough to ask me for it."

Yan Cunxin nodded immediately: "Leave it to us."

That night, when Wang Jiexi returned to the club, he swiped his card to log in, and when he saw that there were 235 more points, he was so excited that he danced his fists.

Then I opened the log and saw that Tang Yue had done 35 tasks for him, and 9 of them got the skill book, so I went to the guild office next door, asked for two account cards, completed 35 of the 32 tasks, and ended up with a skill book. None of the books were received.

Wang Jiexi sighed: "Special strategy, Tang Yue must have a special strategy."

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Jiexi wrote down the 9 tasks that got the skill book, sent them to the guild together with the account card, and said to Tiannanxing: "These [-] tasks will produce a skill book, you find some people to complete the tasks in a fancy way, find someone Find the rules."

Tian Nanxing: "Skill book? Are you sure?"

Wang Jiexi swiped his card to log in with Wang Buliuxing, and opened the log.

"I got my account number. Tang Yue helped me get it. I don't know how I got it."

Tian Nanxing nodded: "Understood, I will mobilize my subordinates to study it."

This is the Grand Guild, with enough account cards and manpower, since they can produce skill books, they are of course willing to spend time researching them.

The next morning, Wang Jiexi called Xia Xue.

A girl asked weakly: "Hi, who are you looking for?"

Wang Jiexi said, "Xia Xue? I'm Wang Jiexi from Team Weicao."

The female voice said in surprise: "Wang Buliuxing? Hello Master Jiexi, what can I do for you?"

Wang Jiexi straightforwardly explained the purpose of his visit: "I heard that you are studying in QH, so you can't go to Heming Xingxin to train. Yan Cunxin entrusted us to train at the Weicao training camp."

Xia Xue asked: "Wei Pei's nature, isn't it?"

Wang Jiexi said, "You can say that."

Xia Xue asked again: "Can I join the Weicao team in the future?"

Wang Jiexi immediately emphasized his tone and said, "Of course. Are you free to come to Weicao for trial training today?"

Changing another family requires a new trial training. Xia Xue thought about it, so she repeated the confirmation: "You need a trial training to enter Weicao, right?"

Wang Jiexi said, "Yes."

Xia Xue said, "Is it okay in the afternoon?"

Wang Jiexi didn't know why Xia Xue didn't want to go to Heming Xingxin, but since Yan Cunxin entrusted them to train on his behalf when chatting last night, of course he wanted to see Xia Xue's strength, and set a time directly: "One o'clock in the afternoon, when it's time to hit me Telephone."

Xia Xue: "Okay."

In the afternoon, after watching Xia Xue's trial training, Wang Jiexi walked out of the house and called Tang Yue.

Tang Yue: "Tang Yue, who are you?"

Wang Jiexi: "Old Wang Weicao."

Tang Yue: "Hello Wang Dui, what's the matter?"

Wang Jiexi said: "Xia Xue, whom Director Yan entrusted us to train on his behalf, has just finished the trial training. I want to ask, is there any other secret?"

Tang Yue said: "Oh, Yan Cunxin commissioned you to train Xia Xue on her behalf? Xia Xue is a good seed, I discovered it from the challenge competition, and after training with us for a week at night, I found out that someone in our team had exploded her captain's orange weapon, I felt that we were not good people, so I left."

Wang Jiexi asked, "Has the training contract been signed?"

Tang Yue: "I signed it, that's not a problem, you call me, is there something wrong?"

Wang Jiexi said: "From what she said, she doesn't want us to train on her behalf, but wants to join our Weicao training camp."

Tang Yue smiled and said, "It's okay, if you Wei Cao accept her, I can promise that our contract will be voided, and she has great potential."

Wang Jiexi smiled and replied: "Newcomer Xiaobai has good talent. If she wants to become a talent, she needs at least two years of training, but she doesn't want to practice full-time. She needs to train remotely at night. This is very difficult for us to do."

Tang Yue said: "Your club has a competitive mirror area, and the training is in the mirror area. You must log in on the spot. We haven't entered the league yet, and we are all training in the glory instance, so we can train remotely online, but she doesn't want to join us. , so how to train, you have discussed it yourself."

Wang Jiexi said, "I understand. Let me tell you about the situation. It's not that we want to poach someone."

Tang Yue said: "It doesn't matter if you poach the wall, we are also very good at it."

Wang Jiexi said, "Okay, let's talk when we have time."

Tang Yue: "Okay, let's talk again."

Tang Yue felt it was a pity.

This Xia Xue's talent is really good, and she is a player with a brain. She has trained assassins with her for two years and has the strength to enter the national team.When she entered the Weicao training camp, she might have trained her basic skills more solidly, but the upper limit of her achievements would have been lowered a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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