Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 218 Misty Rain Sister Flower

Chapter 218 Misty Rain Sister Flower

Yan Cunxin called just as soon as he hung up Wang Jiexi's phone.

Tang Yue asked, "Is it about Xia Xue? Wang Jiexi called me just now, saying that Xia Xue wants to join Wei Cao."

Yan Cunxin said: "Yes, Wang Jiexi also called me. I wanted to ask Wei Cao to help us train last night. Wang Jiexi moved very quickly. The trial training is over today. Xia Xue, a little girl, we treat her better than Wei Cao. It's a lot stronger, she would rather go to Weicao, I think it's a pity."

Tang Yue said: "Not playing games will not prevent Xia Xue from becoming an elite talent. There is no pity. I will board the plane right away. Let's talk about it when I get to City H."

After Wang Jiexi made the phone call, he returned to the training room. From now on, Xia Xue's matter would be the matter of the training camp and had little to do with him.

When he went to the stadium at night, Wang Jiexi saw that Xia Xue was not among the training camp members, so he asked the training camp director: "Why doesn't Xia Xue come to the All-Star Weekend? Didn't she stay?"

The director of the training camp said: "She has a good talent, but she needs to start from the most basic training. I gave her a novice contract in the training camp. After she read the contract, she had a strange expression on her face, and said she would think about it before signing."

Wang Jiexi nodded thoughtfully, "I'll ask myself, after all, Heming Xingxin entrusted me with this matter."

Wang Jiexi took a look at the venue. Before the people from Heming Xingxin arrived, he walked to the aisle, called Tang Yue, but no one answered, and called Yan Cunxin again.

Yan Cunxin: "Master Jiexi, we are in the car and we will be at the venue soon, what's the matter?"

Wang Jiexi said, "Oh, let's wait until you arrive for the interview."

When Yan Cunxin arrived at the venue, he went to look for Wang Jiexi, and the two walked to the side of the aisle, and Wang Jiexi said to Yan Cunxin, "What kind of character is Xia Xue?"

Yan Cunxin said: "I haven't met, but she has a personality and is very fast. Drunk God recruited her into the Heming Xingxin training camp. She only trained for a week. Her senior recognized Jun Moren as Deceitful. , she went to Drunk God, hoping that the team would fire Deception, and Drunk God told her that it was Drunk God himself who blasted her senior, Cheng Wu, and then Xia Xue said that she didn't want to train with us anymore, and deleted our team Everyone's WeChat."

Wang Jiexi suddenly laughed, "Hehehe, what an innocent child."

Yan Cunxin said: "Yes, in order to redeem, I gave my silver weapon to her senior, but it was useless. Drunk God thought she was talented and suitable for training as an assassin, and wanted to accept her as an apprentice, but she ran away , that’s why I entrust you to Dai Pei.”

Wang Jiexi asked: "Did the contract between you and her specify the training mode? Also, how much is the training subsidy?"

Yan Cunxin said, "Why do you ask that?"

Wang Jiexi said: "At first Xia Xue agreed to join Wei Cao, but after reading the training contract, she said to think about it, and then left."

Yan Cunxin said: "The contract we gave her is very sincere, [-] per month, and the special training is also very high-end, for six days, we will play dungeons with us for four hours every night, and for three days we will follow Ye Shen, Zui Shen, Director Jia Le and Director Wei each took her for a day, which can be regarded as personal guidance, and I believe that other team rookies will not have this kind of treatment."

Wang Jiexi nodded: "You guys have too many great masters of Heming Xingxin, the conditions are unique, and the newcomers grow up very quickly. It's a pity that Xia Xue, a newcomer who doesn't know anything, left in anger."

Yan Cunxin said: "That's right, I hoped to keep her because I saw Drunk God personally recruiting her and cherishing her talent."

Wang Jiexi said: "Maybe you still have a chance. Our contract requires that we have to train on site for six hours a day, and the monthly subsidy is 8000 yuan. After she saw the training camp contract we gave her, she must be very dissatisfied, so she said she would like to go to the training camp." I think. To be honest, apart from you Heming Xingxin, our conditions should be the best in the league. However, with your contract in front, she must be very disappointed. I can only say that young people are proud and arrogant. Unreliable."

Yan Cunxin smiled wryly and said: "Because you said to keep her, I have already reported it to Drunken God, so I will not contact her again for the time being. If she comes back on her own initiative, let's accept her again."

Wang Jiexi said, "That's how it is. The host is on stage, and the interactive game will begin immediately."

In the interactive game tonight, the first item was diving. When the players were drawn, one of a pair of sisters was actually drawn, and they ended up on stage together.

The host asked: "The two of you look so much alike, I can't figure it out anymore, who did you draw just now?"

One of the sisters said, "We don't remember either."

The host said: "But we only have eight platforms. Besides you, there are three players and four professional players. Who are you going to choose to complete?"

Another of the sisters said: "The two of us can share a diving platform and compete with them in tandem diving."

The host said to the others: "I agree, do you agree?"

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

The host smiled and said, "Then introduce yourself."

One of the sisters said, "My name is Shu Kexin."

Another said: 'My name is Shu Keyi. '

The host smiled and said: "Okay, I remember the name, but if you turn around, I can't tell the difference again. They look so much alike. Ye Shen and his brother watched the game together yesterday, because the clothes are different. It's easy to tell them apart, you have the same clothes and the same hairstyle, it's really indistinguishable."

The camera quickly panned to Heming Xingxin's position, but Ye Xiu was the only one. His brother didn't come to watch today. Yunxiu and Su Mucheng, these two people didn't sit in their team's seats, they actually went to Heming Xingxin's VIP seat.

On the stage, Shu Kexin held up the microphone and said: "Our actions will be the same, please support us from the audience, thank you."

The host said: "If the two of you move in unison, the audience will definitely give you high marks."

After the others had finished introducing themselves, the nine of them entered the competition room.

The scene is refreshed. In the holographic beam of light, eight platforms form a circle in mid-air. The eight groups of players will jump down one by one. The same as the diving rules, the players should not only do jumping and rolling, but also ensure that they are vertical as water, and the splashes when entering the water must be Small.

Chen Guo, who was in the audience, said to Su Mucheng who was next to her, "If Xiaoyue is allowed to participate in this project, everyone will definitely be killed instantly."

Su Mucheng nodded: "His physical skills are overkill for these games."

Chu Yunxiu also nodded and said: "In terms of the manipulation of the character's body movements, Drunk God must be No. 1 in the league."

The character was refreshed, and there was a burst of laughter in the venue immediately.

The sister flower accounts called Who Don't Lower Your Head and Don't Dare to Fight Back. They are both men in windbreakers and top hats, and their appearance is very similar to that of the gun king.

Chen Guo smiled and said, "The account characters of this pair of sisters are actually men, and they are fans of Zhou Zekai."

Chu Yunxiu said, "This is the account card they bought."

Chen Guo asked, "Why don't you buy a female number?"

Chu Yunxiu smiled and said, "The skill points of these two sharpshooter accounts are both very high. At level 75, they both have more than [-] points."

Su Mucheng nodded and said, "No wonder, those with more than 75 points at level [-] in the alliance are considered god-level accounts."

Chen Guo suddenly realized and asked Chu Yunxiu, "Do you know them?"

Chu Yunxiu smiled and said, "We just signed Yanyu, and we officially debuted during the winter break."

(End of this chapter)

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