Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 230 Who is the heroine

Chapter 230 Who is the heroine
After One Gun Piercer came over, he made a circle around the outside, saw three pairs of socks in front of Zuiwo, and walked into the circle, dropped a pair of socks, and then the two started to retreat.

Both of them are long-distance, because the blizzard affects the field of vision, and in order to let the onlookers appreciate, the two retreated two positions and stood still.

With six personalities, Zuiwo sent out a text bubble on the battlefield: "[-]-second countdown, start."

Players around play text bubbles together.





When the word bubble rose, Tang Yue moved first, and the drunk lying on the battlefield threw himself to the side, and then rolled over.

The one who fired first was Cloud Piercer, and the first hand was rapid fire. The bullets followed like a shadow, pumping towards Zuiwo's body like a horse training, and then shattered Zuiwo's battlefield.

"Shadow Clone!"


Zhou Zekai had crossed his guns, spun his body, and fired indiscriminately. Many players watching the excitement around him were shot.

After Zhou Zekai spun a circle, he leaned back, and the bullets he fired indiscriminately turned up and down.


A long spear pointed at the back of Zhou Zekai's head, giving him a heavy blow.

"Barrett sniper!"

Tang Yue's shadow avatar landed, not behind him, nor above his head, but lying horizontally at his feet.

When Zhou Zekai shot indiscriminately just now, he changed his body shape and considered the top of his head and his feet, but he still couldn't find his opponent.

Ambush is a sharpshooter's level 75 skill, and you won't show your body unless you shoot.

After a shot to the head, Cloud Piercer was stunned by a shot, the random shots were interrupted, and the body was thrown into the air from the back.

Drunk God has already taken the absolute upper hand.

Tang Yue unhurriedly cast a level 75 big move one time at a time.

Accurate shooting!

"Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!"

He fired five shots in a row, and the gun shot headshot.

Just when the player thought he would shoot the gun king to death like this, a grenade exploded above the gun king's head.


It's actually a bright light grenade. All the players who are looking at the screen are as bright as daylight, and then they are blinded for three seconds.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There were three loud bangs again, they could only hear the sound, but they didn't know the trick.

Anti-tank guns?then what?
After Cloud Piercer was blown into the air, looking at his HP, it was exactly 49%, and he had already lost the game.

Just after his body froze, he threw his socks off with a single shot from Cloud Piercer, and then flew away with his gun.

The blizzard environment originally blocked the vision. After being blasted by a flash grenade once, even if the vision recovered, it would still be from dark to bright.

There was no one in the circle anymore.

The onlookers just saw that the number of socks in the upper right corner had changed to 20/20 again.

Tang Yue typed a line on the dungeon public channel: "We will fight with half blood!"

Zhou Zekai was more kind, and added a line: "I lost, only 49 grams left."

Wei Chen's explanation of blood volume in terms of grams has been recognized by all players.

After the 120-second countdown, the fireworks were in full bloom, and the event announcement: "The player got the grand slam drunk on the battlefield."

At the end of the game, all the players in this game returned empty-handed, but they were not depressed, and rushed to send the photos and videos they took to the forum.

"King of Guns, Drunken God took a group photo."

"The King of Guns is no match for the Drunk God."

"The half-blood of the drunken god crushed the gun king."


"Xiaoyue, Xiaoyue, have you met Zhou Zekai?"

Seeing Chen Guo from the forum, she hurried in, asking questions as she ran.

"Well, I met it. I was singled out and I won."

Tang Yue seemed indifferent, and nodded lightly in agreement.

Boss Chen was just looking for an excuse to come over to see Jiale in her house. After shouting, he turned on Jiale's computer and opened the video on the forum.

"Are you paying wages?"

Hearing Chen Guo's yell, Fang Shiqian, who came to look at Tang Yue's computer, asked in surprise.

"Yeah, they helped me find someone during the game. This one from Xingxin guild promised to give him a purple outfit. Before the game ended, I gave two thousand gold coins to each of the other three."

Glory gold coins, according to the black market price, 10 gold coins/yuan, equivalent to 200 yuan per person.

"It's not easy for you to win the Grand Slam."

"Yeah, it's almost 1000 yuan. Compared to the reward, it's not a loss."

After finishing speaking, another game started. It is really not easy to win the grand slam in this game, especially the last few pairs of socks. Repeatedly throwing socks to delay time is particularly annoying, and it is easy to be ambushed by players in the same game.

Tang Yue is fine, she doesn't pursue grand slams, if she grabs more than 15 pairs, she will stop and spend three days in peace.

At the end of the event, Tang Yue looked at the list of the individual competition, and sent Huang Shaotian a message: "The individual list is 96, only 6 less than me, hahahahaha."

"Rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling..."

Tang Yue gave up a game to Huang Shaotian, but he still ranked 9th in the personal list in the end. In order to pursue the limit, Huang Shaotian was ambushed countless times. In one case, his head was shaved, and the video of being killed was even posted on the Internet.

Tang Yue explained the facts to him: "This game is still suitable for professional scavengers to grab. If you don't accept it, you can't, right?"

Mo Fan's Jun Moren finally won the first place in the personal list. As for Deception, because it was hated by others, it also won the 23rd place.

Of course the Juggernaut was very hurt: "Fart, get out, if it wasn't for being ambushed by you Xingxin players, I would definitely be No. 1."

Tang Yue continued to make up the knife: "It's strange, you are only allowed to ambush others?"

Huang Shaotian decisively changed the subject: "When will you be free? I'll go find you."

Tang Yue: "As long as you don't go on business, basically, you are free every night."

Huang Shaotian replied in seconds: "Next Sunday night, you have to give me enough time, don't fool me."

Tang Yue replied unhurriedly: "Next Sunday night, I have an appointment with the gun king."

Huang Shaotian: "The expression is burning with anger, burning with anger, burning with anger..."

Tang Yue made another appointment for him: "Let's celebrate the New Year. After you play against Samsara away, come to City H with Samsara as guests. I invite you to visit the West Lake."

Huang Shaotian: "It's so cold, why not visit the West Lake, it's so cold, it's not as good as PKPK."

Tang Yue: "Your teammates who participated in the investment, come together to shoot the cameo content. It will take about a day. For a master like you, you have a lot of shots, and you need to change multiple sets of clothes. You have to wear summer clothes, spring and autumn clothes, and winter clothes. Bring it on."

Huang Shaotian replied unhurriedly to Tang Yue, and didn't want to talk nonsense: "Okay, all right."

Seeing that Huang Shaotian didn't want to chat, Tang Yue dragged him to continue chatting; "Do you want to add some off-site interaction for you, such as having a beautiful friend or something?"

Huang Shaotian was like a cat whose tail was stepped on: "Huh? Roll, roll, don't affect my image."

Tang Yue ignored his reserve at all, and offered another temptation: "Oh, you don't need it, then arrange it for Zhou Zekai, he is so handsome, and he is still very photogenic, let our beauties here interact with him, it will definitely attract the audience .”

Thinking of that beauty, Huang Shaotian asked, "Are you filming a game drama or a romance drama? Why do you have such content?"

Tang Yue said: "The director we hired is a big star in romance dramas. For dozens of episodes of TV dramas, the actors are all young people. There is no emotional conflict, and it doesn't fit the real world."

Huang Shaotian was indeed attracted: "Can you still add drama? Look at me, I'm pretty handsome, right?"

Tang Yue cut off his imagination in time: "Your appearance is almost interesting, Zhou Zekai is quite good, besides me, he is the most handsome. I am still young, so the director wanted to add some emotional scenes to him, and even wanted to speed up the content of the romance." , I rejected it in the end, and at most only allowed to shoot some kissing scenes."

Huang Shaotian asked eagerly, "Who is the heroine?"

Tang Yue said: "Su Mucheng, Chu Yunxiu, and Liyue, Yan Cunxin, Chen Guo, oh, and Wen Qingqing, are all top beauties. By the way, there is also a girl from Lanxi Pavilion. That thing belongs to the five great beauties."

(End of this chapter)

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