Chapter 231
Tang Yue is not talking nonsense, urban dramas for young people will definitely have emotional scenes, such as Ye Xiu and Su Mucheng, Zhang Jiale and Chen Guo, and Yan Cunxin, Li Yue, Wen Qingqing and other beauties will have feelings in the game play.

As for the kiss scene, of course there will be one. Tang Yue asked the screenwriter to force it on Ye Xiu and Su Mucheng. For Ye Xiu, it's impossible not to add some kind of fire to him.

As a brother, Tang Yue was already worried about this pair of lovers.

Because Tang Yue has a PY deal with the alliance, the alliance strongly requires Ye Xiu to be the leading role in the TV series. Now the TV series, whether it is the protagonist or the supporting role, is performed by himself. The TV series has also been extended to three seasons. In the first season, Heming Xingxin won the challenge. In the second season, the Heming Xingxin team won the league championship. The main storyline of the third season is that Ye Xiu led the national team to win the world championship.

The filming of the first season of this season is completed, and it will be broadcast in the summer, and the second season will follow the filming of the next season. It would be best if Heming Xingxin can win the championship as they wish, otherwise it will be filmed according to the actual results of the playoffs.The third season will wait until after the start of the World Cup to follow up and reflect the situation of the national team's expedition.

Zhou Zekai is currently the No.1 in glory, he is still a handsome guy, and is the second leading actor. Of course, there will be girls who like her. The director has arranged for Wen Qingqing to have some rival scenes with him. Zhou Zekai is dull, and Wen Qingqing is enthusiastic. The interaction between the two is mainly It's women chasing men.The funnier the interactive scene, the more the audience likes to watch it.

Huang Shao is the main supporting role, and the director also arranged an emotional scene for him. The female supporting role is Yan Cunxin, but Huang Shaotian pursues Yan Cunxin, or pursues Yan Cunxin hard, it depends on how he will lick it.

That's why Tang Yue teased Huang Shaotian.

Although this unlucky boy is talkative, he is very innocent. If you don't provoke him a bit, you can't capture his admiration for Yan Cunxin during the filming.

Because the actors are all professional players, they have not received formal training, and there is no time for reshoots at all. Only the love from the heart can be captured with the camera.

Tang Yue teased him, Huang Shaotian thought that Yan Cunxin would also arrange for Zhou Zekai, and immediately became furious.

"No, no, no, no, you can't arrange Yan Cunxin to like Zhou Zekai, he can't even say a word, so no one will watch the filming."

Tang Yue replied with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "He is handsome, girls like it, isn't it normal?"

Huang Shaotian replied in seconds: "Brother, Drunk God, you can't do this, who is not a great god, I'm also quite handsome, aren't I?"

Tang Yue saw that the heat was almost ready, so she gave him a showdown: "I don't care about that, the filming is open, similar to a reality show, and it mainly depends on the performance of the actors on the spot, if you take the initiative to join Yan Cunxin, tease and tease more , it is likely to be cut by the director. The purpose of filming the TV series is to promote the glory game, so that young people can see that there are so many beauties playing the game. If the game is played well, it will not only gain fame and fortune, but also gain the love of beauties, so as to attract more Young people practicing the game."

Huang Shaotian suddenly asked: "I heard that you don't participate in the filming of TV dramas?"

Tang Yue: "Your circle is too chaotic, I'm so handsome, I'm still young, I have to protect myself."

Huang Shaotian: "Speaking of people's words, why didn't you participate?"

Tang Yue: "I'm an investor. I'm going to be the boss in the future. Now I have to study and find time to help the team make silver weapons. I don't have time to make TV dramas."

Huang Shaotian: "Are you really going to be a special soldier?"

Tang Yue: "Must."

Huang Shaotian: "Okay, that's great. An old leaf is already annoying enough, and it will be even more annoying if you have more of you. Leave early, the sooner you leave, the better."

Tang Yue replied with a smile: "Hahahaha, the sword master has already been cast out of the shadow by me. Also, last time Liu Xiaobie and this time Zhou Zekai were defeated. I have not yet joined the alliance, but I stepped on you to take the lead. This feeling very nice."

Huang Shaotian: "I knew a long time ago that your heart is dark."

Tang Yue said: "You want to say your captain, you turn your head and look, he is standing behind you."

Huang Shaotian turned his head and looked at Yu Wenzhou with a wry smile.

Yu Wenzhou laughed angrily at him: "What do you see me doing? Ask him who Liyue is going to arrange to have a rivalry with?"

After Huang Shaotian snorted for a while, he replied casually: "Beauty Zhiyue, who are you going to pursue?"

Tang Yue looked at Huang Shaotian's question, and suddenly laughed: "Did your captain ask you to ask? So he likes Liyue? That's troublesome. Old Wei also likes it. It seems that warlocks all have the same vision, and that's right." , your captain and Lao Wei are in the same line, and it is normal to like the same type of girl. I have to communicate with the screenwriter, add some drama to your captain, let them play a love triangle between master and apprentice and Liyue, how about it? Huang Shao , isn't it great?"

Huang Shaotian: "It's great, it's really great, it's really great, I appreciate you, Lao Wei shaves his beard, so it's for the beauty of Zhiyue, hahahahahaha, wait for me to despise him."

Tang Yue said: "Beauty Chu is also pretty good, you can ask your captain, don't you think about it?"

Huang Shaotian: "Xiao Shiqin is the one who likes Chu's beautiful woman. I've seen the truth a long time ago. He's a gentle scum with a flirtatious heart. He likes Chu Yunxiu's style. As long as Chu Yunxiu enters the group and pretends to be Pao, he must have followed up in time, many times."

Tang Yue: 'This melon is relatively fresh, I have to sell it as soon as possible.It was Huang Shao who said it. '

Huang Shaotian: "If you send it out, Lei Ting's sister Dai will be sad. She likes Xiao Shiqin. This is also true."

Tang Yue: "Who else has melons? I will let the editor make reasonable arrangements so as not to mess up the mandarin ducks."

Huang Shaotian: "Samsara Du Ming likes your little sister Tang, and Zheng Xuan likes your gentle Qingqing."

Tang Yue: "Tang Rou is my sixth sister, don't make fun of her, Zheng Xuan wants to chase Wen Qingqing, don't you feel the pressure?"

Huang Shaotian: "Tell me, is that gentle Qingqing your girlfriend? Last time at the carnival, she sat next to you and looked at you with affectionate eyes. You don't know how many people are jealous of you?"

Tang Yue: "But she said she likes you, Juggernaut, and originally planned to arrange her to partner with you, but it turns out that you like Yan Cunxin, what should I do?"

Huang Shaotian: "Don't talk nonsense. '

Tang Yue: "Okay, I won't chat with you anymore, come to City H during the Chinese New Year. Tell your captain, see you next Tuesday night in the arena."

Huang Shaotian: 'What's the situation? '

Tang Yue: "I'll ask God Ye to form a group with you, let's talk in the group."

After finishing chatting with Huang Shaotian, Tang Yue walked over to find Ye Xiu.

"Ye Shen, form a group on QQ, you look at bringing some experts in, and ask them to start training next Tuesday."

Ye Xiu asked, "Shall we start now?"

Tang Yue said with a smile: "We have more time for the Challenger League. It's not easy for them to spare one night a week. Let's start practicing early."

Ye Xiu created a 'Universe Invincible' group casually, and as soon as Tang Yue was pulled into it, Tang Yue said with a smile: "The group name is too flamboyant, let's change it to the 'TV Drama National Team' group. Everyone agrees, It can also be explained to the outside world, no matter whether it is added or eliminated, it will not have a big impact on people's hearts."

Ye Xiu followed the good example and quickly changed the name of the group to 'National TV Drama Team', and then asked: "Then choose 12, enough for two teams to compete."

Tang Yue nodded: "Let's add Qiu Fei as a substitute. If I'm not free, let him take my place."

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "You would rather have Qiu Fei than add another expert."

Tang Yue said with a smile: "We have the position, so of course we have to keep the fat. Sooner or later, Qiu Fei will be a member of the national team. At present, he can't find a good opponent to hone. Wouldn't it be better to practice early?"

Ye Xiu smiled and nodded: "That's right, we are the national team in TV dramas, and you have the final say on the drama you invest in."

(End of this chapter)

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