Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 233 A Bright Silver Armor

Chapter 233 A Bright Silver Armor
In a flash, it was Tuesday. At 1:50 p.m., Ye Xiu opened the room and sent the password to the group. Within a minute, [-] to [-] people flooded into the battle room.

Ye Xiu opened the TV drama national team group.

Lord Grim: "What's the situation, what is this? Did you agree to keep it secret? You keep it so secret? I reopen the room and don't let anyone else in except those in the group. Even if you make a video, don't spread it out. This is The national team's tactical adaptation is based on the combat power of everyone. The style of play is too high-end, and ordinary players can't catch it. It will affect your team's preparations."

Troubling Rain: "Stop talking nonsense, start over, don't let people go, it's a waste of time."

Wang Buliuxing: "Lan Yu's entire team has come in, it's too shameless."

Troubling Night Rain: "Wei Cao also come in three, don't laugh at fifty steps."

Lord Grim: "Room 78564, password 555."

After the incident just now, there were no extra members who came in again. There were exactly 14 members. The members were divided into one point, the map was selected randomly, and the two teams began to refresh. Only Tang Yue and Yu Wenzhou were in the stands.

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "After the last chat, I just remembered that Huafu does not have a six-on-six map. It seems that we have to use five plus one to get used to it."

Soksar: "It doesn't matter, the main thing is to adjust and cooperate. Even if it is six against six, six people will not fight together. The battlefield must be divided to form a situation where more fights and less."

Drunk lying on the battlefield: "Do you think there are still those good team players in the league?"

Soksar: "Yu Feng, Xu Bin, and Li Hua all have good tactical skills. By the way, Samsara Jiang Botao is also good. There should be no one else. Of course, Han Wenqing and Lin Jingyan are experienced team players. .”

Drunk lying on the battlefield: "The two Kings of Fighters are too old. The World Cup will take at least two years. They can't keep up with the state, and they are not command players. There is no need to toss about it now."

Soksar: "Can you tell me why the league entrusted you to form the national team?"

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "I'm young, I'm strong, and I know foreign servers better than you. No matter how long the World Cup drags on and whoever retires on the field, I will eventually be able to occupy a place in the national team."

Soksar: "There are no other conditions? I know you can help the national team improve their strength, such as equipment, or skill points. Didn't you mention these?"

Drunk lying on the battlefield: "Hahaha, you are staring at me to pull wool, aren't you?"

Soksar: "That's what I think, if you can help the national team members' accounts and increase their skill points by 200 points, the overall strength of the national team will be improved. Also, if you can provide silver weapons, even if it is not a transformation silver Wu, if our personal combat power can be improved a bit, if we reach two levels in a row, won’t we have a greater chance of winning the championship?"

Drunk lying on the battlefield: "You're thinking about farting."

Soksar: "I'm speaking logically. National honor is above all else, right? After level 75, there are five more skills, and each level is added, which is 650 skill points. When the character is upgraded to five levels, the skill points increase by 200." Points, there is still a gap of 450 points, need to refresh points, reduce the previous skill level, too uncomfortable, do not ask you to provide a strategy, can improve the skill points of the national team members, this will be a big help, I do not believe that the alliance did not cooperate with you talked about."

Drunk lying on the battlefield: "No wonder Chairman Feng is optimistic about you. You are good at doing ideological work. Brother Xiu has first-class technical and tactical accomplishments, but he comes with a sarcastic biff. If you want to knead the national team into a whole, you really need your help."

Soksar: "I said that there must be such a condition. When can you help me improve my skill points? There are so many new skills all at once, and there are no skill points. It's disgusting."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "It's not a condition, it's a proposal. I didn't agree, and he can't force me, can he?"

Soksar: "Of course, he believes in your awareness, doesn't he? When it comes to national honor, you will not hide it. You are not a stingy person, let alone care about every detail, so, tacitly, yes Right? Your school must be closed on New Year’s Day? I’ll visit you.”

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "You are strong, well, come with Huang Shao when the time comes." '

Soksar: "Do you need me to bring anything?"

Zuiwo battlefield: "Oh, are you willing to provide materials? 75 materials, one hundred."

Soksar: "Never mind that I didn't say anything, we are so poor, where are the materials, or I will treat you to dinner."

Drunk lying on the battlefield: "Get lost."

Soksar: "Okay, let's go eat yours. I heard that the food in your cafeteria is very good."

Zuiwo battlefield: "After the two of you come, give me the account card. You go to film TV dramas. Let's shoot some daily life first. Huang Shao said that you have a crush on the big beauty of our team. You have to behave better and take the initiative."

When Yu Wenzhou heard Tang Yue talk about this matter, he resolutely stopped talking.

Soksar: "See you on New Year's Day, it's refreshed, let's watch the game."

Tang Yue didn't want to chat with him too much, she was too treacherous, and he got involved in it without saying a few words, that's why she got involved with beautiful women.

On the map, the two teams have already started playing.

After watching it for a while, I felt that the level of excitement was not as good as that of ordinary leagues, so I smiled and said to Yu Wenzhou: "You have not finished the first team match, so you know how important our TV drama national team is?"

Soksar: "It is indeed necessary, so everyone wants to be the center, but in the end they fight on their own."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "Because they are used to being the center and the boss in their respective teams. Suddenly, they want to fight when they see a fighter. Everyone thinks so, and feels that what they pay attention to is the most important. Can you not mess around? Ye Shen is the same, he is obviously the captain, and he doesn't command at all, just go up and beat up."

Soksar: "He didn't fight randomly, but he wanted to be a shit stick, messing up the situation with all his heart, magnifying everyone's mistakes, first letting everyone vent their anger, and then dying after the addiction, the rest is up to him to find It’s wrong to scold people.”

Drunk lying on the battlefield: "Hehe, I don't understand, I don't want to read it, the rest is your business, I'll go to my own business."

Tang Yue was not interested in this kind of battle situation, so she changed the computer, swiped another card, and started researching silver equipment.

Two hours later, Tang Yue finished a top armor and said to Ye Xiu on QQ, "I made a silver outfit for you, let's take a look at its attributes."

Soon, Ye Xiu, Wei Chen and others surrounded Tang Yue.

Tang Yue smiled and said, "Look at this bright silver top, doesn't it look good?"

After Wei Chen glanced at it, he asked in surprise, "Are you a chain mail or a plate armor? How could it be spliced?"

Tang Yue said with a smile: "Actually, the real armor is also stitched together. I just restored the real armor. The waist and abdomen are chain mail, the chest and back are breastplates, and the shoulders are leather armor. Isn't it beautiful to wear this white fur collar?"

Wei Chen: "Attributes, look at the attributes, are they pretty and useful?"

Tang Yue said with a smile: "The chain mail is made of alloy wire and has three layers. The heart guard is inlaid with various spar sleeves, and the leather is woven with synthetic leather strips. Not only the attributes have been upgraded, but additional attributes scare you to death."

After finishing speaking, click to open the properties panel.

Physical Defense 380, Magic Defense 450, Stamina +60, Agility +60.

"Freeze resistance +20%."

"Dark attribute resistance +20%."

"Fire attribute resistance +20%."

"Stun resistance +20%."

"Strength +40."

"Agility +40."

"Physical strength +40."

"Wisdom +40."

Suit attribute bonus: physical defense attribute +20%.

(End of this chapter)

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