Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 234 The Ultimate Scientific Research Set

Chapter 234 The Ultimate Scientific Research Set
Then I heard the sound of the three gasping for air.

Wei Chen saw the additional attributes, and stammered to Tang Yue, "How many sets do you have? This set of equipment can actually be equipped by a warlock, right?"

Tang Yue laughed loudly: "Helmet, upper armor, pants, belt and arm armor, five-piece suit, fully synthetic material equipment, Concealed Light has deciphered the lowest core of glory, and I can make this kind of suit that can be worn by ordinary people , casual people can wear it, and of course other professions can also wear it.”

Ye Xiu asked, "How many materials did you use for this upper armor?"

Tang Yue said shyly, "All are level 75 super materials, 42 types in total, 17 of which are level 75 wild materials."

Ye Xiu asked, "How much material will it take to make this set?"

Tang Yue said: "Hey hey, 183 pieces, the estimated value of the material is more than 500 million, and it is the kind that has a price but no market. I chose the material with the best attributes to synthesize it. This is a cutting-edge scientific research product and cannot be popularized. of."

With black lines all over Ye Xiu's forehead, he asked Tang Yue, "Is it still popular? Who can afford this kind of suit?"

Tang Yue smiled and said, "San Ren, it's specially made for you. After wearing the suit, it's no problem to hit two with one."

Ye Xiu suddenly put away his stern face, smiled and gave a thumbs up and said, "You did a good job, buddy can roam the rivers and lakes again."

Wei Chen squinted at Tang Yue and Ye Xiu, and said angrily: "Shameless, more than 100 wild map materials can be used to make ten top-quality silver weapons. Do you know what you are doing?"

Tang Yue said with a smile: "Scientific research, understand? This is scientific research, and you must pay the price of funds."

Ye Xiu knocked off Wei Chen's hand pinching the back of his head, then turned around and said with a smile, "You just need a champion, you just need to hang out with your brother, with this set of equipment, is there any problem with being a champion?"

Wei Chen said to Tang Yue seriously: "Moon God, I think I also need such a set of equipment, I think I can still play for two years."

Zhang Jiale said with a smile: "Don't worry, there are only more than 100 materials, and it's not impossible to get them. I believe that Luna will help me get a set."

Tang Yue said with a smile: "Currently, I can only make such a set of equipment. There are too few materials for level 75 wild maps. The rewards for land reclamation, as well as the Christmas rewards this time, are all for this set of equipment. It will take a few months in the future To do such a thing, Guan Rongfei and the others are going crazy, and they will make trouble for me."

Wei Chen asked, "When will my silver weapon be upgraded?"

Tang Yue said cautiously: "There are no materials for now."

Wei Chen asked, "No, we have so many land reclamation materials, how much material have you wasted?"

Tang Yue chuckled: "We wasted more than 400 level 75 materials, scientific research, scientific research has to be invested, right, with this successful result, no matter how much investment is worth it, isn't it?"

Wei Chen asked, "Just for this complete set of equipment? Are you living a life?"

Tang Yue smiled and said, "Either use dungeon materials to help you upgrade? It must be better than your current attributes, okay?"

Wei Chen asked, "How much can the attributes be improved?"

Tang Yue said hesitantly: "5.00% is already very high, isn't it? In fact, your full set of equipment does not need to be upgraded. Even if it is level [-], the attribute data will crush the equipment of wealthy players. They need at least a year , to catch up with you. Really, believe me, with Yu Wenzhou's data, it will take at least a year to catch up with you."

Wei Chen asked: "Then what about the data of this product?"

Tang Yue said with a smile: "He is the God of Glory, there is no comparison. When I help him make the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella made of synthetic materials, there will be no one in the alliance with higher attribute data than him. I dare to pat my chest and guarantee it. Within the scope, if Glory does not rise to level 85, no one will have higher stats than him."

Wei Chen turned to Ye Xiu and said, "Did you hear that? Champion, you must win the championship, or I will strangle you to death."

Zhang Jiale said to Tang Yue: "When will my wilderness suit be upgraded?"

Tang Yue said with a smile: "Before entering the alliance, I will definitely change my outfit. I will definitely do what I promised. Don't worry, I already have detailed scientific research data to support it. As long as I have materials, I will have equipment. I will satisfy you first. .”

Wei Chen asked, "Where's your own equipment?"

Tang Yue smiled and said, "I'll just use the equipment eliminated by Jiale. I'm strong enough, and the equipment is almost fine. After joining the league, I only play for a year and a half, so I don't need to prepare equipment for myself."

Zhang Jiale asked: "Aren't you going to join the national team?"

Tang Yue said with a wry smile: "I guess it's too late, try your best. Wait until the end of this season, look at the results of the European Cup, and see if you can wait another year. Well, I'll talk about these things then, go get busy, I want To make a baguette, Yan Cunxin's silver weapon was given away, so I have to make it up for her."

They already knew that in order to keep Xia Xue, Yan Cunxin gave away his silver weapon, and now he is using a level 75 orange weapon.

Fang Shiqian, who remained silent all this time, said, "That Xia Xue didn't go to Weicao."

Tang Yue turned to look at him: "What's going on? Didn't you say she went to report last time?"

Fang Shiqian said: "I heard from Wang Jiexi that after Xia Xue went to the trial training, she said to think about it, but there was no news about it. She only said a few days ago that she should study hard and not play Glory anymore."

Tang Yue nodded: "It's good to study hard."

Wei Chen sneered and said, "Her personality was developed in a honeypot, and she hasn't stumbled. After graduation, she will know what society is."

Ye Xiu said: "There is no lower limit, people don't like your kind of no lower limit, is it wrong?"

Wei Chen: "Cut, there is no limit to what you say, right?"

On Saturday morning, Ye Xiu walked over suddenly and said to Tang Yue, "Come with me, Lao Han and the others are here."

Tang Yue asked: "What is he doing here?"

Ye Xiu said: "Tyranny played away against Excellent Era, he said to come and see our team."

Tang Yue said: "If you don't help them get skill points for now, don't promise indiscriminately."

Ye Xiu nodded: "Their team is only Zhang Xinjie, who is part of the national team, and they just started working together. Of course, they won't help them."

Tang Yue said with a smile, "I'll go talk to them about guest appearances in TV dramas. The King of Fighters brand is quite resounding. You can't avoid characters in TV dramas, important supporting roles."

Zhang Jiale walked over and said, "Old Han is not easy to talk to, let's see if he wants to play with you."

Tang Yue said with a smile: "It's okay, find someone to act as a reporter, and go to the press conference to shoot some sideshows. During the competition, at worst, I will use the King of Fighters to make a guest appearance, and his boxing master will send it off, and I will do it too."

Ye Xiu said: "It's okay, this is a TV series to promote Glory, and Lao Han will participate. Although this person has a bad temper, he still knows the general situation."

Fang Shiqian smiled and said: "You still scolded too hard with a gun and a club in the replay last time. Zhang Xinjie must have told Team Han after returning. He must be embarrassed and came to City H early. I understand Team Han. He has a good temper, loves glory, and will definitely support the national team, even if he doesn't join, he won't hold back."

Ye Xiu nodded: "They came to City H ahead of time, probably in response to the filming of a TV series, let's go and greet them."

(End of this chapter)

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