Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 235 Han Wenqing Visits

Chapter 235 Han Wenqing Visits

Tang Yue followed Ye Xiu downstairs, Zhang Jiale, Fang Shiqian, Wei Chen, and Lin Jie heard that Han Wenqing was visiting, so they came down to greet him.

Four people from Tyranny came to visit. Li Yun and Sun Bing had welcomed them to the leisure area below, but they didn't leave. It was mainly because Han Wenqing made them feel that they were in danger.

Yan Cunxin and Chen Guo, who got the news, had come down early and were making tea in the leisure area.

Seeing Ye Xiu and others come in, the four Tyranny who were sitting in the leisure area all stood up.

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "Why are you here?"

Han Wenqing: "Let's take a look."

Ye Xiu said, "I've read it, you can go."

Han Wenqing: "It's not about you."

Ye Xiu: "Oh, keep watching. Lao Lin sits, Lao Zhao and Xiao Zhang, sit down, sit down quickly, you are rare visitors, I still welcome you."

Zhang Jiale walked over to shake hands with Han Wenqing, and said with a smile, "You don't compete until tomorrow, are you here today?"

Han Wenqing also forced a smile, and said to Zhang Jiale: "Today, the four of us came early to visit you Xingxin."

Zhang Jiale answered with a smile, "We are Heming Xingxin."

Fang Shiqian shook hands with Han Wenqing like playing a game: "It's rare to see your smile. The smile you squeezed out is actually quite hideous, but this attitude is very good. You must maintain it."

Han Wenqing quickly put away his smile, his hand felt a little heavy, and he squeezed it before releasing it. Fang Shiqian said, "The restaurant is already open, why do you want to come back?"

Fang Shiqian quickly withdrew his hand: "Don't make trouble, my hands are still precious even though I'm opening a restaurant. What do you mean by coming back? I'm not going back to the alliance, I'm just here to help out, and I'm filming a TV series."

Han Wenqing forced a smile again: "We are here today to shoot a TV series."

After finishing speaking, he shook hands with Lin Jie: "I heard you went to learn how to make movies?"

Lin Jie: "Academy of Film, double bachelor's degree in acting and directing. I'm studying to make TV. When will you retire? After filming this TV series, I have a role that I can introduce to you. You can be a special actor."

Han Wenqing nodded, not paying attention to his ridicule, and said with a ferocious smile: "I can still be a martial arts actor, unlike you, I can only play the heroine instead."

Lin Jie is very handsome, looks soft and feminine, he thinks he is very handsome, so he wants to join the entertainment industry, after being stimulated by Han Wenqing, he immediately replied: "Yes, you can fight, you can play the number one thug , like Dasha."

These honorable old men, if they don't talk trash and make fun of them when they meet, they are not used to it.

Wei Chen had already shaken hands with Han Wenqing, and asked with a smile, "Xiao Han, you guys did well this year, are you sure?"

Han Wenqing let go of his hands as soon as they touched him, and he didn't want to talk trash with him at all.

Old Wei not only has no lower limit, but also is the best pretender, not a good chat partner, and the best way to get along is to ignore him and make him feel uncomfortable.

Director Wei said with a smile: "I've become an old man, but I'm still so rude."

After finishing speaking, he extended his hand and shook Zhao Yang: "Xiao Zhao can come to Heming Xingxin in the summer, and there is no future for him to stay in Tyranny."

Zhao Yang was a serious and polite person, and said with a smile: "I signed with Tyranny for two years, and I'm ready to retire after finishing the contract."

Lin Jingyan didn't wait for Director Wei to continue to mock Zhao Yang, so he reached out to hold Old Wei's hand, turned to Zhao Yang and said, "This guy can't be talked to, an old ghost with no limit, the more he talks, the more embarrassing he is."

Lin Jingyan and Wei Chen shook hands with just a pinch of their fingertips, they parted after touching each other, and then reached out to hold Fang Shiqian's hand: "Old Fang, it's a pity you retired, you are the one the alliance needs."

Wei Chen gave Lin Jingyan a sideways look, and sneered, "It's still pious. The good seedlings trained by Blue Rain were taught to be obscene masters by you."

Although Lin Jingyan was the number one hooligan, he looked refined and respectable. According to Wei Chen, he was sanctimonious. The proof is that Lin Jingyan brought Fang Rui, who came out of the Blue Rain training camp, into a master of obscenity.

Ye Xiu also made up his sword at the side: "The root of Wu Xiao's obscenity lies in Lao Lin. After Lao Lin left, Wu Xiao is now nondescript. On the contrary, Tyranny, who has always been tough, has now become a dark man."

Tang Yue reached out to shake Han Wenqing's hand: "The King of Fighters, you are a rare visitor, welcome."

He also said to the people who were still standing shaking hands and saying hello: "Hurry up and sit down, it's not before the game, don't talk trash to each other."

After Han Wenqing and Tang Yue were seated, they squeezed out a smile and said to Tang Yue, "You just returned to China. I don't understand. Ye Qiu is the one who started the trash talk."

Zhao Yang smiled and said, "That's right. When I first met him, I didn't even want to talk to him."

Fang Shiqian also made up his sword at the side: "I don't want to refute this sentence."

Wei Chen immediately said, "That's right, that bastard never had good things to say."

Ye Xiu replied: "Without achievements, there is no capital to show off."

Lin Jingyan continued to stab Wei Chen: "At least Lao Ye is more civilized. Wei Wuxian must have been warned many times for his foul language."

Lin Jie added a knife to the side: "Old Wei is not the most powerful when it comes to swearing, he just speaks viciously. The girl I was most annoyed at the time was that girl, Void, who was full of swear words."

In a word, bring a group of old people here into the darker years in the first two seasons of the league.

"Hahaha, that's a female man, you are a sissy."

"Ms. Lin was molested by Erniang Sun the most."

"I think Erniang Sun has taken a fancy to Mrs. Lin, and if she catches her, she will flirt with her."


At that time, the alliance had just been established, and the first-generation players of each team came from Internet cafes. After joining the alliance, there were many unscrupulous teenagers who had been in Internet cafes, and they still regarded team games as battles in Internet cafes.

Sun Qing, the operator of Void's Ghost Carving, is a very aggressive female man, who is proficient in smoking, drinking, flirting and cursing.

At that time, those who dared to provoke her were only a few masters, such as Ye Qiu, who used Beijing movies to compete against each other, without a word of swearing, presenting facts and reasoning, with reasons and evidence, and ridiculing her every sentence, and called the people at that time "Void Sun Erniang" ' Said crying.

Wei Chen smiled and said, "Erniang Sun was young and innocent back then, but now she is Mrs. Sun, and she has become the Iron Lady of Void."

Sun Qing and Wei Chen retired together. After retiring, she became the wife of the chairman of the Void Club and also served as the financial director. She didn't interact much with the players. Wei Chen opened a studio and had dealings with her a few times.

Han Wenqing suddenly sighed: "It was really a crowd of demons dancing wildly at that time."

As a master of martial arts, he has a stern appearance, with his own aura, and his eyes are wide open. Few people in the alliance dare to bark their teeth at him, because they are really afraid that he will make a move.

Zhang Jiale smiled and said, "That's right, the second district opened the server. As a newcomer to Glory, I could only look up to you, the Four Heavenly Kings and Eight Great Devils in the first district."

Chen Guo asked from the side: "Who are the Four Heavenly Kings and the Eight Great Devils?"

Zhang Jiale pointed to Han Wenqing and Ye Qiu: "Lao Ye and Team Han, as well as Su Muqiu and Guo Mingyu, the four most powerful players in the arena at that time, were known as the Four Heavenly Kings. Masters like Lao Wei, Lin Jie and Sun Erniang were the Eight Great Masters. The devil, by the way, Mo Qiang is also one of the eight great devils."

Han Wenqing sighed again: "It's a pity for Su Muqiu."

Because of Tang Yue's appearance, Su Muqiu's experience in the past was also revealed by old players. As Qiu Musu's old opponent, Han Wenqing also felt sorry for Su Muqiu who fell before the alliance.

Wei Chen said with a smile: "Qiu Musu has successors. Our Drunk God not only inherited his gun fighting skills, but also inherited his silver equipment skills."

Han Wenqing nodded to Tang Yue: "The Drunken God's style of play is indeed born out of Qiu Musu, and it's the blue that emerges from the blue and is better than the blue."

Tang Yue said with a smile: "He only played Glory for two years, and I played for ten years. If it's not as good as it is, I'm ashamed of him."

(End of this chapter)

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