Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 245 The Motivated Yu Feng

Chapter 245 The Motivated Yu Feng

Huang Shenfan: "Depressed, I also contributed more than 100 yuan to you. When I have time to get one, I can earn the money back."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "Did you learn something? Don't be convinced. My brother and you have a 3-[-] record. He is qualified to teach you how to play Glory. Even with a lightsaber, you may not lose to you."

Huang Shenfan: "All your unique cheats have been made public, it won't be so easy to win next time, wait until I hack you next time."

Drunk on the battlefield: "You don't have a super weapon, have you figured out how to deal with my assault rifle? I have the sharpshooter's new skill Ambush. This thing is really useful. As long as you get shot by me, you can put down the keyboard."

Huang Shenfan: "Laipi, you are the biggest rascal in the history of Glory, more annoying than Ye Qiu."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "You told me to be annoying? Look at the name we marked for you, Huang Shenfan, hahahahaha."

Huang Shenfan: "...I'll kill you."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "Remember to record, Wang Buliuxing's magic teaching video has already been clicked over 500 million times. If you don't seize this opportunity to give money, I'm speechless."

Huang Shenfan: "Understood."


After harvesting one vote from the website, Heming Xingxin team's 11th area account was handed over to Xingxin Internet Café's power leveling, but they didn't give up, because the accounts of Ye Xiu and others had been dominating the ranking list. They would get it back in a few days, pick up the new dungeon record and wild boss first kill, and then hand it over to the power leveling.

The other teams and guilds wanted to cry but had no tears.

Because the Heming Xingxin team has not been promoted to the league yet, Ye Xiu, Tang Rou, and Baozi are not registered players, and Qiao Yifan also lost his registration qualifications because he left Weicao, so they can call the wind and rain in the online game without being restricted by the league.

All the major guilds are waiting for the end of the offline competition. As long as Heming Xingxin and his gang of ruthless people register with the alliance, they can no longer make trouble in the online game.

That's right, the legitimate game of Ye Shen and others has always been considered by them to be trouble, even the boss of the wild map is considered trouble.

Every Tuesday night, the confrontation practice of the members of the TV drama national team has been held as scheduled. The players who have been invited cherish this opportunity.

It's a pity that the two guards are Ye Xiu and Tang Yue, both of whom are very difficult to talk to. They don't give a chance at all, which makes them depressed.

Although each member is very tight-lipped, the game data cannot be hidden from anyone. The account skill points of all players who joined the TV drama national team training have recently increased significantly. Needless to say, this must be a benefit given by Tang Yue.

Yu Feng from Blue Rain specially came to ask Wei Chen to intercede. After Wei Chen had a delicious meal outside, seeing Yu Feng crying, he was finally moved by his sincerity.

Yu Feng took Wei Chen's hand and said tearfully, "Captain Wei, I can only ask you for help."

Wei Chen sighed: "Hey, I'm ashamed too. You brought me into Lan Yu. You gave me face last year and kept Lan Yu for one more year. I owe you that, so I'll help you with this. But it's okay to ask Ye Busha. This guy admits death. It's not good to say that you're dead. We'll wait for Zuishen after school.

Yu Feng: "Your team, Drunken God has the final say."

Wei Chen shook his head seriously: "That's not the case. If Ye Xiu disagrees first, Drunk God will definitely not agree. There is an order. Even if Jia Le and I agreed to something, it should have counted. But what you asked for is special. You must know that the TV drama national team has limited places, and I was not selected, so I can't intervene."

Yu Feng nodded and apologized: "I'm sorry, Captain Wei, I said something wrong."

Tang Yue received Yu Feng in the leisure area on the first floor. After listening to Wei Chen explaining his intentions, Tang Yue thought for a while and said, "Director Wei has spoken to you. I promise you, but the quota is limited. I will use it for you. Also, I heard that you have a transfer plan, so I can't add skill points to your current account. I don't owe Blue Rain anything. Adding too much combat power to Blue Rain is not fair to other teams, and it will make it more difficult for us to win the championship next season. When you officially become a member of the national team, I will definitely help you with your account." Improve your skill points. Director Wei specially interceded for you, this has to be given enough face, in order to make up for you, I promise to help you build a silver weapon at that time, at the old price, five times the list materials."

Yu Feng left contentedly. He had already fulfilled his wish to be able to enter the quasi-national team. Tang Yue's subsequent compensation could be regarded as an unexpected joy.

Tang Hao and Fang Rui of Wind Howl, Jiang Botao of Samsara, Wu Yuce of Void, Liu Hao of Thunder, Yang Cong of [-], Liu Xiaobie of Weicao, Tian Sen of Huangfeng, and Li Hua of Misty Rain, are all similar in strength. It is normal for anyone to come in as a substitute.

Ye Xiu wanted to hang out in the Glory circle all the time, Tang Yue didn't want him to be the villain, so she helped him take the blame.

"Why is Yu Feng here? What do you want?"

Tao Xuan ran over to eat melons when he saw Wei Chen and Yu Feng having dinner outside. Wei Chen came out of the equipment area just after taking Yu Feng with him, without the slightest sense of eavesdropping.

Tang Yue turned her head, saw that it was Tao Xuan, and asked, "Are you fine, why are you here to exercise now?"

Tao Xuan shrugged: "I have basically done everything I can do, and the rest are the work of my subordinates, so I just come here to have fun with you."

Tang Yue stretched out her hand and pointed to the equipment area: "Yu Feng came to see Director Wei for a personal matter, and it has nothing to do with you. You can continue to play, and we will go to the cafeteria for dinner."

Tao Xuan smiled and nodded: "Your canteen is decent, our canteen can't make that taste."

Tang Yue smiled and said, "Your master's annual salary is 15 less than our master's, so you're so brave to make them compare?"

Tao Xuan spread his hands: "If he can improve, I'm willing to give more."

Tao Xuan has been enjoying himself recently, basically coming to Heming Xingxin's equipment room to exercise every day.

He has already eased the relationship with Heming Xingxin and everyone, at least he has an amicable face.

Heming Xingxin was able to accept him because he let go of his status, personally participated in the filming of the TV series, and carried the notoriety of driving Ye Qiu away. Of course, the reason was the dispute over business philosophy, and there was no personal grudge.
Seeing that Tang Yue was about to leave, Tao Xuan purposely went to Tang Yue's side, and whispered to Tang Yue, "Don't leave, I have something to see you, about Mucheng's endorsement contract next year, I have something to talk to you about."

Su Mucheng's season is over, and she will definitely transfer to Heming Xingxin. Her endorsement contracts are all signed once a year, because most of them are entertainment star contracts, and the contracts do not span the new year, so she must transfer with the contract.

Tang Yue knew that it was useless to leave this kind of matter to others, so she could only nod her head: "Okay, let's talk in the leisure area, or go to the office after dinner?"

Tao Xuan said: "There's no secret, let's chat in the leisure area, anyway, it's not the two of us who make the arrangements."

(End of this chapter)

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