Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 246 Su Mucheng's Endorsement

Chapter 246 Su Mucheng's Endorsement
Tang Yue knew that it was useless to leave this kind of matter to others, so she could only nod her head: "Okay, let's talk in the leisure area, or go to the office after dinner?"

Tao Xuan said: "There's no secret, let's chat in the leisure area, anyway, it's not the two of us who make the arrangements."

The two returned to their seats and sat down. Tao Xuan said bluntly, "This year, Mucheng's endorsement contract hit a record high. We have already signed 600 million. However, if she transfers to Heming Xingxin in the second half of the year, the proceeds of the second half of the year will go to Heming Xingxin, so we will suffer a loss."

Tang Yue nodded and admitted: "This problem can be discussed and resolved. It's just a matter of money, so there's nothing difficult to solve, isn't it? For example, in the first half of the year, Excellent Era increased the share ratio, and in the second half of the year, Heming Xingxin lowered the share ratio, or even zero share, so as to ensure that my sister's income remains the same. In the first half of the year, you will take away the entire year's money. What do you think?"

Tao Xuan gave a thumbs up: "Young Master Tang is very particular. This suggestion is very good. We can use it as an alternative. I have a constructive suggestion. If it can be achieved, don't be so troublesome."

Tang Yue nodded for him and said, "Tell me, if it's reasonable, there's nothing to talk about."

Tao Xuan said with a smile: "You guys can come forward and help Mucheng negotiate a few more contracts. The total can reach 500 million. This will not only increase Mucheng's income, but we don't need to modify the share ratio. Before the transfer period, the income is ours. After the transfer period, the income is yours."

Tang Yue nodded: "It's quite reasonable. The setting of 500 million is considered polite. I will settle the contract and try to get around 2000 million."

Tao Xuan said with a smile: "I watched Mucheng grow up, and she has worked hard for Excellent Era all these years. I hope she can make a peaceful transfer and avoid any bad disputes. After all, Mucheng is the most damaged by disputes. Can I ask for a timetable? Can the contract be settled before the Chinese New Year?"

Tang Yue thought for a while before saying to Tao Xuan, "I can't answer for now, give me a day, and I'll give you an answer tomorrow night."

Tao Xuan nodded in approval. After all, he had thought about this matter carefully, but Tang Yue had just heard about it. Maybe he hadn't thought about it before.

Tao Xuan was stunned for a moment and said: "I can provide two pieces of information. Shenghua Technology has an endorsement of 800 million. We have no way to do it. Tang Shao can find channels to get in touch. There is also a reality show, which also has 400 million. This will compete with those entertainment companies. Tang Shao has connections with TV stations, so it may be better to come forward."

After speaking, he handed two business cards to Tang Yue.

One business card is Ji Yun, the commercial director of Shenghua Technology, and the other is the director Sun Youcai.

Tao Xuan smiled and said, "I'm also looking for someone to get a business card from. I haven't met anyone before, but I see that the two are relatively popular and there are many people staring at them. I guess we can't talk about it. If Mr. Tang has a channel, you might as well talk to them."

Tang Yue put away the business card and said with a smile: "I definitely don't have a channel. I need to ask the business department of Heming Group to inquire about it. They are professional and have many information channels."

Tao Xuan smiled and nodded: "That's fine, just for this matter, I'll go for a few more laps. This exercise needs to be popular to be fun. I also have a treadmill in the lounge. I just ran a few times when I first bought it. Recently, I rubbed your equipment and my physical condition has improved significantly."

Tang Yue smiled and said, "It's okay, welcome to play."

At noon of the next day, Tang Yue and her mother received several managers of Heming Group's business department in the general manager's office of Heming Group, and asked about the possibility of Su Mucheng's endorsement. By the way, she gave them two business cards to let them know.

Su Mucheng is Tang Yue's god-sister, Ye Li Aiwu and Wu also recognize her god-daughter, and Su Mucheng is also the girlfriend of her nephew Ye Xiu, so she is also willing to step in and help: "The 2000 million contract is handed over to my mother. Shenghua Technology has done business with us. I know their president Qiu, so it should be no problem. Even if I can't get it, I can switch to other projects. It's just that the shooting of this reality show is quite time-consuming, won't it affect Mucheng's competition status?"

Tang Yue smiled and said, "Tao Xuan is not afraid of affecting his state, and we will be even less afraid of it in the second half of the year."

Ye Li nodded: "Professional players are quite tired from training, and it's good to have time to go out and adjust. I'll ask the director of the TV station, Sun, to see if there is any channel, and send Xiuxiu to participate in a reality show by the way. If we go to participate together, we can have a companion. Xiuxiu is good. After retiring, I still want to invite her to our Heming Group."

Tang Yue nodded: "No matter the overall situation or management level, she is very good. She was trained by the former chairman of Misty Rain Club as a successor. After the former chairman retired, she was recruited by the current management to exclude her. In the end, I picked her up. She stayed in the team and was overqualified. I also want to recommend her to Heming Group."

Ye Li smiled and said, "Then it's settled. Mom will take care of you for a few years first, and she will be your team member in the future."

Tang Yue said: "It's still early, I hope she can help you, I went to the army to train, and finally entered the military industry research institute, I didn't change jobs so early."

Ye Li nodded: "Your identity is here, it is difficult to have any training opportunities in the Heming Group, and it is not suitable to go to other groups. It is good to go to the army."

Ye Li is very proud of her son.

The development of the Heming Xingxin team is all in her eyes. Although the team has not yet entered the league in one year, its strength has surpassed other traditional giants. These changes are all led by Tang Yue. After doing so much, it has not affected Tang Yue's studies. This is what she is most satisfied with.

Tang Yue's ability is there, but it's been too smooth since childhood. Tang Heming and she both hope to experience some setbacks and temper Tang Yue's resolve. After all, what will be taken over in the future is a group company with a size of [-] billion. Without extraordinary perseverance, they cannot bear this pressure.

The next night, Tang Yue gave Tao Xuan accurate news that both Shenghua Technology and the reality show could sign contracts, and there was also a 600 million jewelry endorsement, which also needed to be signed by Excellent Era.

On the surface, it was a matter of favor, but fundamentally it was about interests. Tao Xuan negotiated these three contracts to make money. Of course, the other party was high-ranking, and a person in charge could control Tao Xuan to bow his head and obey his ears. Ye Li didn't even need to show up, and it could be settled with a phone call, because after she intervened, it became an exchange of interests.

However, things took a long time. After Tao Xuan signed the contract the next day, he called Tang Yue.

As soon as the call was connected, Tao Xuan said straight to the point: "Young Master Tang, the contract has already been signed, but the king of hell is easy to deal with, and the little devil is hard to deal with. I guess the staff already have other options. We made a mess of it to make a few handlers dissatisfied. What I said hurt me a few times. The follow-up filming will be done by Director Ji's subordinates. I'm afraid that Mucheng will be wronged. Can you send someone to take care of it?"

Tang Yue nodded and agreed: "Yes, what about the reality show contract?"

Tao Xuan smiled and said, "That's no problem. Director Sun is very enthusiastic, and he even inquired about the relationship between me and the stage. He was fooled by me. I heard that you Chu Yunxiu and Su Mucheng are also participating in the reality show together. Then I don't need to send someone here at Mucheng. I will entrust you together."

Tang Yue promised again: "Yes, the colorful jewelry is okay, right?"

Tao Xuan was obviously very happy: "That was even more problem-free, and it went smoothly. Ms. Song knows that Mucheng is Mr. Ye's goddaughter. Mucheng and I just go to sign a contract, and they will take care of everything else."

Ms. Song was Ye Li's best friend when she was a child. After learning about Su Mucheng's influence among young people, she happily agreed. After seeing the real person this time, she was even more satisfied. She even called Ye Li to express her gratitude.

Tao Xuan's hunch was correct, there was indeed a problem with Shenghua Technology, and Yan Cunxin, who accompanied Su Mucheng to shoot, called Tang Yue halfway.

(End of this chapter)

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