Chapter 247
"How's the filming going?"

"Drunk God, I haven't filmed yet, and the make-up didn't go well. I found out that Mucheng snatched the main endorsement from Taiyue Entertainment. The people from Taiyue Entertainment were not happy. In this commercial shooting, apart from Mucheng, other stars who participated in the shooting, as well as the group of people who did the filming and makeup, all hired Taiyue Entertainment.

They were obviously crowding us out, the people who put on makeup had weird faces all the time, I was afraid of their tricks, so I didn't dare to let them do makeup for Mucheng. "

The person Tang Yue was most nervous about was Su Mucheng. Hearing what Yan Cunxin said, she was also afraid of the other party's tricks, so she said to Yan Cunxin, "You did the right thing, don't let them do it. Let's prepare a makeup artist ourselves. Please bear with it first. Don't quarrel with them. My sister must not be hurt. Afterwards, I will invite someone to come over."

Yan Cunxin said: "No, Brother Li is with us, and Brother Song is waiting in the car outside."

Tang Yue thought about the shooting location, calculated the time, and said to Yan Cunxin: "I'll go over at noon, let's have lunch together."

Yan Cunxin: "Okay, I guess we won't be able to make it in the morning, so take your time after lunch."

"It's okay, not only the makeup artist, but also the cameraman and the director are invited together. Don't let them intervene, we will shoot by ourselves."

Yan Cunxin said: "That would be the best, otherwise the initiative is in their hands, and I don't feel at ease."

When Tang Yue arrived, Director Wang had already arrived with the whole team, but they were all in the car and did not get out of the car.

Tang Yue told them not to move, and took others in first, and saw Yan Cunxin and Su Musu sitting in the product display room, watching Taiyue's actors filming.

Logically speaking, all the actors introduced the products interspersedly. Because Su Mucheng dropped the most important new products, the actors of Taiyue Entertainment could only share the rest. It was normal for them to have opinions, but they couldn't offend the owner, and they couldn't directly make trouble, so the person in charge of make-up kept a cold face, and they would turn around in their hands with shiny things like scissors and eyebrow trimmers.

Of course, it's not easy to shoot without makeup, so now people from Taiyue are shooting.

They wouldn't dare to do it in another company, because they had already dealt with Director Ji, and the employees from the business department brought by Director Ji were also inclined. Not only did they not help with coordination, but they also gave Yan Cunxin a soft nail.

They did this because they wanted to use this method to cause Su Mucheng to play a big role and fail to make a good commercial, so that the boss was dissatisfied with Su Mucheng, and finally replaced it with Taiyue's star.

Tang Yue looked at it for a while, then said to Su Mucheng: "Let's go to eat first, it's probably still early, let's go to eat Western food, after they finish shooting, you can come back to shoot."

Tang Yue's voice was not too loud, and several Taiyue people around could hear it. After speaking, Tang Yue led Yan Cunxin and Su Mucheng out of the exhibition room.

After walking outside, Tang Yue whispered to Su Mucheng, "We need to eat quickly. You go to Director Wang's car to put on makeup first, and we'll pack it for you. We'll go in and shoot when they go to eat."

Tang Yue would not be so aggrieved if she hadn't had to be in this product showroom to shoot commercials.

In the car, Tang Yue said to Yan Cunxin again: "Call the nearby female players over, one or two hundred is enough, say they are Su Mucheng's fans, when my sister goes in to shoot, let the fans block the door to support, don't let other people go in to disturb, wait for my sister to finish filming, then ask the fans to evacuate, remember to give compensation later."

Yan Cunxin immediately said: "This is a good move, first transfer the tiger away from the mountain, and then arrange it on Huarong Road, and piss them off."

People from Taiyue Entertainment were already doing foreign work. Seeing Su Mucheng leave, the leading manager, Miss Wang, smiled and said, "The protagonist is going to eat, and we are going to eat too. After eating, drink some tea and take a rest before coming back."

In the tea restaurant not far away, Tang Yue said to Director Wang and his group: "We snatched their contract. It's normal for them to have opinions. At noon, please settle down and make a quick decision. As soon as the fans arrive, we'll grab a seat for the shoot. Tonight we'll have a big meal."

Director Wang said with a smile: "Young Master Tang, you are being polite. I understand. There are only so many resources. Everyone wants to eat. This situation is inevitable."

Half an hour later, Brother Sun, who was guarding outside the exhibition hall, saw that a large group of them had left, so he sent a message to Tang Yue.

A few minutes later, Sun Xiaoxiao brought more than 100 players from the Internet cafe, half of them were boys and half of them were girls. They all held Su Mucheng's support cards in their hands. When they arrived here, they helped the TV station staff get equipment.

There is only one staff member of Shenghua Technology left in the showroom. When I saw a large group of people coming in, I immediately wanted to understand what these people were doing. I wanted to call Director Ji to inform the news, but Sun Ge put his arms around his shoulders and said with a smile: "Brother, it's hard work. Let's go. We packed some meals, and you will use some."

Seeing Brother Sun with a sneer on his mouth, the staff member was very knowledgeable, and immediately turned off his mobile phone, put it in his trouser pocket, and said with a smile: "You're too polite, you're too polite, how can I let you spend money?"

Brother Sun saw that he was sensible, so he took out a red envelope from his pocket and stuffed it to him: "It should be, we signed a contract with Mr. Qiu, a cooperative unit."

As soon as the staff pinched it, it was a card, and immediately took out all the company's requirements, and said with a smile: "The script was prepared by Taiyue, you don't have to shoot according to the script, to save trouble."

Tang Yue said to Director Wang: "The exhibition room has been occupied, please take the place of Director Wang."

Of course Su Mucheng has the script. Director Wang has already read it. For him, this kind of product introduction advertisement is too simple. The main reason is that there are many products, and each type needs to be filmed.

The time is mainly consumed when the actors need to be replaced, and the same actors also need to be replaced with different costumes.

Now that the staff had reminded him, of course he would not shoot according to Taiyue’s script. It would be too rigid and not in line with his status. After a few discussions with the screenwriter and cameraman, the shooting process was finalized. The background of each exhibit was replaced by their own downloads from the Internet. The lines were compiled by the screenwriter on the spot according to the requirements of Shenghua Technology.

Su Mucheng often shoots commercials. Director Wang's team is a gold-medal team. The Eight Immortals crossed the sea and showed their magical powers. They showed off all eighteen martial arts. In addition, there were many fans who came to help. In just four to 10 minutes, they finished filming the products Su Mucheng signed the contract with.

Tang Yue saw that Taiyue's people hadn't arrived yet, so she smiled and said to Director Wang: "Don't rush away, anyway, you are idle, let's help them shoot other content together."

Director Wang smiled and said, "That's how it should be. This is a complete set of products. Now that it's filmed, let's make it into a complete set of advertisements."

(End of this chapter)

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