Chapter 252 Come to Love

This year, Tang Yue's family will return to City B for the New Year, and Chen Guo will no longer stay alone. She will go home with Zhang Jiale for the New Year.Therefore, not only was there no one in the team, even the Xingxin Internet Cafe in front was closed.

Unlike other people who leave excitedly, Liyue is afraid of the Chinese New Year. After the Chinese New Year, she will be 30 years old. Thinking of the Chinese New Year, relatives and friends gather together, and when they see her, they must ask when they will get married?
She is depressed.

She doesn't even have a boyfriend, so what kind of marriage will she get?

When I resigned from the accounting firm and went north to work in H City, my parents didn't agree, they said they were totally daughter-in-law.

When she was a child, her parents put pressure on her in the kindergarten class for two years in order to prevent her from being bullied in school before sending her to elementary school. Her versatility is the foundation of the kindergarten class.

After entering elementary school, because he was two years older than his classmates, he was not only tall, but also because of his good academic performance and sensible personality, he was always liked by teachers of various subjects.

The teacher likes it, so she loves to study even more, so her grades are particularly good, and she spends her spare time learning her various talents.

All the way to the university, she was the monitor of the class, excellent in character and learning, and her versatile comments accompanied her throughout her study career.

She is so outstanding, when she was taking the university entrance examination, her parents still let her take the local university entrance examination, so that she could go to a day school, for fear that she would be cheated.

When she finished her master's degree and hadn't dated yet, her parents became anxious. They no longer wanted to protect her, but to find a good guy and marry her quickly.

At that time, she told her parents that she talked about a doctoral student at Z University in H City, and that if she wanted to pursue happiness, she couldn't rely on online dating, so her parents allowed her to work at the Heming Xingxin Club.

At that time, she was also full of confidence, and she vowed to her parents: "With such an excellent daughter like you, of course she is boundless in charm. As long as she goes, she will firmly grasp it and promise to bring it back for you to see when she returns home during the Chinese New Year."

In the end, Tang Yue was indeed a doctoral student, but she was underage, and she was the young owner of a billion-dollar conglomerate. She really wasn't a wealthy son-in-law that she could win just because of her good looks.

After dawdling out the door, Wei Chen, Yan Cunxin, and a few younger brothers were already waiting by the car.

"Grandma, you are really good at grinding, if you don't come out again, the high-speed train is late."

Yan Cunxin rushed over in a hurry, picked up Liyue's suitcase and put it in the trunk, and then dragged her into the car.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Wei Chen turned to Li Yue and said, "Where does Director Li want to go for Chinese New Year? Can I visit your house?"

Liyue smiled bitterly: "I'm sorry, Director Wei, the marriage is being urged very hard at home, I dare not invite you to play at home, for fear of misunderstanding at home, we are not suitable."

Wei Chen didn't lose his composure, and still smiled and said, "It's nothing, I'm just sorry."

Li Yue and he are not in the same way, and he is polite to him with alienation, he has long known, but such an excellent girl, if she doesn't confess her love face to face, it is not Wei Chen's character.

Being rejected, Wei Chen felt relieved and didn't have any regrets.

As for embarrassment, he never felt that way.

As long as you are not embarrassed, others are the ones who are embarrassed, and it really is the truth.

No one in the car spoke again, and it just drove quietly to the high-speed rail station.

After getting on the high-speed train that started, Liyue also calmed down, summoned up her courage, took out her mobile phone, and sent Tang Yue a message: "Happy Chinese New Year."

Tang Yue was also on the high-speed rail, playing with her mobile phone, and when she saw it, she replied, "I also wish you a happy new year in advance."

Liyue: "You're so serious, it's hard for me to chat."

Tang Yue: "Oh, what's on your mind?"

Liyue: "There are a lot of things on my mind. I didn't find a boyfriend, so I dare not go home."

Tang Yue: "Or, take Director Wei home to make up the number."

Liyue: "Bomb, bomb, I just rejected his request to visit, and even made it clear in front of other people that I am not suitable for him."

Tang Yue: "So, Director Wei is a shaved head and a hot head. I thought you were already talking about marriage."

Liyue was speechless with anger.

The culprit who caused this feeling to everyone was Wei Chen, who never concealed his pursuit of her.

Wei Chen didn't have a chance to confess his love for a long time, because Li Yue didn't meet with Wei Chen except for business. As for text messages, WeChat, etc., he never replied.

She refused in person this time to eliminate the influence.

Wei Chen can pursue in public, why can't she confess?
Li Yue mustered up her courage again, and sent a message: "Do you mind falling in love with an older young woman?"

Then delete the message in seconds.

Tang Yue's dynamic eyesight is very good, and she is facing the phone, so she can't see clearly.

It's just that he has never been in love, so he doesn't know how to respond.

He never thought that his instinctive reaction was to refuse, but the refusal may make the other party unable to step down.

After a while, seeing that there was no news from Liyue, Tang Yue sent back a message: "I don't have a girlfriend, and I haven't talked about a girlfriend, because I don't have time to think about these things, at least for five years, I won't think about these things .”

After a while, Liyue sent a long paragraph of text.

"From childhood to adulthood, I have always been the focus of other people's eyes, because I am beautiful, I have good grades, I can dance, sing, play the piano, like reading, writing poems, and prose. These advantages have cultivated me to be romantic but high-minded. Yu Ding's character, I have always hoped to find a boyfriend who is as good as me, who is worthy of my vision, rather than being indiscriminate, every boy who comes over, I can see that he is miserable at a glance, and then There is no interest in bothering.

"Originally, I was going to study for a Ph. D., but I passed the written test. During the interview, I met a very beautiful female professor. She advised me to work first, and then find a suitable person to marry. I can talk about it later when I get a Ph. D., she said I told her Much like, she didn't want me to go back to her old ways.

"The female professor is really beautiful. I thought she was in her early thirties, but she said that she was already in her 50s, and people who are about to retire are still unmarried. She said that after she got used to living alone, she didn't want to marry again. She The voice is very nice, and the tone is also gentle. He spoke to me softly and slowly, but it was like a blow to the head.

"It suddenly occurred to me that I was no longer young, so I didn't get a Ph.D. and went to work in an accounting firm. Although there were many suitors, I didn't like the way they looked at the prey. That was more exciting than the obsession of my classmates. nasty feature.

When I was in an accounting firm, I always left after get off work, never worked overtime, let alone participated in wine bureaus. Even if the boss didn't like it, they couldn't find any mistakes or omissions in my work.

To be honest, I don't like working in an accounting firm, and I planned to go back to school to study for a doctorate after the internship.

"Until I met you online, even though I didn't meet, chatting with you was very comfortable, and I was finally moved.

"I heard that you are a doctor. I thought we were about the same age. The purpose of my trip to City H was to find you in a relationship. After meeting you, you were taller, handsomer and handsomer than I imagined, and your family conditions exceeded my imagination. , especially the age, which makes me incomprehensible but extremely uncomfortable. You are only 17 years old, so my old lady dare not speak.

"After half a year, you have elevated my vision of men, and I don't think I can look up to other men anymore.

Today is about to leave, and I am very sad, so I mustered up the courage to say this.These words cannot be said face to face anyway.Show you 2 minutes, I will withdraw the information, I will not recognize the withdrawal. "

After Tang Yue finished reading, she couldn't help laughing, copied the message by mistake, and sent it to Li Yue.

Liyue was counting the time, and would withdraw the message when the time was up, but when she saw Tang Yue copied such a long message and sent it to her, she immediately blushed.

Liyue: "You scoundrel, how can I withdraw it now?"

Tang Yue: "Hahaha, then you don't need to withdraw it. If you say it, it will make you feel better. No wonder you usually hide in the financial office. You are afraid to face me. In fact, I am also afraid of seeing girls confessing their love." .When I was studying in country Y, the girls in the school were much bolder than you. Don’t talk about confessing, I met a few times when I came up and hugged. There was also a girl who waited for the elevator with me, and just got out of the elevator. , hugged me and was about to gnaw my face, and my emergency action was to throw her over the shoulder. Facing the bewildered crowd, I solemnly warned her that I was only 15 years old, and if she did anything to me, I would sue her As an adult, everyone suddenly realized that after she was surprised, she actually laughed and left, making me the one who should be embarrassed instead."

Liyue: "Hahaha, it's really fun. Seeing you post so much, I suddenly feel much better."

Tang Yue: "You won't go back this time, won't you?"

Li Yue: "Of course not. If I don't come back, where will I go to see Heming Xingxin's top-quality fresh meat?"

Tang Yue: "Okay, Heming Xingxin needs you. By the way, your tone doesn't look like you anymore. I suspect that your phone has changed hands."

Liyue: "No, if the confession fails, I will no longer be afraid. Of course, I have to be more casual. I chat online, so I have to be more courageous. After the Chinese New Year, I will wait for my old lady to tease you."

Tang Yue: "Friendly reminder, you can't sneak attack. Although I'm eighteen, I can't sue you for molestation, but I will fall over my shoulder."

Liyue: "Hehe, come on, I have a reason to rely on you because of the fall."

Tang Yue: "It's scary when a woman is standing sideways. I can't imagine that the opposite is the gentle and virtuous Director Li."

Liyue: "The thick mask has been torn off, so I just smashed the jar, okay?"

Tang Yue: "Okay, I'm afraid of you, goodbye."

Tang Yue was really scared, as if if she continued to chat, she would be encouraging the other party.

In his two lifetimes, he never thought about talking about friends. For the sake of life and glory in the previous 18 years, he had no time to think about these things.Later, the body has not yet developed, and the brain will not think too much.

Maybe it's the age again, after being changed by Liyue, the iceberg beauty, she suddenly teased her, the hormones awakened her body, and she really looked forward to it in her heart.

Is the taste of love really wonderful?

After being brutally beaten by Liyue, Tang Yue thought more.

(End of this chapter)

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