Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 253 The No Lower Limit Ye Shen

Chapter 253 The No Lower Limit Ye Shen
After being brutally beaten by Liyue, Tang Yue thought more.

Liyue is very beautiful, there is no doubt that it is true that she likes herself, do I have to like her?

I have no feeling for her.

At least I didn't feel the dignified Liyue. Even though the tone of the other person changed drastically, the impression was still that white-collar beauty in a black dress.

This kind of girl in business attire, Heming company has too many, see too much, visual fatigue.

Wen Qingqing's ever-changing attire will attract Tang Yue's attention instead.

Wen Qingqing comes to City H every week, and likes to sit next to Tang Yue when eating. When she first came, the scent of the perfume on her body changed many times, and finally it became the scent that Tang Yue liked, and then Wen Qingqing has always been that scent, Later, as soon as she approached, Tang Yue knew it was Wen Qingqing.

Tang Yue thought to herself: It turns out that Wen Qingqing has been observing her own feelings, so she should also like her.

Tang Yue is sensitive, he can detect any disturbance in the game, why is he so emotionally slow?

And this Liyue, who hides it very deeply, Tang Yue always thought that she was dating Wei Chen.

Unexpectedly, he confessed his love all of a sudden, which caught Tang Yue by surprise.

Thinking of this, Tang Yue burst out laughing and remembered a famous joke.

I treat you as brothers, but you have been greedy for my body.

Wen Qingqing's figure is so hot that people dare not look directly at her, and her fair and delicate face, she and Li Yue are two types of beauties.

It's just that Wen Qingqing's frame is too big, her face is too three-dimensional, her nose is too upturned, full of exotic style, too intuitive, and lacks connotation, which did not impress Tang Yue.

Liyue has slender shoulders, thin waist and long legs. She is tall and well-proportioned. With an oval face, willow-leaf eyebrows, and eyes with long eyelashes, she is even more lovable.

Comparing Tang Yue, Liyue is more in line with her oriental aesthetics.

Tang Yue was thinking wildly, when the phone suddenly sounded a notification, waking Tang Yue up from her thoughts.

Liyue: "What are you doing?"

Tang Yue: "I was thinking wildly, I just realized, does Wen Qingqing like me too?"

Liyue: "Blind people can see it, don't you know it?"

Tang Yue: "I didn't think about this before, but after being touched by you, I suddenly understood."

Liyue: "That's a goblin, and men like it. Everyone thinks you recruited her because of her beauty, so no one provokes her."

Tang Yue: "Before she came to Heming Xingxin, how did I know what she looked like? I recruited her because of her plasticity in games. I just realized that she had changed her perfume several times."

Liyue: "Sick to death, are you developing too slowly? In the first grade of elementary school, a classmate handed me a note, saying that he likes me and wants me to be his girlfriend. You are already eighteen, and you are already studying for a Ph.D." , the feelings are still so dull. So many beauties are courting you, but you didn't respond."

Tang Yue: "Maybe it's because when I was studying in country Y, I was still young, and I was afraid of being harassed by female seniors, so I resisted these in my heart."

Liyue: "You have a problem, you need to be cured. If you say it, I will cure it. It will be fine if you have a relationship with me."

Tang Yue: "I don't feel used to you talking like that. It feels like Wei Chen is not Liyue on the other side."

Liyue: "You think too much, how can I use my mobile phone for him, he is two rows in front."

Tang Yue: "That's right. With your current mentality, will you accept Wei Chen's visit?"

Liyue: "Of course not. I've been with me for so many years. I always want to find a man who is satisfied with me. I have a vigorous love affair. Then I will fall in love. After the lovelorn, I will give up on myself and find someone to marry. How about it?" , cooperate and talk about a relationship?"

Tang Yue: "What you are facing is a guy who is so rational that he is almost heartless. Among the people I know, you are indeed the most beautiful, including Wen Qingqing, who is not as good-looking as you, but I am not ready for a relationship yet. Prepare, I don't want to be distracted to miss someone for the time being, but for the sake of friendship, I can satisfy your curiosity and cooperate with you. During the Chinese New Year holiday, after ten o'clock every night, I will chat with you for 10 minutes, and the holiday will be over Terminate. At that time, you can experience the feeling of being broken in love, and then quickly find someone to marry, how about it?"

Liyue: "Although I should be very resistant to this kind of love that comes from charity, I am unscrupulously satisfied. I can tease the perfect little fresh meat in my heart every day. It is beautiful when I think about it. I can think of myself as yours in the next year." My first love girlfriend, so why should I disagree."


Unknowingly, Tang Yue and Li Yue started discussing about chatting at night during the holiday, and then, under Li Yue's guidance, they chatted about other things.

I don't know how much they talked about, most of them were Liyue's questions, Tang Yue's answers, and then City B arrived.

Tang Yue: "Ah, we actually chatted all the way. I've arrived at the station. Let's talk before going to bed at night. Goodbye."

Liyue: "Have you arrived? I've been home a long time ago, and now I'm on the bed in the boudoir, do you want to know my sleeping position?"

Tang Yue looked at it, stopped replying, and put the phone in her pocket.

There is only a mask between the jade girl and the desire girl.

Gentle Director Pear went crazy, which was still very difficult to resist.

Along the way, Liyue teased her out of nowhere, and Tang Yue didn't dare to pick up on it. She either directly diverted, or ignored the information and continued chatting with the above content.

Growing up so big, I haven't chatted with anyone for so long, let alone being teased continuously.

Although Tang Yue resisted on the lips, she still liked this kind of chat very much in her heart.

In the past, in Tang Yue's opinion, chatting was a waste of time. Wouldn't it be better to grab a wild boss or study synthetic materials when you have that time?
But now, I don't feel bored.

Tang Yue put away her mobile phone and comforted herself: If she wasn't on the high-speed rail, she really had nothing to do, so she definitely wouldn't be chatting all the time.

After getting off the high-speed rail, on the way out of the station, Ye Xiu asked Tang Yue in a low voice: "You chatted with Director Li all the way, and you are preparing for your first love."

Tang Yue was startled, turned her head and gritted her teeth and said in a low voice, "You actually peeked at my chat?"

Ye Xiu smiled casually: "Hehe, I thought you were messing with the documents, so I took a few glances, and I saw some content because of my good eyesight. By the way, the opposite director is a fake, right?"

Tang Yue asked angrily in a low voice: "Tell me, how much did you peek at?"

Ye Xiu grinned: "Well, it's not much. I fell asleep when I got in the car, and I started aiming after I woke up halfway. It's only two or three hours in total."

Ye Xiu was sleeping all the time, so Tang Yue was unprepared. Unexpectedly, this guy fell asleep later.

"Shameless, you really have no morals at all. Remember, don't let it out. I don't care about this matter. If it gets out, Director Li will die. What if she resigns?"

Ye Xiu raised his eyebrows: "She resigned? You're thinking too much. Didn't she say that she still wants to moles Xiao Xianrou?"

Tang Yue stared at him: "When did you peek?"

Ye Xiu smiled: "I was just about to go to bed, but I didn't sleep when I saw you playing with your phone. I basically saw everything, hahaha."

Ye Xiu suddenly laughed out loud while speaking, and Tang Yue glanced back guiltily.

As a result, Tang Rou followed behind, eavesdropping quietly, and when she saw Tang Yue found her, she smiled secretly at Tang Yue: "It's okay, she's gone, let's recruit another accountant, dare to eat my cousin's tender Grass, do you think I will forgive her?"

(End of this chapter)

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