Chapter 255

During the vacation, I saw that the opponent was the player team. Chen Guo was the first to play, but lost. Then Yan Cunxin won, and Liyue played and lost again. Fortunately, he won both the group arena and the team competition. At the start of the match, Xiaoqiang was the first to go up, but he also lost, and then Yan Cunxin won the opponent. In the third game, Sun Xiaoxiao's warlock was restrained by the opponent's sharpshooter, and he died very aggrieved.

When it came to the group arena, the second team sent three masters, Hao Qiang, Wen Qingqing and Chu Yunxiao.
The opponent No. 1 beat Hao Qiang, and was killed by Wen Qingqing, the second person was killed by Wen Qingqing, and after the third person killed Wen Qingqing, he beat Chu Yunxiao to half blood before losing the game.

According to Fang Shiqian, who was watching the match, the opponent's strength in the two games was not equal. The opponent should have hired two strong foreign players, and the six matches of the individual competition were played by these two on behalf of them.Both of them are at the professional level, one of them is the main force of the mid-range team, and the other is at the mid-range level of an All-Star team.

It is said that it is a proxy fight, not a master joining, because the opponent's account card has not changed.

Fang Shiqian tried to recruit them, recommending them to come to Heming Xingxin for trial training, but was rejected by the other party.

After Heming Xingxin's first team and the Young Guards re-entered the arena, the two sides arranged the order of players.

The friendly match Heming Xingxin was also playing as a regular match, but everyone changed into orange equipment and orange weapons, so as not to take advantage of the opponent's equipment.

As a result, after Heming Xingxin won all the individual competitions, Ye Xiu asked the opponent: "Do you want to play the team competition?"

The other party immediately typed a word: "Hit."

It seemed very urgent, afraid that Heming Xingxin would directly withdraw from the arena.

Wei Chen squinted at Ye Xiu contemptuously: "Shameless, you can see who the other party is, you must have asked this on purpose."

Ye Xiu nodded and smiled, "Wu Xiao."

Wei Chen also laughed, "You can smell that obscenity even if you change jobs."

The account that participated in the friendly match was the same as the previous account. The players and the opponents from last time were no longer in the same group. The six individual matches all showed a strong sense of wretchedness, especially the swordsman and hooligan, who were so wretched to the bone. operate.

Jun Moqi: "Wretched Fang, your training camp won't work, and it won't work if you come here."

Sword Fighting World: "You saw all of this?"

Jun Moqi: "You roar, except for the two hardliners Tang Hao and Zhao Yuzhe who didn't show up, the five people who came up all had an obscene smell that could be smelled through the screen. Don't waste time, should you think about it? Think about the next opponent."

Sword Fighting World: "Goodbye."

Seeing that the Heming Xingxin team members were all wearing orange outfits, and they didn't use transforming weapons in their hands, Fang Rui didn't have any interest anymore, so the team competition was cancelled, and the audience scolded their mothers.

"Why was it cancelled?"

"Didn't you watch the news on the public channel? Fang Rui led someone to fight on his behalf."

"No wonder it's so wretched. I've eaten a lot during the Chinese New Year recently, and my reaction is a bit slow, otherwise I would have thought of it."

"Pull it down, it seems that I can understand it."


Chu Yunxiu was also interacting with players in her live broadcast room.

"In the friendly match just now, the opponent was the players of Team Wind Howl. Because their training time was up, the team match was cancelled. Players who like to watch replays can stay and watch the replay live broadcast of Heming Xingxin's second team match. Ye Shen personally Organize recovery.

While talking, Chen Guo and Xiao Qiang came over with the video of today's match, and wanted Ye Xiu to judge which team the opponent was.

After their match, Heming Xingxin's first team played a friendly match. She waited until the match was over here before she came to find someone to replay.

After watching the first round of the individual competition, Wei Chen jumped up: "How can the opponent lose to the second team with such strength?"

Fang Shiqian said: "This is obviously a proxy fight. I also watched the last match. There was no one on the other side who could crush Xiaoqiang. This match unexpectedly popped up."

Wei Chen asked: "I don't know this person well, did any of you see it?"

Ye Xiu smiled and said: "I know this guy too well, Liu Hao, I can recognize him no matter how he hides. It seems that the second team's opponent in this round is Thunder's training camp players, if Liu Hao wins in the first round Maybe it won’t be 2 to 7.5 in pinch play.”

After watching the three individual rounds, Ye Xiu said with a smile: "The three rounds of this round are Liu Hao. He used too much force when he hit the Xiaogun, and then he stopped his strength and switched to the mechanic account. He is not good at this profession. Familiar, but was actually killed by Yan Cunxin, Liu Hao became serious again in the third match, using the account of the Gunner, Liu Hao still has a foundation for the Gunner, so Sun Xiaoxiao was restrained miserably."

Chen Guo said, "Look at the back, Wu Chen said they are all masters."

Ye Xiu followed his words, finished watching the group arena again, and nodded to confirm with a smile: "It hasn't changed, Liu Hao played the three rounds of the group arena, he's a good magic swordsman, swordsman is so-so, mage, assassin, mechanic, etc. And in the end, when they met Chu Yunxiao, who was a stubborn opponent, they insisted on not letting him succeed. If he wins the individual competition by himself, and then uses the swordsman account to bring the thunderbolt players to the team competition, they may not be able to come back."

Chen Guo said angrily: "It's Liu Hao, a villain again, who can do all the work of acting as a substitute."

Chen Guo's expression was the same as that of the Thunder training camp players on the opposite side. They were also despising Xingxin's second team for cheating, because Liu Hao thought that the last Jun Mozang was not operated by Chu Yunxiao, but by Tang Yue.

Liu Hao is now the captain of Thunderclap. Hearing that Thunderclap training camp was scored 2-7.5 by the second team of Heming Xingxin, he took the initiative to fight for him.

His strength is indeed good, enough to reach the All-Star level, but in Excellent Era, Ye Qiu and Su Mucheng shined brightly, and he became a black man under the lights. The edge of the post-match really shows his strength.

This year's All-Star, Liu Hao almost made it. If he can bring the Thunder into the playoffs, next year's All-Star will definitely be there.

Ye Xiu's worries were not superfluous.

Liu Hao was very confident in his own strength, so he came to the training camp to play on his behalf, and he didn't call anyone else. He arranged six heads-up matches by himself. He thought he would definitely be able to drag himself into the team competition, but he still lost in the end.

After losing the group arena, Liu Hao swore to the training camp team members: "There is no way, the last sharpshooter, Jun Mozang, must have been fought by Drunk God Tang Yue, if it wasn't for Tang Yue, I would definitely win against Chu Yunxiao. "

The Thunder training camp players were all blown up, and they scolded Tang Yue for being careless.

Seeing the players in the training camp being distracted, Liu Hao apologized to the young players in the training camp: "I'm sorry, I tried my best, but I really can't beat Tang Yue. You also watched the All-Star Game, and he beat Liu Xiao with a swordsman. Don't, they are all taken away with a set. The average hand speed is more than 500, and my peak hand speed is only close to [-]. Sharpshooter is his main job, and the weapon is a transformation weapon. I heard that even Huang Shaotian can't beat him. There is no way."

All the Thunder training camp players expressed their understanding, and then continued to collectively despise Tang Yue for playing, completely forgetting that they also asked Liu Hao to play for them.

(End of this chapter)

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