Chapter 256

After replaying the game, Ye Qiu smiled and said to the camera: "I suggest that you watch the live broadcast of the game tonight and choose Thunder vs. Heavenly Sword. Liu Hao thought Heavenly Sword was a soft persimmon and didn't need to study hard, so he actually came to participate in the Challenger League , although six heads-up matches are nothing, but his relaxed appearance is obviously not the nervous state of the team captain before the game. Now I can already conclude that the Thunderclap will lose this game, and the important mistake must be on Liu Hao. Liu Hao's level is good enough, but he can't concentrate. This is an old problem. After arriving in Leiting, not only has he not corrected it, but it is actually worse than before. He is not a suitable candidate for the captain."

During the Chinese New Year, Ye Xiu went to Team Heavenly Swords, and specially helped Team Heavenly Swords study Thunderbolts, and specially designed a cover for Liu Hao to solve Liu Hao's problem of inattention.

Thanks to Ye Xiu's publicity in the friendly match, many spectators went to see the excitement of Thunderclap, and the result of the match was not as Ye Xiu expected.

Only Elemental Mage He Ming scored a point in the thunder individual competition. In the group arena, Liu Hao defended the ring and slept for another summer against the general who defended the ring with 86% of his health. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that after Sleeping for another summer, halfway through selling blood, there was no plan for Liu Hao, the blood bar remained motionless as if it was welded to death, but the dark sky kept being cut down and bloodletted, and there was no chance to return the phone until the end of the game.

Liu Hao was very confident in his ability to single-handedly fight. He thought it would be his turn next except for a few Conferred God masters. In the end, Sun Zheping gave him a hard lesson and told him that under Conferred God, he was still worse. far.

Affected by the group arena, when it came to the team competition, Darkness was clearly out of shape. Heavenly Sword seized the opportunity and killed him with a set fire first. Then Thunder, who had no command, was scattered and divided by Heavenly Sword. The threatening assassins were singled out, and the Thunder collapsed.

After the game ended, Loulan Zhan called immediately to thank Ye Xiu for his help. It was really not easy to score 9 points from Thunder.

Although Xiao Shiqin had transferred, he replaced the two of them, and Liu Hao was not weaker than Xiao Shiqin in singles. Ye Qiu taught him his tactical skills, so he could be ranked first in the league. Before this match, Thunder ranked first. Liu Hao contributed a lot to the seventh place, but after this match, the Thunder will fall out of the top eight.

Heavenly Sword was able to defeat Thunderbolt. First of all, the account skill points of the group of six have been greatly improved now. After another summer of sleep, they still have a full point of 5500 points. Loulan Slash and Priest have more than 5400 points. Compared with Thunder, it is equivalent to three more big skills, and the attack power is obviously higher.

There is also the strategy against Liu Hao.

Ye Xiu knew Liu Hao too well, knowing that he always wanted to be the first, so he started by undermining his confidence.

Knowing that Liu Hao was defending the ring, Ye Xiu deliberately sent the three of Loulan Slash, Kuai Laixi, and Ye Xi to the individual competition. At least two points should be scored first. I thought it was a sure bet.

With Sun Zheping guarding the ring, Thunderbolt was not afraid of taking the lead in blood volume at all. When facing Liu Hao, after Sun Zheping sold half of his blood, he would start to play tactics and try not to lose blood to win the game.

Killing is the first thing to kill. When it comes to the team competition, Liu Hao must be impatient and wants to do something to restore his image. In order not to disturb him, he deliberately chooses to go back to find Liu Hao, and then assists across the sea. Turning the crowd away, Loulan Zhan stared at the priest, he couldn't let the priest add blood to Liu Hao, but he had to get Liu Hao out of the field first.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xiu's well-designed trap hadn't started to be used yet, and when he came back, he just teased him casually and killed Liu Hao.The reason is, of course, that Liu Hao went to play for the challenge before the game, and his mood fluctuated too much. During the official game, he was humiliated by Sun Zheping again. Hao killed.

How did the Heavenly Swordsman know this, they just felt that Ye Xiu was too powerful, and everything in the battle was going according to Ye Xiu's plan.

After Ye Xiu answered the phone, he immediately arranged his team's roster for the next match: "Okay, the last online match, the opponent is the Tyrant Youth Camp, and he pointed out that he is the Tyranny Youth Academy. There are two veterans in Yang, but a few main players have left, which shows that their youth training camp is strong enough. When the veterans retire, they will be able to stand up. We can't underestimate our opponents, and don't pay attention to the old practice of not repeating the game. Jiale The first match, the second match of Yunxiu, the third match of Mo Fan, Tang Rou, Baozi, Jun Moxiao in the group arena, Zhang Jiale, Tang Rou, Tang Yue Assassin, An Wenyi, Jun Moxiao, the sixth man Yun in the team match show."

Wei Chen: "You're killing chickens with a sledgehammer. As for me, I haven't played for a long time."

Ye Xiu: "You and Fang Shen broadcast live, and get to know Tyranny's rookie from God's perspective."

Chu Yunxiu smiled and said, "Tyranny sent out the training camp this year because he wanted to touch us, Heming Xingxin."

Tang Yue asked Ye Xiu: "Do so many youth training camps participate in the challenge every year?"

Ye Xiu shook his head: "I don't know. Anyway, Excellent Era has never participated in it before, and neither have Lan Yuweicao and Tyranny. Otherwise, the light cut would not be an elevator, and the Challenger League would not be a resurrection match."

Wei Chen smiled and said, "I must have heard that someone is coming to play in the challenge competition. Many people don't want someone to get what they want, so they send a team from the youth academy to attack him."

Zhang Jiale said with a smile: "It's really possible. Before Heming Xingxin signed up, only Lan Yu and the others knew our background. Most of them didn't understand why God Ye wanted to play the Challenger League. gone."

Ye Xiu nodded: "It may not be all hits, but there must be a reason for this."

Tang Yue sneered and said, "Oh, they actually came in with this plan in mind to play, Hustle, Thunder, Tyranny, Samsara, I wrote it down in my notebook."

Wei Chen smiled and said, "Samsara doesn't seem to be a youth training camp. Even the boss lady won a game."

Tang Yue thought for a while: "Oh, yes, then I will cross it out."

Chen Guo was so angry when she heard that, couldn't she win?

Fang Shiqian said: "Samsara Youth Training Camp exists, but they met Ba Youth Camp and were killed in the fifth round."

Tang Yue nodded again: "Then write it down."

Chen Guo messed with Tang Yue's hair, and said viciously, "What's wrong with you, I won't be counted if I can win?"

Yan Cunxin took her hand and said, "They deliberately teased you. This year, the league introduced a lot of policies, and everyone who could participate participated in the training camp. Of course, these four teams are not the only ones. I know eight of them."

Ye Xiu asked Yan Cunxin: "How is the silver equipment of our second team now?"

Yan Cunxin: "I have all the silver weapons. If the second team puts them on their bodies, they will have an average of six pieces per person. The first team will not have all the Drunken Gods and you, but many of them are still at level 70. The Drunken Gods said that the materials are insufficient." , Slowly upgrade again."

Ye Xiu nodded: "There is an extra Silver equipment expert, and the processing speed is very fast. Let's replace them all now. Let's get acquainted first. We will be the last opponent in the online competition. We have to go all out. The boss of Tyranny is very dark. There is also Zhang Xinjie, who has a very dirty heart, Lin Jingyan and Zhao Yang are also old and cunning, any of them may be able to play for them, and there is also the possibility of borrowing silver weapons and silver equipment from the first team, we have to guard against it."

(End of this chapter)

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