Chapter 257
Chen Guo asked, "Where's Han Wenqing? You didn't say he was acting as a substitute."

Ye Xiu shook his head: "He won't. Besides, he can't last long, there are still competitions to come."

Chu Yunxiu had read the competition schedule earlier, and said with a smile: "The opponent in the next Tyranny match is Samsara, so the first-line players probably won't make it."

Wei Chen said: "It can't be a fluke, Tyranny has steadily entered the playoffs, but it has been a little weak recently, so he simply came to attack us. Losing to Samsara in the game can also be proud of his mentality. In the playoffs, Samsara will be taken by surprise."

Zhang Jiale: "The heart of playing tactics is very dirty."

Wei Chen nodded in agreement: "Zhang Xinjie has always been surnamed Zhang, no wonder he has a heart."

Chu Yunxiu covered her mouth and sniggered, the inside of Team Misty Rain wasn't so happy.

After she came to Heming Xingxin, she listened to a few old guys sarcasm each other with trash talk all day long, and found it very interesting. The depression from Misty Rain being forced to leave has long since vanished in these joys.

Ye Xiu opened the list of Ba Qingying, and asked Chu Yunxiu: "This boxer Song Qiying should be Lao Han's successor, how much do you know?"

Chu Yunxiu hasn't watched the video of Ba Qingying yet, so she shook her head and said, "I don't know, I just know that my personality is different from that of Old Han."

It was Fang Shiqian who had been studying the opponent, and interrupted, "It's not just different. Song Qiying's characteristics are strict and steady, and his characteristics are more like Zhang Xinjie. After Lao Han retires, Zhang Xinjie will definitely be the captain, and his tactics must focus on stability. Song Qiying is The future Captain Tyranny can seamlessly adapt to Zhang Xinjie's style of play."

Ye Xiu nodded: "That's okay, I'm afraid I won't take the usual path."

Zhang Jiale smiled and said, "There are not so many Yu Wenzhous, and there is only one Wang Jiexi."

Both of them are aliens from the Glory Alliance, and they are really difficult to deal with. Even Ye Xiu is not sure that he will win, so of course he doesn't want to meet them now.

Ye Xiu continued to flip through the materials of the Ba Qing Camp, and complained, "Assassin Xinyi Wushuang Sun Xin, Tyranny sold Ji Leng together with Zhou Guangyi, why are there still assassins in the youth training camp?"

Fang Shiqian said: "Ji Leng's style of play is unorthodox, and he seldom uses a single blow. You only became famous back then. Zhou Guangyi was not spiritual enough, so he sold them together. The Xinyi Five-Double account card is no worse than Ji Leng's. What Xin is doing is just like the routine of sacrificing one's life."

Wei Chen nodded: "It must be Zhang Xinjie's strategy. Assassins themselves are set up to sneak attack and harvest. Selling Ji Leng is to eliminate the influence of the No. 1 assassin. In fact, the assassins will return to their original roots."

Ye Xiu looked at Tang Yue: "Keep an eye on the assassin, don't give him a chance."

Tang Yue nodded: "He can't escape my grasp."

Ye Xiu continued to analyze: "There are no hooligans in Tyranny's training camp, but there is a qigong master, Shen Hai. No wonder they want to buy Boundless Sea. This qigong master should be a good seed, so please bring Zhao Yang along."

Fang Shiqian said: "Tyranny bought Lin Jingyan and Zhao Yang, seemingly for this year's championship, but actually paving the way for Zhang Xinjie's era. Tactics shifted from toughness to control. Elements, knights, and sharpshooters are all Tyranny's old professions. It's for matchup training. These three professions are the important puzzle pieces of Zhang Xinjie's tactics."

Wei Chen said with a smile: "It seems that Tyranny will first defend firmly in the future, and then seize the opportunity to forcefully control and then forcefully kill, resulting in the lead in numbers or blood volume, and then fight to consume. The advantage changes from quantitative to qualitative, and firmly wins. Contest."

Zhang Jiale smiled: "This is very Zhang Xinjie."

Ye Xiu nodded: "This is what Zhang Xinjie is good at. He has been aggrieved by Lao Han for many years. The sharpshooter has already left Qin Muyun this year. Zhou Haiyan in the youth training camp is also a sharpshooter. He is only one year younger, so his strength should not be as good as Qin Muyun."

Fang Shiqian shook his head: "The characteristics are different. Qin Muyun's specialty is position selection, Zhou Haiyan is precise, and is good at using a big sniper to make up the knife. After level 75 and more ambushes, he is even more like a duck to water."

Wei Chen shook his head and said, "After level 75, sharpshooters have been strengthened too much."

After shaking his head, Fang Shiqian didn't speak, and asked Ye Xiu, "What do you think, Lao Ye?"

Ye Xiu said with a smile: "The sharpshooter was too weak, and only a strong player like Zhou Zekai rose up. Old Wei met Su Muqiu before retiring. After returning this time, he had Xiaoyue by his side, so he felt that the sharpshooter was very strong Strong. Look at how many players in the league get headshots from big snipers. Their hand speed and micromanagement can’t keep up. Big snipers can easily dodge headshots. It’s better to hit the body solidly. That’s why I added ambush. Skills. There is also the big move of random shooting. Before Zhou Zekai, no one could turn random shooting into continuous shooting, and the bullets could hit the opponent. Even now, the only ones who can do this are Zhou Zekai, Xiaoyue, and others. , At least [-]% of the bullets were wasted."

Tang Yue nodded in agreement: "The strongest gun system should be the ammunition expert, and the weakest is the mechanic. Those messy mechanical armies are not all practical, and there are many restrictions. Unlike the ammunition expert, who has no skills and is useless, Xiao Shiqin Being able to play the Mechanic well mainly depends on his tactical strength, he can mobilize opponents to the battlefield he chooses, and effectively exert the explosive power of the mechanical army."

Ye Qiu looked at Zhang Jiale: "I'll leave this sharpshooter to you to deal with."

After finishing speaking, he continued to analyze his opponent: "Swordsman Yu Tian, ​​Tyranny has no old swordsmen, this Yu Tian should also be a good seed, swordsmen are melee fighters, and Xiao Tang will deal with them when they encounter them. Whoever fights the rest will be handed over to him." I."

Fang Shiqian added: "Shi Xiaozhuan, the pastor of Baqing Camp, plays Hu Qing. He plays explosive animal husbandry, but his temper is more like Han Wenqing's. Partnering with the steady Song Qiying, he makes up for a lot of aggressiveness."

Then he summarized the remaining people: "Many people have joined the Youth Battalion. They seem to lack strengths and shortcomings, but they are not very old and have strong plasticity. It should be to enrich the depth of the training camp bench. Just look at Qin Muyun who made his debut this year. , you know Tyranny's youth training camp is doing well."

Ye Xiu finally concluded: "The Baqing Battalion is worth noting the above few, because they lack equipment, mainly orange equipment, it seems that there is no danger, their goal is us, temporary substitutions and equipment changes are not ruled out, we must not be careless .”

Wei Chen looked down on Ye Xiu from the sidelines: "If we can't even handle Tyranny's youth training camp, do we still want to make a name for Xingxin Dynasty?"

Ye Xiu nodded and said with a smile: "Old Wei is right, you need to have this kind of arrogance, but strategically despise the enemy, tactically respect the enemy, and don't fight uncertain battles. Don't you understand? No wonder he retired long ago."

Wei Chen was trembling with anger at his words. Facing this vicious tongue and Ye Xiu who likes to expose his faults, he really couldn't explain it.

Glory textbooks, the trash talk is also top-notch, and they even poke it into the lung ducts.

That's what Ye Xiu said, and that's what he did. He never underestimates the enemy. After assigning the task, he looked through the last two matches of the Qingba Camp.

Even if Team Heming Xingxin meets Team Tyranny, they are sure to win. What's more, there is no one to fight on their behalf, and there is no Tyranny Youth Training Camp to change their equipment.

(End of this chapter)

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