Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 263 Su Mucheng's Contract

Chapter 263 Su Mucheng's Contract
Xiao Shiqin felt that he could really think about winning the championship this season.
Not only he and Su Mucheng are improving, Sun Xiang is also improving rapidly, especially after participating in the quasi-national team training on Tuesday, Sun Xiang has become very humble. Although he still doesn't understand Xiao Shiqin's command, he has been able to execute it unconditionally .

Xiao Shiqin always likes to pay attention to details, if his comrades can't keep up with his command, the effect of his tactics will be greatly reduced.

Now after arriving in Excellent Era, I found that Su Mucheng didn't need to command at all. Guo Yang and Zhang Jiaxing had been tempered by Ye Xiu for many years, and their tactical literacy was also very high. With a few hints, they could cooperate tacitly. Sun Xiang, who was originally a black hole in tactics, no longer Doing things on his own made Xiao Shiqin's tactics suddenly smooth.

When Excellent Era hits smoothly, the opponent is sad. Sun Xiang will always appear at the opponent's weak point, and then ruthlessly tear it open, looking extremely domineering.

Of course, fans and the media praised hard. Half a year ago, Sun Xiang must have thought that he was invincible, but now he knew that it was not because he was too strong, but because Xiao Shiqin's command was right and his teammates cooperated tacitly, which made the opponent care about one thing and lose another. Handle.

Glory is not a one-man game.

Also because of the recent strong performance of Excellent Era's Iron Triangle, even if Excellent Era changed its owner, fans did not fluctuate.

For the fans, as long as the players play well, it doesn't matter who is the boss.

Chopin, as the boss, disagrees with this statement very much.

He needs to use Excellent Era's success to show his unique investment vision to attract more investors.

Fortunately, he knows that there are specialties in the art industry, and he is not arrogant enough to interfere with the team's specific work.

Xiao Bang didn't care about Xiao Shiqin, but took away the authority of the manager Cui Li.

It didn't matter to Cui Li, he had already got Tao Xuan's promise that after joining the new team, Cui Li would still be the manager, and before the end of this season, he could get some salary in Excellent Era.

What is really sad is the department heads under Cui Li, they are all people who really do things.

They are all old people who have followed Cui Li for a long time, and they cooperate with each other tacitly. They are very clear about what to do. In the daily meeting, if it involves other departments, discuss it a little bit. Cui Li nods and agrees, and it will be done.

It is not possible now, a report needs to be written, the reason 123 should be clearly written, how much it will cost, and the effect 123 should also be clearly written, and then sent to Mr. Xiao's office through the secretary, and can only be implemented after Mr. Xiao's approval.

Tao Xuan started from scratch, and Cui Li is Tao Xuan's confidant. After so many years of management, both of them have a good amount of expenses, and their subordinates can't be fooled. Therefore, the two of them will delegate power.

There is no doubt that Chopin is capable, but after all he is not familiar with the Glory team, nor does he know the supervisors below, so he asks everyone to write a clear report.

For the elite employees of investment companies, writing reports is a basic ability, and the executives of Excellent Era are dying.

Many of them were promoted by the backbone of the guild. Cui Li felt that they were loyal to Excellent Era first, and secondly, they had the ability to lead the team. If they could still manage the guild well, he would promote them to manage the department. If they were not suitable, just send them back to the guild. It has been managed like this for so many years, at least Tao Xuan didn't think it was bad.

Chopard used the standard of investment elites to demand club directors, which is a bit of a rush to put ducks on the shelves.

Of course, these executives didn't want to lose their positions, so they had to show their talents across the sea. Some downloaded model essays from the Internet, and some looked ahead, bragging, and finally wrote the report and handed it in.

Chopin is the CEO of an investment company, and he manages many companies. Of course, he is very busy with things. After finally finding time to read Excellent Era's report, he was almost so angry that he doubted his life.

How did Excellent Era's middle managers get there, at this level?

If the format is wrong, I won’t say it, the sentences are not smooth, there are many typos, and I need to read it repeatedly to understand what he wants to say, but the result is still meaningless routine. The key content that Chopin wants to see, except how much money it costs, there is no other sentence.

Chopin was able to make the investment company's plate so big, patience and city skills are good, like a primary school teacher correcting a composition, it took two hours, after carefully reviewing two reports, it was interrupted by other things.

When he returned to the office, he was not in the mood to be a teacher anymore. He typed back all the reports without reading them, and asked the writers to revise the reports according to his instructions.

It took two days to prepare the report, two days of pressing in Chopin's office before being seen by Chopin, and then waiting for a few days before Mr. Xiao was called back. More than a week passed.

The motivated supervisor carefully revised the report according to Mr. Xiao's comments, and then asked the secretary to submit it.Determined to pay attention, the supervisor who followed Cui Li after the end of the season modified it casually and handed it in again.

Anyway, the club is owned by the boss, and the report on what needs to be done has been handed in, and the boss likes to approve it or not.

In a wealthy club, all major and minor matters have to be reported. There are hundreds of reports in the Chopin Secretariat. Projects that cost money have to wait for Mr. Xiao’s approval, but projects that make money cannot be delayed. The secretary put Su Mucheng in the reality show. The report was screened out, and when Mr. Xiao was free, he sent it up immediately.

Although the format and content are still unreadable, Mr. Xiao saw that it was a matter of making money, so he could only hold his nose and approve it. In order to express his dissatisfaction, he specially made a note on the report: the signing of the contract was humiliating and humiliating, so it is not an example.

20% of the reality show is paid after it is filmed, and the other 60% is paid after it is aired.

The investor let the contract be signed in this way to avoid risks.

Some celebrities were shining and beautiful yesterday, but suddenly an inside story broke out, and today they dare not meet people.

If the inside story involves breaking the law, even if it is filmed, it cannot be broadcast. The crew has to delete the scenes involving people and find someone to reshoot.

Mr. Xiao can still understand risk avoidance.To his displeasure, the contract was only for one episode of a reality show.

The reality show adopts an elimination system, and the final two winners of each episode will advance. After four episodes, the eight winners will gather to compete for two final qualifications. After four rounds, eight finalists will compete for the championship.

Su Mucheng's 400 million contract is only the fee for one episode of the game. If you don't get promoted, just wait until the filming is over and it will be aired. Don't think too much about it.If Su Mucheng advances, he will have to re-sign the contract with a contract value of 500 million. If Su Mucheng can enter the finals, he will have to re-sign the contract with a value of 600 million.

According to the schedule, only the 400 million in the reality show contract will be in Excellent Era. After the promotion, Su Mucheng will still be in Excellent Era. Before the rematch, Su Mucheng has already transferred. The one who will sign the contract and get the money will be Heming Xingxin Club .

This is money going into other people's pockets. Of course, Chopin is not happy, so he spouted nonsense in the report of the Ministry of Commerce.

Cai Jing, the director of Jiashi's business department, is also a fan of Su Mucheng. When she was in college, she became the backbone of Excellent Dynasty. Because she is a local, she joined the Excellent Era guild after graduation. When Sun Xiang joined Excellent Era last season, Excellent Era established a business Cai Jing and another female backbone of the guild, Jin Xiang, were transferred to the Ministry of Commerce.

Both of them are fans of Su Mucheng, and they both wanted to be in charge of Su Mucheng. In the final arena PK, Cai Jing won 2-0, and was awarded to be in charge of Su Mucheng's business affairs, while Jin Xiang was in charge of Sun Xiang's business affairs.

When Xiao Shiqin arrived in Excellent Era, Cui Li handed over Xiao Shiqin's business affairs to Jin Xiang. At the end of the year, Cai Jing's performance crushed Jin Xiang's and was appointed by Cui Li as the business director.

(End of this chapter)

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