Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 264 Reality Show Lottery

Chapter 264 Reality Show Lottery
After Tao Xuan shot Excellent Era, the one Cui Li was going to take away was Cai Jing, but Cai Jing wanted to go to Heming Xingxin with Su Mucheng even more.

Although her contract was approved by Mr. Xiao as a humiliation and humiliation, the report was approved after all. With the report, Cai Jing handled it and got the green light all the way.

Su Mucheng needed to go out to shoot for a week, and Xiao Shiqin was very upset when he was absent from a game. Seeing Cai Jing come to ask for leave for Su Mucheng, he would not find it boring to stop him. He could only modify his tactics and replace the strongest Li Rui appeared.

The reality show is called "Let's PK Sisters". Each episode has eight female stars. Su Mucheng participated in the second episode. The eight people have different identities. In addition to Su Mucheng, an honorable contestant, there are also actors, singers, dancers, etc. Fighters, warriors, athletes, model workers and big names in opera circles are all well-known female stars. The crew gathered them together and let them compete across borders. For example, dancers and athletes challenged each other to the limit, and model workers and actors competed against Sudoku. The content of the first issue.

The show allows these stars to show their interests and talents outside of their main business. Losing will not affect her reputation, and winning will bring more surprises. Anyway, being able to participate in the show can increase a lot of exposure and traffic.

Of course, fans will help their idols. This kind of fighting show has been popular since its first episode, and quickly climbed to the top of the list. Because the contestants are very involved, netizens have already joked: "Open the book, sister. "

Although both Su Mucheng and Chu Yunxiu participated in this reality show, they were separated by the director and did not compete in the same arena. If they both advance, they will not meet until the quarterly duel.

Because it was a closed shoot, Excellent Era sent Su Mucheng to a resort, but was persuaded to leave by the reception staff.

After the staff showed their credentials and ID cards, they said to the two assistants and four bodyguards assigned to Su Mucheng: "Our crew has special service personnel and security personnel. Except for the contestants, no one else is allowed in. You guys You can record the registration information of our crew, as well as my identity information and contact information, and also leave your contact information, if the contestants have any urgent matters, you can contact me, and I can contact you if necessary."

The two assistants could only leave with bodyguards.

This show is super popular, and of course Taiyue Entertainment wanted to send someone to sign up, but they didn't receive an invitation.At that time, Tao Xuan knew that he had no connections, so he asked Tang Yue for help.In the end, Su Mucheng was able to enter because it was invested by the TV station. Heming Group and the TV station have cooperated for a long time.

Su Mucheng's two assistants came over with Mr. Xiao's mission in mind, which was to contact the director or producer to see if artists from Taiyue Entertainment could be included in the reality show, but they couldn't even enter the gate. He could only watch Su Mucheng get into the resort in a convertible car.

Su Mucheng entered the reception room, and after signing in, she received a survey form.

This is a questionnaire survey, not only asking about the talents of the contestants, Su Mucheng also rated her own six-dimensional ability, and chose which challenges she would like to participate in.

The reality show PK is mainly through the PK of game items. There are many game items, many of which are very brain-intensive, and have been selected as the competition for the strongest brain.

Su Mucheng was not a multi-talented person. In the past, in order to make money for the company, she had to participate in various announcements or advertisements. She also received training in singing and dancing, and she sang a few songs very well.

In the talent column, she also ticked singing, and she ticked several games that she thinks should still be playable.

In terms of six-dimensional ability, Su Mucheng scored 5 points for her observation ability, 4 points for her calculation ability, spatial ability, and memory ability, 3 points for her reasoning ability, and 2 points for her creativity.

As a Glory player, Su Mucheng's six-dimensional ability is not self-feeling, but the result of authoritative software evaluation, so she quickly filled out the questionnaire.

Finally, there are tax evasion, drug use and other illegal matters. Even if there are such questionnaires, the contestants will not admit it.

Finally, in the questionnaire, Su Mucheng wrote in her own handwriting: The above investigation is true, if there is any concealment of the facts, I will bear all responsibilities, not only the scenes will be deleted, the contract will be voided, and the producer will have to accept legitimate claims.Su Mucheng, 2xxx x month x day.

After the sign-in, the staff brought Su Mucheng to the exclusive fitting room. After picking out the clothes, they would apply makeup according to the clothes.

Because all the people who came here were celebrities, and many of them had clothing endorsements, it was not easy to wear clothes indiscriminately. The program team had already contacted those brands to provide the contestants with reality show clothing.

Su Mucheng has Hanshang Hualian brand endorsement on her body. When the program team contacted Hanshang Hualian and asked if they could provide Su Mucheng's program costumes, the other party immediately understood and agreed, and said that they would send someone to interview later. Signed a sponsorship contract with the program group.

Su Mucheng is the link of the reality show on the Hanshang Hualian brand. If the brand does not sponsor the show, Su Mucheng will not wear Hanshang Hualian clothes for filming.After the brand sponsors 500 million, Su Mucheng will wear dozens of sets of Hanfu on the reality show, and she will change several Hanfu outfits every day. There will also be an advertisement for Su Mucheng wearing Hanfu.

The program team invited Su Mucheng to spend 400 million yuan, but earned 500 million yuan from the Hanshang Hualian brand. After all, it was all business.

After choosing the clothes for shooting, I went into the dressing room.

That night, the eight contestants assembled for the first time, and they all appeared in costumes. When Su Mucheng appeared on the stage in gorgeous Hanfu, like a fairy Chang'e, the other contestants cried out in surprise.

"Oh my god, just looking at my demeanor, I lost."

"When choosing this fairy PK, you must choose the event where the winner is determined on the spot, otherwise no one will be able to beat her by scoring on the Internet."

"I know this fairy. She plays games. She is the number one beauty in Glory."

"I don't know that she is willing to accept those competitions."

"She is my idol. I am an athlete, and I also play Glory. I also checked Glory PK. There should be no need to compare Glory with Mu Mu."


After Su Mucheng took the stage, when she introduced herself, all her options were displayed on the background screen, and a six-dimensional ability map appeared at the same time, which caused another commotion.

"She chose to sing. I chose to sing too."

"Look at her observation ability. She rated herself as 5 points, and there are three 4 points. She is too confident. I don't know how much I am worth, so I filled in 2 points."

"That's right, I don't know how much my six-dimensional ability is. I racked my brains to fill it out. If there are 0 points for memory, space and calculation power, I will definitely fill in 0. Unfortunately, the lowest is 1. My six-dimensional ability adds up. 8 points."

"I also filled in blindly. They are all 2 points, adding up to 12 points."


Su Mucheng was the last to appear on stage. After the show ended, the host began to draw lots.Within a week, eight people played single rounds of PK, one round of four groups of PK every day, 2 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, and 0 points for a loss. After seven rounds of competition, the two contestants with the highest points will advance to the quarterly duel.

(End of this chapter)

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