Chapter 270

While speaking, Liu Xiaobie's three-stage slash and sword shadow step, a large group of people surrounded him, trying to bypass Sun Xiang and pounce on Xiao Shiqin.

Baozi immediately yelled: "Hey, Liu Xiaobie is so fierce? He just rushed in, and Director Wei said he has no vigor?"

Wei Chen smirked: "This is sending you to death. No, Wei Cao wants to kill Xiao Shiqin by force."

Zhang Jiale said with a smile: "Xiao Shiqin bypassed Liu Xiaobie to meet Xiao Shiqin, Sun Xiang is also returning to help, Excellent Era's key figure is Xiao Shiqin, Wei Cao's key figure is Wang Jiexi, both teams want to kill first The opponent's key person depends on who succeeds first."

In the arena, Liu Xiaobie's firepower was fully fired, and after the sword had ruled the world, he suddenly used the Phantom Invisible Sword, pointing east and west among the crowd of Excellent Era.

Ye Xiu suddenly said: "No, Liu Xiaobie's sword is wrong, Wei Cao's target is Zhang Jiaxing."

As soon as the words fell, Liu Xiaobie had already terminated the Phantom Invisible Sword, and used the level 75 big move Luoying Style to overthrow Guo Yang with Qi Chongyunshui, and then used the Returning Wind Style to catch Zhiying who was hiding behind the qigong master. Pull it over, and then draw Zhiying to blow Zhiying away.

Wang Buliuxing also just rushed over, used a spiral broom, and gave Zhiying to Gao Yingjie, and then he and Liu Xiaobie intercepted Excellent Era's generals, but the four of Excellent Era didn't come to their rescue, they surrounded Wang Jiexi and beat him up. .

Wei Chen: "Xiao Shiqin's heart is dark enough, this is to exchange Zhiying for Wang Jiexi and Liu Xiaobie."

The battlefield was suddenly divided into three, Jiashi Xiao Shiqin, Sun Xiang and Su Mucheng besieged Wang Jiexi on the left, Guo Yang singled out Liu Xiaobie in the middle, and Wei Cao besieged Zhiying on the right, but Su Mu From time to time, Cheng would fire a cannon over to cover Zhiying.

Wei Chen suddenly smiled and said, "Xiao Shiqin still took it for granted, Wang Jiexi had already rushed to Liu Xiaobie's side, they covered each other, took advantage of the swordsman's high damage and high defense, and fought with Excellent Era to kill the three of Wei Cao. Weaving Shadow buys time."

Tang Yue smiled and said, "Xiao Shiqin underestimated the magician. Sun Xiang is still a little tender. If God Ye uses One Autumn Leaf, Wang Jiexi will definitely stay."

Ye Xiu was very helpful, he chuckled: "If I were to go up, the magician wouldn't be able to fly at all, Xiao Shiqin could have gone to rescue Zhiying long ago."

Wei Chen was speechless about someone's boast, but he was powerless to refute it, because when the magician was born, he was crushed by only one person, and that was the guy in front of him.

While chatting and laughing, Zhang Jiaxing was replaced, but only Flying Sword Liu Xiaobie was replaced.

When Zhang Jiaxing was killed in battle, Wang Jiexi still led Liu Xiaobie and Jiashi to entangle with each other. After Wei Cao and the other three killed Zhiying, they didn't stop at all. They went directly to the substitution area to meet the knight Xu Bin, and didn't care whether Wang Jiexi was alive or not. .

The second one to fall was Liu Xiaobie. Wang Jiexi had 18 grams of blood left, but suddenly he used his magic trick, becoming slick, and after a few weird curves, he broke out from the crowd. Then he fled away and soon joined his own people.

Zhang Jiaxing was killed, and his replacement Li Rui quickly ran over to meet him. When the Excellent Era team members rushed over, Wang Jiexi was enjoying a massage with Cordyceps sinensis, his body glowing with blue light.

The two sides are still five against five, but Excellent Era has no treatment.

Wei Chen sighed: "Although Excellent Era's overall HP is still superior, it's really hard to fight without treatment."

Zhang Jiale asked Ye Xiu, "If you were in command, how would Excellent Era fight now?"

Ye Xiu shook his head: "Wei Cao's formation is complete, now it's both offensive and defensive, Excellent Era is very difficult to fight."

Wei Chen looked at Xiao Shiqin, who was arranging tactics, and said with a smile, "Xiao Shiqin's tactics are all right, but he became a little anxious and underestimated Wang Jiexi. He wouldn't be so rash before."

Tang Yue said: "It's Sun Xiang's performance that is usually very strong, which gave him the illusion that Ye Shen could win Wang Jiexi back then, and now Sun Xiang can do it too. In terms of heads-up, Wang Jiexi can be ranked third, stronger than Zhou Zekai. Just a little bit worse than Ye Shen and me."

No one refuted Tang Yue's words. Although they had doubts about Ye Shen being stronger than Tang Yue, Tang Yue had already proved with facts that his heads-up was better than Zhou Zekai, so he was qualified to judge.

Yan Cunxin asked: "Where is the Juggernaut? Where can you rank?"

Tang Yue said: "The Juggernaut can't beat Zhou Zekai in a one-on-one match, he can be ranked fifth, and Sun Zheping, Jia Le and Han Wenqing should be next."

Chu Yunxiu asked: "What about me, where can I rank?"

Tang Yue said: "Sister Yunxiu, my sister, in heads-up, you should be at the same level as Sun Xiang, Xiao Shiqin, and Yu Feng. The four of you are [-]-[-]. Sun Xiangqiang is delicate in operations. The two of you have weapon bonuses. Qin has a tactical bonus, but Yu Feng is actually underestimated, mainly because his character equipment is a bit poor."

Baozi asked: "Where's Tang Hao? Can I kill him?"

Tang Yue thought for a while and said: "Tang Hao is strong in hand speed, which you can't compare to. You are strong in fighting intuition. When you really understand PK, you will be able to beat him. I forgot about Tang Hao just now. He is actually the same as Sun Xiang." It's also between brothers, heads-up is okay, and their tactical awareness is worse than Sun Xiang's."

During the conversation between several people, the Weicao team had already rested and recovered, and had already chased after them.

The members of Excellent Era had also left the battle just now. They no longer had a priest, and they all sat and recovered their strength. Before the battle, they replenished as much as they could.

Seeing Wei Cao chasing after him, Xiao Shiqin ordered to retreat, and when he was about to engage in a mobile battle, Xu Bin suddenly charged, gave Guo Yang a thumbs up, and whistled. Provocation is a compulsory skill, so Guo Yang won't fight Xu Bin couldn't leave. He was a qigong master and had some medium-range attack skills, but after the solitary provocation was over, he retreated. Two magicians had already rushed up, and the sharpshooter also started shooting at him.

Su Mucheng started chasing Xu Bin to bomb after putting the heavy cannon on her shoulders. There was no other way. Demonic Dao and Sharpshooter were both fast-moving professions, and heavy cannons were difficult to attack. The explosion effect of the heavy artillery separated the two of them.

The combination of knights and guardian angels should be the strongest defense. With these two as a mobile fortress, Wei Cao's mobile trio can rely on the fortress to slowly weaken Excellent Era's HP.

Su Mucheng's heavy artillery and Xiao Shiqin's air attack were all blocked by Xu Bin's big shield. When Guo Yang was provoked and pulled into the encirclement, he was first repeatedly beaten by the double demons, and the sharpshooter shot in front of him.

Sun Xiang wanted to rush in with Li Rui, but Xiao Shiqin stopped him.

Just when Guo Yang was forced to rush towards Xu Bin, he suddenly shot out a wave of air with both hands. Following the change of hand shape, he became a cloud catcher. The person who caught it was actually Liu Fei, and then Guo Yang dragged Liu Fei and ran towards Xu Bin together. , Su Mucheng's ultimate move, Thunder Doom, also just fell, completely enveloping the three of them.

Sun Xiang and Li Rui had already used their powerful dragons to break through the army, broke through the barriers of the double demons, and bombarded Xu Bin's big shield together.

After Xu Bin was knocked into the air, there was a roar, everyone in Excellent Era rushed towards Xu Bin unconsciously, Xiao Shiqin fired, Su Mucheng fired, Sun Xiang and Li Rui directly shot Fulong Xiangtian, trying to kill him in one fell swoop Xu Bin.

As a result, a blue light flashed, and Xu Bin's blood volume jumped up, which raised Xu Bin's blood volume up, saving Xu Bin's life.

Xu Bin jumped up after him, jumped bravely, then received the charge, swung his shield at the end, turned his whole body around, and ruthlessly swept on Sun Xiang, Guo Yang and Li Rui, because he had activated chivalry just now. A swipe is an honest storm strike.

Guo Yang was killed instantly, Sun Xiang's blood was red, and Li Rui's blood immediately fell from full to residual blood.

Su Mucheng pulled out the pistol from the heavy cannon and turned it into a spear.

Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah.

Four shots fired, Xu Bin was killed, Liu Fei was killed, and Su Mucheng was killed.

(End of this chapter)

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