Chapter 271
The first gunshot was Su Mucheng Barrett's sniper attack, killing Xu Bin.

Liu Fei, who was under Xu Bin's cover just now, also used Barrett's sniper, one shot hit Su Mucheng's head, who was frozen in the attack, followed by double control, and then fired Barrett's sniper, and it was Su Mucheng again. Orange head.

Xiao Shiqin also launched Barrett's sniper attack, killing Liu Fei.

At the same time, Wang Jiexi and Gao Yingjie each cast a star ray on Su Mucheng, killing Su Mucheng.

This series of make-ups was concentrated within a second, making it impossible for people to react, and the situation changed.

Sun Xiang turned around and wanted to run, but Wang Jiexi, who was flying at high speed, immediately chased after him.

Wang Jiexi turned his body around first, rolled over from the broom, dodged Xiao Shiqin's air compressor, then rolled forward to avoid the explosion of Xiao Shiqin's mechanical object, and then rolled sideways. It hit Sun Xiang's leg and knocked Sun Xiang to the ground.

The blue light on the sweeping bar was shining, and it had been sprinkled with ice powder. After Sun Xiang fell to the ground, it was shining with silver light, and soon turned into a lump of ice.

Xiao Shiqin didn't take any damage from the big move, and he still had 85 grams of health, but he had to face Wang Jiexi with 32 grams, Gao Yingjie with 65 grams, and Yuan Boqing with 45 grams.

As for Sun Xiang who fell on the ground, he only had 6 grams of blood left on his body, and he was still in a frozen state, so he could already be declared dead.

When the two magicians rushed towards Xiao Shiqin, they simultaneously threw a karst flask behind them.

The fire instantly surrounded Sun Xiang, the ice on his body melted, and his blood volume also rose with the fire, and he fell directly to the bottom.

One Autumn Leaf died in battle.

The wonderful battle just now made everyone onlookers shut their mouths tightly.

Li Yibo was on the TV, and it was only at this moment that he shouted loudly: "Xu Bin is mighty, Liu Fei has also made meritorious service."

Wei Chen grinned, "Xiao Shiqin made a mistake in this switch. He wanted to hit Xu Bin just now, but Su Mucheng took the first step. He almost fired his gun and turned to look for Liu Fei, but he was a little slower. When Liu Fei fired the second shot, he hit Liu Fei in the head."

Tang Yue said: "Excellent Era should hit Liu Fei first no matter what, because Liu Fei will die with one shot, but he is the one who threatens the most. Xu Bin is already red-blooded, and he just used the storm to fight back, and at most he can use a crusader to fight back." Judgment made up for Sun Xiang."

Wei Chen: "Sun Xiang shouldn't run away, he only has a little bit of blood left, why don't he just charge and pull him down."

Ye Xiu said: "Mucheng has no angle. The Guardian Messenger blocked Su Mucheng from shooting Liu Fei, and also added blood to Xu Bin. Mucheng's attack is no problem. Xiao Shiqin was too slow to shoot, and he chose the wrong one." The opponent, Xiao Shiqin's weakness is this, his calculations are too meticulous, and instead he loses his decisiveness."

Wei Chen said: "Xiao Shiqin will be very thoughtful if he thinks about it slowly. When encountering emergencies, he habitually likes to think too much, so he doesn't seem quick-witted."

The scene became a three-on-one, Xiao Shiqin didn't want to run any more, so he could only forcefully charge up. Two minutes later, Life Extinguisher, with the Guardian Envoy adding blood, Wang Buliuxing still stood upright.

After watching the match, Ye Xiu said: "In this match, Mucheng and Guo Yang were not excited, Xiao Shiqin and Sun Xiang played below their usual level, Zhang Jiaxing was a little sleepwalking, something happened together, did Excellent Era show up? Problem?"

Wei Chen said: "The aftereffects of changing the boss, Xiao Shiqin's mentality has problems, and his surrender in the group arena is a clear proof."

Tang Yue said: "That's right, the opponents in the last two matches were not strong, so we just fooled them around. Excellent Era had the strength to break the undefeated golden body of Weicao against Weicao. He didn't do that, he was just showing weakness. At the beginning, the momentum was weak, and the team competition was a bit timid, this team competition, if Xiao Shiqin played better, he should be able to win."

Ye Xiu said: "Xiao Shiqin lacks confidence, and Xiaojiabiyu becomes a wealthy family's wife. After the exciting period, he is a little worried about gains and losses."

Zhang Jiale laughed: "These words sound harsh, but they are very appropriate. He doesn't have a champion by his side. Facing a two-time champion, he will unnaturally show timidity."

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "We are different from Heming Xingxin when you come here. I am at the helm."

Wei Chen gritted his teeth, and then gave Ye Xiu an inexplicable look. If Tang Yue wasn't there, he would have sacrificed his slender finger.

Zhang Jiale looked at Wei Chen and said, "The guy you call Lao Ye is so apt, nothing else can express my feelings at this moment. In terms of stinky farts, he is the number one."

Excellent Era lost 3 to 7. With one loss, Excellent Era fell straight to No. 6. Excellent Era was invincible against a strong team, and the saying that it was a fake strong team came up again.

Yan Cunxin took the game discussion video, edited it a little, and posted it on Heming Xingxin's official website.

Many players follow Heming Xingxin's official website, and receive push notifications whenever there is a change.

Xiao Shiqin's statement that Xiaojia Biyu became a wealthy family and became a big wife was immediately maxed out by fans.

The next morning, after Xiaojiabiyu was called away by Sun Xiang during training, the others did not dare to follow suit, but Su Mucheng didn't care, so she called Xiaojiabiyu after her.

Of course Xiao Shiqin also saw the new video on the official website, but his reaction was positive.

Because Ye Xiu gave him affirmation, and he really hit the crux of his problem, which was the problem of changing his mentality.

Xiao Shiqin didn't hide it himself, instead he used these words to motivate his team members.

"Ye Shen affirmed the quality of our wealthy family, and only criticized me as a housekeeper. As long as I change my mind and be proactive, we will be an out-and-out wealthy family. This season's championship, we are sure, and we will be the champion team by then. Members, whoever dares to say that Excellent Era is a pseudo-strong team next season, we will take the championship ring and hit him in the face, so that he will leave Excellent Era's championship mark on his face."

Xiao Shiqin's words were very powerful. When the team members were at a loss, it was like timely rain, and they regained their hearts.

Although Excellent Era's new manager is simple and rude, and has driven away many backbones, he has extraordinary abilities. He takes care of major and minor matters in person, handles them in a timely manner, and reports to President Xiao. He personally drafts reports and uses the group's internal approval software, which is extremely efficient. high.

For the many positions left by the resigned employees, the new manager did not make up for them, but adopted the model of salary increase and burden, and used benefits to stimulate employees' enthusiasm for work.

Excellent Era was bloated in the first place, and the employees changed their slack in the past, and quickly brought the work of Excellent Era Club back on track.

Cai Jing resigned with Cui Li, but first came to Heming Xingxin to apply for a job.

Because she is Su Mucheng's business specialist, during the Chinese New Year holiday, she was the one who came to pick up Su Mucheng's announcements every time, and also followed Su Mucheng to Heming Xingxin to play a few times.

When Chen Guo heard that she wanted to come over and continue to serve Su Mucheng in the future, she nodded in agreement.

Before Su Mucheng came, Chen Guo arranged for Cai Jing to follow Yan Cunxin and share some work for Yan Cunxin.

Yan Cunxin is the chief director of Heming Xingxin, and he manages a lot of things. He is still the main force of Heming Xingxin's second team in the offline competition, and he really has no skills at all.

Time passed by so quickly, and the Heming Xingxin team, which had already qualified for the offline competition, had no matches to play, so they moved the intra-team duel to [-]:[-] p.m. on Friday to warm up the weekly league. He also made predictions for the league to be held tomorrow. When the two commentators disagreed, they would fight in the ring and pull live audiences on the website.

The bet between the commentators was just a meal, and if the spectators guessed correctly, they would get a badge for the first anniversary of the founding of the Heming Xingxin team.

The surroundings of Heming Xingxin Club are exquisite and beautiful, and they are never fooled. This commemorative medal is made of alloy silver-plated technology, which is heavy, shiny and has a texture. It is a collectible specially made for the backbone of the guild.

During the Chinese New Year, after the commemorative medals were mailed to the backbone of the guild, they posted them on Moments and Weibo, which aroused the interest of many fans of Heming Xingxin. It is also sold in the online store.

Heming Xingxin's peripheral online store is opened on a certain treasure, and currently only sells Heming Xingxin's team uniforms and family portrait color prints.

Because Heming Xingxin's team uniforms are of the same quality as the players' uniforms, the price is high, and the sales volume is not much, but the printed copies of the family portrait are selling well.

Heming Xingxin's character dolls are already being customized in batches, and they will only be sold after the team enters the alliance and the players obtain professional player qualifications.

Of course, the first anniversary commemorative badges will not be sold as peripherals, but they followed the call of fans and rushed to make a large number of them. Now they are just used to reward the viewers who watched the live broadcast.

If you want to get advertising fees during the live broadcast, there is a minimum number of viewers. If you can’t reach the minimum, the cost of the medal is negligible.

(End of this chapter)

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