Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 272 Soy Sauce Teammate

Chapter 272 Soy Sauce Teammate
Regardless of whether you are a Heming Xingxin guild player or not, watching the live broadcast, as long as you can stand in the correct team, you can get a commemorative medal, which is still very attractive. Ming Xingxin's internal competition attracted a large number of spectators.

When interviewing Chen Guo, a reporter from E-Sports Home asked: "You show all your tactics to other teams, are you not afraid that others will deploy tactics against you? I know that your goal is to build a dynasty, and you have been figured out, right? Make it harder for yourself?"

Chen Guo replied with a smile: "We are a new team. We need to cultivate audiences, attract fans, and live broadcast to earn some money to support players. As for the tactics, I have figured it out. Please don't worry too much. We have God Ye, but his tactics just don't work." Tactics, on-the-spot adaptability, when others set traps, he will use his tricks, and when the opponent is about to close the net, we will completely harvest the enemy, hahahaha, isn’t it amazing?”

Chang first rolled his eyes and said in his heart: Eldest sister, wait for me to ask slowly, can you answer slowly?I poured it out in one breath, and I didn't even have a sense of existence.

Of course, he just slandered in his heart and it was over. He was actually the happiest reporter.

Chang Xian is not only a team reporter, but also a non-staff member of Xingxin's dungeon team, and hangs out in Xingxin's Internet cafes every day.Because of his status as a dungeon team, he can surf the Internet for free at Xingxin Internet Cafe, and eat three meals a day with the guild backbone. Except that he doesn't get salary and subsidies, he is no different from Heming Xingxin's guild backbone.

The e-sports home sent Chang Xian as the team reporter, because Chen Guo only recognized Chang Xian and did not accept interviews from other reporters at all.And the Heming Xingxin team is too brilliant, and without paying attention, they made a big gimmick that caused a sensation on the whole network. They have not yet qualified for the alliance, but their reputation among players exceeds other giants, and their strength is not inferior to other giants. It is worth sending one Newcomers come to exercise.

While waiting for the offline competition, Su Mucheng's reality show was broadcast.

Su Mucheng won five out of seven games, and lost to Fu Hui in the singing pk after an online vote.

Although there are many fans who support Su Mucheng, the number of online votes is still crushed by Fu Hui. She is really inferior to other people, and her singing is really not as good as Fu Hui's. Especially in the climax part, Su Mucheng's lung capacity can't keep up, so her singing is weak Point, not as passionate as Fu Hui.

Many music critics even believe that Fu Hui's singing has surpassed that of the original singer Nana, and truly expresses the power and connotation that this song should have.

In addition, Su Mucheng's PK loss was a rolling three-digit accumulation. Although she also calculated the result correctly, her answering time was five seconds slower than that of the forensic doctor.Forensic doctor Xu Li wrote the answer directly after reading the scrolling numbers. After Su Mucheng read it, she closed her eyes and thought for a while before writing the answer. Although five seconds is very short, the loss is indisputable.

Su Mucheng's amazing performance was to hit balloons, hold a laser gun, and shoot from a standing position. She shot fast and accurately, without missing a shot. She completely crushed her opponent, truly reflecting the difference between professional players and amateurs.

In the other two items, finding faults on the big screen narrowly defeated the opponent, and the opponent also found the answer, Su Mucheng was a little ahead of time.

The three-dimensional five-in-a-row rule is two out of three rounds, and Su Mucheng beat her opponent 2-1.

In the final score, Su Mucheng ranked second.

No.1 is the forensic doctor Xu Li, a true variety show fighter, winning all seven rounds and taking the top spot.

In the last issue, there was no one who won seven games in a row, so Xu Li was immediately praised by netizens, calling her: "the strongest forensic doctor."

However, Su Mucheng is the most popular. She was chosen to endorse Hanfu because she is suitable for ancient costumes. In this reality show, she showed a total of [-] sets of Hanfu in seven days. She originally wore more, but the camera was cut. A lot was dropped, but not all of them were broadcast.

Because of her outstanding performance and beautiful appearance, the popularity of Hanshang Hualian has surged, and the orders have also surged.

Affected by this, at the recent comic exhibitions held across the country, a large number of beautiful girls appeared at the comic exhibition in Hanfu, making the comic exhibition seem like a costume film shooting scene.

Especially Zijinguan, the girl looks heroic after her hair is tied up, and it has been sold like crazy on the Internet.

The imitation version and the improved version have been released by countless eye-catching merchants one after another. Countless long-haired girls have posted photos of themselves wearing purple gold crowns and turning into beautiful boys in the circle of friends.

On the third day of Su Mucheng's reality show, it was time for Chu Yunxiu to report on the reality show.

The day before departure, Hanshang Hualian hurried over and signed an endorsement contract with Chu Yunxiu.They have already tasted the sweetness, and taking advantage of this craze, let Chu Yunxiu push it again, after all, they still have more styles.

Su Mucheng has a sweet appearance, suitable for boys and girls, Chu Yunxiu has good facial features, clear and bright eyes, looks intellectual and gentle, full of royal sister style, more suitable for casual clothing, Hanshang Hualian's new variant is suitable for mature women Hanfu, mainly embroidered close-fitting clothes, whether paired with embroidered hip skirts or loose trousers, can show a girl's graceful figure.

There are also dresses and nightdresses suitable for summer. They are all ancient costumes, which are cut and integrated together. They have a strong style of the Han and Tang Dynasties. Because the high-grade composite fabrics with silk as the main body are used, the clothes are bright and do not change color. Easy to wash and non-ironing without deformation.

Su Mucheng's clothing satisfies the beauty-seeking psychology of young girls, while Chu Yunxiu's clothing has been extended to home clothes, and the audience will be more.

Chu Yunxiu also spent a week, because Heming Xingxin's online match ended and the offline match hadn't started yet. Apart from missing a training session for the quasi-national team, there was no other impact.

With Su Mucheng's introduction, Chu Yunxiu was more cautious in selecting the items when drawing lots on the spot, but she did not hide it, and filled in the six-dimensional ability truthfully. Professional players will be evaluated twice a year to facilitate the opening of the transfer window. At that time, Chu Yunxiu, as the strongest female player in Glory, was the captain of the Misty Rain team for five years, and her six-dimensional data score was 3 points higher than that of Su Mucheng.

Calculation and reasoning are 5 points, observation, memory and creativity are all 4 points, and only spatial ability is 3 points.

What's even more rare is that Chu Yunxiu has high IQ and EQ. During the misty rain, she often indulges in bloody dramas after training and games. She is really too lazy to deal with strife, and she doesn't want to be entangled in trivial matters, so she puts on a protective color of being self-sufficient and unambitious.

After arriving at Heming Xingxin, the relaxed environment and good atmosphere allowed Chu Yunxiu to quickly return to her true colors. She was soon favored by Tang Yue's mother and son. A talented manager is a backup talent that Heming Group needs.

On the day Chu Yunxiu signed in, Tang Yue came home from school and said to Chen Guo, "The professor recently got a new subject and needs me as an assistant, so I don't have time to go to City B."

Chen Guo is a member of the second team, and she is excited that the second team will also enter the offline competition. Hearing that Tang Yue will not go, she waved her hand indifferently: "It's okay, it's just a challenge. You don't need to play, and Ye Xiu and the others can take it steadily." Down."

It didn't matter seeing Chen Guo, the others also laughed and joked.

"In the entire challenge, did Drunk God play more than five times?"

"Exactly five times, three individual matches and two team matches."

"Drunk God must be Heming Xingxin's player with the fewest appearances."

"It can be referred to as soy sauce teammate."

"That's right, Zuishen is proficient in making soy sauce."

"So, it doesn't matter whether you want to take him to City B or not."

Hearing the commotion outside, Ye Xiu came out and listened for a while, before making a final decision: "Xiaoyue will go to City B with us when the time comes, and come back after registering. If you need your rescue, I'll call you again."

(End of this chapter)

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