Chapter 273 Ye Li Assists
As usual, Wei Chen would sneer: "Cut, it's a challenge match, and you have to save the game with a drunken god. You can buy a piece of tofu and kill yourself."

Fang Shiqian smiled and smoothed things over and said, "This is Ye Shen, who is neither arrogant nor impetuous, and likes to hide countless trump cards. In order to win, how could he give up the powerful help of Drunk God?"

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "That's right, the trump card is whether you can use it or not. Old Wei doesn't understand these principles. He didn't even make it to the finals, so he was forced to retire very early."

Wei Chen was so angry that he raised his hand to hit him, he stretched it out in front of him, suddenly he pinched his fingers, and took out the half-pack of Huazi from Ye Xiu's breast pocket.

This was the cigarette that Chang Xian took out when he followed Chen Guo for an interview just now. After passing out a round, he threw the rest to Ye Xiu, who directly put it in his pocket.

"Ouch, old Wei, when did you develop the three-handed skill? Return it to me quickly."

"If you dare to humiliate the old man, it won't do if you don't improve your memory."

Amidst the noise, Chen Guo came over, handed out a pack of cigarettes each, and scolded them disdainfully.

"What do they look like? They are all worth over [-] million people, hustling in the training room for half a pack of cigarettes."

Wei Chen weighed the cigarettes: "Miss Boss, next time you buy cigarettes, can't you also buy Huazi? Take it out from Zhongnanhai, and lose your identity."

Chen Guo raised her neck arrogantly: "I asked you, if you don't want to quit smoking, you will switch to this 3-gram one in the future, which is low in tar and low in toxins, so that your lungs will not be black, and the smell of smoke will start before you get to the edge." Smoke people."

Ye Xiu said from the side: "The girl who gave you advice must be Cai Jing. When I talked to Director Wei last time, I saw that she was very unnatural. She coughed and covered her nose a few times. I didn't Old Wei is so smelly, let's change to a cigarette, this cigarette is boring."

Chen Guo took out another pack of Zhongnanhai from the bag: "Or smoke this? Five grams, the taste is still sweet?"

Ye Xiu shook his head: "Forget it, 3 grams is fine. You give this bag to Director Wei. He needs this."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and took half of the bag of Huazi away from Wei Chen's hand.

Old Wei still wanted to snatch it, but Chen Guo had already stuffed Zhongnanhai containing the explosive beads into his hands.

Chen Guo still buys cigarettes for the two of them concurrently, and gives them different grades of cigarettes every day according to her mood. This is already her habit, and she doesn't want to change it yet.

During dinner, because Tang Yue came back after signing up in city B, and had to be separated from the main force for more than a month, Li Yue felt a little disappointed.

Returning to H City in [-], Liyue returned to her original goddess fan, and the chat before going to bed at night was also terminated.

She exercises twice a day and eats together in the morning and evening. She is already very satisfied, and she is too embarrassed to talk about those provocative words.

Talking is to show your attitude, too much is too much.

Flirting doesn't have to be just chatting.

She is also planning to use some means to make the two of them go further while they are in city B.

As a result, the plan didn't change quickly, and Tang Yue didn't have time to go to City B, and she couldn't use many moves.

When eating, Liyue was a little distracted, the spoon was mechanically delivering the food to her mouth, her eyes were fixed on Tang Yue's direction, but she didn't focus, she seemed a little out of her composure.

She didn't know it herself, other people knew it was a cafeteria, and there were people from the Heming Group outside the security box, so they just pretended not to see it.

Suddenly someone came in and whispered in Liyue's ear: "Director Li, come to my office after dinner, I ask you to help me."

Startled, Liyue turned her head quickly and saw Mrs. Sun, Mrs. Ye's secretary, looking at her with a smile, waiting for an answer.

Liyue put down the bowl and nodded: "Okay, I've finished eating, is this over?"

Ms. Sun nodded: "It's best, no trouble."

When the two left the cafeteria, the young members of the Heming Xingxin team looked at each other with complicated emotions.

Tang Yue is the great god they respect, and Li Yue is the goddess in their hearts. The news that the two have dated has spread among them.

It is self-evident why Tang Yue's mother is looking for Li Yue now.

Will Li Yue leave because of this?

It's a pity that such a beautiful woman of this level is gone.

They were both in their teens, just at the age of ignorance. Originally, they heard that Director Wei was pursuing Li Yue. They didn't feel anything except blessings, because the two were of the right age.

After people saw Director Wei and Excellent Era's beauties shopping outside, they realized that Li Yue and Director Wei failed, and they were not angry, but secretly happy.

Li Yue entered Ms. Sun's office. Ms. Sun knocked on the side door, pushed the door open and said to the inside, "Mr. Ye, Director Li is here."

Then he smiled and said to Liyue: "Go in, Mr. Ye is looking for you."

After Liyue followed her in, Ms. Sun made her a cup of tea and left with a sweet smile.

Ye Li picked up her own cup, reached out for Liyue's cup, put it down on the coffee table at the side of the office, patted the sofa and said to Liyue with a smile, "Sit down, don't be restrained, let's chat."

Liyue felt uneasy, she knew that Tang Yue and Tang Yue were not of the right age, so it would be no problem if she teased her normally, but now that Mr. Ye is looking for her to chat, he obviously knew about it and came to beat the mandarin ducks.

Liyue didn't dare to speak first, and sitting dry was not suitable, so she picked up the teacup, gently put it to her mouth and blew slowly, smelling the fragrance of tea to cover up her uneasiness.

"You guys had a good chat during the Spring Festival, why are you hiding from Yue'er recently?"

"Ah, I didn't hide, it's still the same as before."

"Do you like my Yue'er?"

Liyue looked up at Ye Li, not knowing what she meant, but Liyue is not a child, it is not wrong to like someone, so she nodded: "I like him very much, I liked him before, so I came to H city to look for him, just Unexpectedly, a doctoral student is only 17 years old. I don't know what to do."

Ye Li asked her: "If you are 17 years old and Yue'er is 28 years old, would you accept it?"

Liyue nodded immediately: "Yes, there are quite a few doctoral students on campus looking for freshmen to be their girlfriends."

Ye Li smiled and said, "You graduated with a high degree of education, so you should be quite reasonable. Why do you have the idea of ​​gender inequality in your heart? Since it is appropriate for boys to be older, why is it not appropriate for girls to be older?"

Ye Li's words were too direct, it was encouraging her to make friends with Tang Yue.

Liyue looked at Ye Li suspiciously.

I thought to myself, is there such an enlightened mother?
Seeing that Ye Li also picked up the teacup to drink water, Liyue tentatively said: "Our age difference is too great, do you have any objection?"

Ye Li smiled and said: "You guys haven't talked about dating yet, what am I against? Also, you're thinking about getting married before dating, isn't it too far ahead?
To put it another way, Yue'er is in love for the first time, if you can make him want to live with you for the rest of his life, it's a sign of love, what does it matter if you are older?After all, you are only in your twenties, not your fifties, and you are too old to have children, so what am I against?
Besides, if you talk and there is no result in the end, it doesn't matter if you are older or not.

In either case, it has no effect on us as parents, so why should I object? "

Liyue asked: "Auntie, don't you think about us? Just don't want me to hurt him?"

Ye Li smiled and said: "You think too much. I chatted with you today because I hope you don't care about our feelings, and we don't care about your results. If you can stay together for a lifetime, it's best, I will give you the best best wishes for your wedding.

If you break up with regret, your emotional setbacks are also growth, isn't it?
I don't really mind age, on the contrary, I think it's better for girls to be more mature. "

Liyue was worried, afraid that Ye Li was trying to test her, so she asked from another angle: "There is a beautiful woman in the team who is about the same age as Tang Yue, and she also likes Tang Yue. Auntie, why don't you encourage her to pursue Tang Yue?"

Ye Li smiled and said: "Emotional matters can't be forced. I asked you to talk about this matter because Yue'er chatted with you every night during Chinese New Year, not her. Why should I mess up the relationship?"

Liyue was a little shy when she heard that she even knew about the Chinese New Year chat.

"Tang Yue and Auntie, did you talk?"

"No, he sits on the sofa every night and chats with his mobile phone. This is a bit abnormal. I was always a little curious, so I brought him a cup of tea and glanced at the screen by the way.

After returning to City H, he stopped chatting at night, you usually avoid him, and stare at him when you eat, as if you have some concerns.

I just want to remind you that if you are suppressing yourself because you are afraid that we will disagree, you can rest assured that we are fine and will not become your hindrance.

Of course, I am willing to talk to you like this, and I even encourage you to go further, because I think you are a good boy and will not lead Yue'er down. "

Ye Li made it clear that she had no objection, what else could Li Yue say, she could only blush and nod her head.

(End of this chapter)

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