Chapter 281 Heaven Guild
The Misty Rain Club is very strict about material management, and it is not easy for the management to get involved. The organization of the guild leader is the most important thing.

The Misty Rain Glory team originally consisted of more than a dozen old players. For this reason, they still worked in the Misty Rain Club’s guild after retirement. Appointed as the captain by the former boss, because the former captain left Misty Rain, Chu Yunxiu also took over the establishment left by the captain.

The players who came in later, including the new generation of masters like Li Hua, were not prepared.

Professional players don’t care about these establishments because of their high income. Contract workers like Qin Yu’s income is incomparable with professional players. If they take over the establishment, the income and benefits will be very different, and they can even be mixed into the club management.

After the president's account card was handed over to Qin Yu, Wang Haoran's heart sank completely.

The next day, Chu Yunxiu tweeted Yan Cunxin a WeChat account: "Senior from Yanyu Building, if you want to come to our Heming Xingxin guild, you should talk to him."

Yan Cunxin didn't expect to be able to pry the seniors of the guild.

Yan Cunxin: "Senior? He is also a professional player?"

Chu Yunxiu: "The founder of the Yanyulou guild, after forming the team, became famous, didn't play, retired after one season, and has been serving as the president of the Yanyulou."

Yan Cunxin: "Is it Misty Rain?"

Chu Yunxiu: "Yes, my name is Wang Haoran. Misty Rain Cangcang is the president's account he created. I have been using it for many years. I just got replaced by the club as the president. I think it's boring to stay."

Yan Cunxin laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, come to Heming Xingxin, we welcome you."

After applying to add Wang Haoran on WeChat, Yan Cunxin directly sent out an invitation: "Our Heming Xingxin club welcomes seniors. We have established a new guild with Fengcheng Yanyu, which is dedicated to taking in fans who came with Sister Yunxiu. Seniors will take over when they come. Misty Rain in the Windy City."

Wang Haoran: "If I pull people over, a guild won't be able to let it go."

Yan Cunxin's heart beat faster involuntarily, and he sent a message with trembling fingers: "As many players as you can attract, we can form as many guilds. You will be the president of these guilds, and you will also appoint the branch presidents."

Wang Haoran: "Eight guilds have been established in the Realm of God, and one in each of the other districts. Misty Rain is in City S, and Happy is in City H. There is Heaven above, and Suzhou and Hangzhou below. We will transfer from Heaven to Heaven, and the newly established guild will be called Paradise Guild."

Yan Cunxin: "No problem, the guildmaster of the tenth guild of Xingxin in the Domain of Gods has changed his account, and Fengcheng Yanyu will be the president of the Heavenly guild, and you will take over."

Wang Haoran: "Then it's settled. By the way, my sister likes to research equipment. Can she enter Heming Xingxin's technical department to study?"

Yan Cunxin: "Of course, you can join Heming Xingxin as one of your own. How old is your sister? Does she also play games?"

Wang Haoran: "Yanyu Mangmang, the president of the old eighth district of Yanyu Building, is my sister Wang Xinran, but Yanyu Mangmang is the account card of the Yanyu Club, so I can't bring it."

Yan Cunxin: "Then there is no problem. She will still be the president of the eighth district of heaven. The last thing we need is an account card. Remember to bring more members of the elite group to form the elite group of the heaven guild. We have enough Arm them with accounts. It’s no problem to learn silver weapon technology, but you have to sign a code of confidentiality.”

Wang Haoran: "We won't leave when we come to Heming Xingxin. There must be no problem signing a non-disclosure agreement. It's just that the members of the elite group are not easy to recruit. They are all full-time employees who are paid by Misty Rain. I can recruit at most thirty or so, and they are all me old friend."

Yan Cunxin: "It doesn't matter, you are the one who decides who to recruit, you will develop the elite group, and you will lead it in the future, tell them that our welfare is very good, and Heming Xingxin's development will also be very good. "

Yan Cunxin was not talking for herself, but for Tang Yue.

While chatting with Wang Haoran, she chatted with Tang Yue at the same time, just copy and paste the information from both parties, and that's it.

Tang Yue didn't just talk to himself, he copied the information to the board of directors, and the condition should be the collective will of all the directors.

Of course, there are not only these chat messages in the director group, but also a lot of complaints and celebrations.

Ye Xiu: "Wei Wuwu is most responsible for the drastic changes in Misty Rain Building."

Zhang Jiale: "Agreed, without those harsh criticisms, a mere failure will not cause huge dissatisfaction among fans."

Baozi: "So, does Director Wei count as the guide of the Heavenly Guild?"

Luo Ji: "It definitely counts. Old Wei is still the gravedigger of Yanyu Building."

Zhang Jiale: "It is recommended that Wei Wuxian stay behind when going to Misty Rain's home court next season, otherwise it will be bad for him to be beaten."

Wei Chen: "I'll go, this Misty Rain Cangcang is very ruthless, just ask for nineteen guilds."

Tang Yue: "We are not afraid of too much. For such a hero, should we consider the issue of treatment?"

Fang Shiqian: "I suggest an annual salary, how much do you major shareholders think is appropriate?"

Tang Rou: "The annual salary is not bad. How about 38 for one guild, and [-] for [-] guilds?"

Chen Guo: "When Xiaoqiang came in, I gave him some shares. I think this treatment also applies to Wang Haoran."

Tang Yue: "Okay, I'll give it to him this time."

Ye Xiu: "Not Xiaoyue's, just give it from my shares."

Chen Guo: "Don't argue with me. I am the chairman. I pay the least and have the most shares. I feel uneasy all the time. Let me transfer it. If Mucheng transfers over and someone can bring a large number of Excellent Era fans over, I will Still willing to continue to transfer shares.”

Fang Shiqian: "If you say that, it's really possible. Ye Xiu has already brought many fans over. Now that Tao Xuan has left, Mu Orange will also leave when the time comes. Even if Xiao Shiqin and Sun Xiang stay, Excellent Era Fans will definitely divert, we just wait to pick them up at that time. If the two also leave, more Excellent Era fans will leave by then, so we must treat the players of the Heavenly Guild kindly, and call the Excellent Era players first Sample."

Tang Rou: "With the blessings of Misty Rain Tower and Excellent Dynasty, will our fans of Heming Xingxin surpass the three big families?"

Wei Chen: "Where does this come from? The three giants have deep foundations, and it is not so easy to surpass them. If we win the championship next season, the title of giants will only be worthy of the name. If we can really establish a dynasty, then the number one giants must be Heming Xingxin .”

Ye Xiu: "Indeed, if you don't have a champion in your hand, you can't become a wealthy team. Samsara Zhou Zekai is strong enough. The number of Samsara fans has increased dramatically in the past two years, but no one says that Samsara is a wealthy team."

Fang Shiqian: "If Samsara can win the championship this season, it will be considered a rich man."

Wei Chen: "It's hard to say this season. Blue Rain, Excellent Era, and Tyranny are all stronger than Samsara on paper. If Zhou Zekai doesn't have a strong attacker in front of him, he won't be the champion."

Zhang Jiale: "Actually, Tang Hao is quite suitable for reincarnation. After going to reincarnation, you don't need to think about tactics. You can just be reckless in the front. With him as a reckless guy who attracts firepower, it will be much easier for Zhou Zekai to follow behind. Although Du Ming is now crazy The swordsman, however, only speaks madly, and his strength cannot support him."

Ye Xiu: "Tang Hao will not go to reincarnation. He is not willing to go to the land. He goes to reincarnation to work as a blue-collar worker for Zhou Zekai. The credit goes to Zhou Zekai, and he is responsible for it. How could he be willing."

(End of this chapter)

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