Chapter 282
Listening to Ye Xiu talking about Tang Hao, Tang Yue also said, "It makes sense, just like Sun Xiang, he is so crazy, although his style of play is indeed suitable for reincarnation tactics, but his personality is not suitable, how could he become a blue-collar in reincarnation? There is only one Yu Feng."

Wei Chen: "Yu Feng almost left last year, but this old man personally persuaded him to stay. He will definitely leave this season, but he won't go to reincarnation."

Ye Xiu: "Oh, and this thing? Didn't you hear your beep?"

Wei Chen: "Is Director Wei a good person? Yu Feng was also selected by the old man himself, and his words are still useful. But he is only willing to stay for one more year. He hopes to become the core and does not want to be a blue-collar worker anymore, so Definitely not going back to reincarnation."

Fang Shiqian: "Liu Hao's contract expires this year, so he probably won't stay. Won't Yu Summit go to the Thunder?"

Zhang Jiale: "I think it's Baihua. Baihua has a Berserker god-level account, Blossoming Chaos. Berserkers are in front of ammunition experts, and they are the real core of Baihua."

Chen Guo: "I think it's a crooked building. Should we put the discussion on Misty Rain's fans now? Should they be given some benefits when they come here?"

Ye Xiu said: "For the fans of Yanyu, we can just make a fortune silently, there is no need to be scared. The guild benefits must be done, and the masks that are going to be given to members should have already made hundreds of them, and one hundred will be given to Wang Haoran, heaven The elite group of the guild, let their brothers and sisters choose, and the breathing mask is considered as a gift."

Tang Yue: "Okay, okay, no more chatting, the first game of the group stage tomorrow, let's discuss these after you finish the game."

Chen Guo was lucky, and divided Heming Xingxin's first team and second team into different groups, at least they would not compete in the same group.

The first team is in Group B, the second team is in Group D, there are three professional relegation teams left in the top twenty, Xihuo, Xuan Qi and Zhu Xian, Zhu Xian is in Group A, Xuan Qi and Happy are in Group B, Xi Fire is in Group E.

Group B still has ten moves and one kill, the trader,

Group D also has Yunxuan Pavilion, Deep Blue Alliance and Liaoyuan.

Ten steps, one kill, Trader, Yunxuan Pavilion and Deep Blue Alliance are all studio teams, they must have strength and good luck, so they can persist until the end.

Ten Steps One Kill, Ye Xiu, Wei Chen, and Tang Yue all have impressions, because Ten Steps One Kill was once a well-known online game master.

Before the Glory League started, many offline competitions were held in studios and Internet cafes. The team led by Ten Steps One Kill was very active. Ye Xiu and the others often encountered each other, but for some unknown reason, Ten Steps One Kill I have never entered the league, I never thought I would meet again after so many years.

The trader is a studio run by a few veteran members of Wei Cao's youth training. It is mainly engaged in power leveling and dungeon materials. The dungeon materials are usually sold to Wei Cao. Qiao Yifan's One Inch Ash is for traders to do training. This studio has been absorbing Wei Cao. They also invited Qiao Yifan, a member of the youth training, when he left Wei Cao.

Yunxuan Pavilion is also a studio, which mainly deals in orange and purple outfits. Because it is aimed at the majority of players, professional players generally don't know about them. Mo Fan, who has been playing online games, just knows them: "Scavenger studio."

Deception is a loner, Yunxuan Pavilion is a group to pick up waste, and colleagues are enemies, so it is not surprising to know.

There are more than 2 teams in the knockout round, and those who can make it to the offline game will have no weak teams.

The Liaoyuan team is the only surviving team from the youth training camp, from the Hundred Flowers Club.

In the first round of the group stage, Heming Xingxin's first team faced ten steps and one kill, and the trader faced Xuan Qi.

The second team of Heming Xingxin played against Yunxuan Pavilion, and Deep Blue played against Liaoyuan.

Five groups, single round-robin scoring, the top three advance to form the top 15, the champion is promoted to the first-level league, the remaining 14 plus two relegated teams form the 16 teams of the second-level league, which will be reduced to four promotions next year Second, the first-level league is also dropped by four and promoted by two. After the two-level leagues have 16 teams, they will resume promotion by two and drop by two.

Therefore, this year's challenge is the most cost-effective, as long as they pass the group stage, they will be eligible for the professional team.

After being eliminated, many expert teams rejoined in the last few rounds, making this year's Top [-] full of gold.

The offline match of the Challenger League was held in a basketball arena in City B. In the middle of the venue were two temporarily installed glass rooms. Players were in it, and every move they made could be seen by the audience.

The venue does not have a holographic system installed, and the entire venue can accommodate 12000 people. Because the tickets for the group matches are not sold much, the seats behind are all separated. For the first match of Heming Xingxin, there were more than 5000 spectators.

At the beginning of the competition, Ye Xiu handed in the list of players, and Zhang Jiale was arranged to play in the first round of the individual competition. When he played, he received many voices from the audience.Among the players who came to watch the game, apart from the players from Heming Xingxin, there were more players from Heavenly Swordsman.

The ten-step-one-kill is impressively ten-step-one-kill. In the online competition, he has always been the top player in the ring, and he actually participated in the first individual match.

Ye Xiu smiled: "They also want to catch us by surprise."

Wei Chen chuckled, "They're all old Chinese doctors, so don't play folk remedies."

Fang Shiqian said: "They should have added a lot of masters. Ten steps and one kill are old, and they are still the boss of the studio. The symbolic meaning of playing is greater than the competition."

Ten steps and one kill is an assassin, with a level 75 orange outfit in his body, and a level 75 orange poisonous dragon tooth in his hand. Seeing that it was not Chu Yunxiu, but the ammunition expert Jun Mowu, he was also stunned for a moment, and then clicked on the character, Check Jun Mowu's equipment, the result, silver weapon, silver equipment, silver equipment, silver equipment...

Jun Mowu had thirteen pieces of silver equipment and a silver weapon assault rifle, all of which were level 75.

Ten steps and one kill is speechless, this Heming Xingxin is too strong, there are not many professional teams with full-body level 75 equipment, and it turns out that it appears in the Challenger League, and the operator is still a retired master.

However, there is not much pressure to upgrade this season. As long as one of the four teams is eliminated, in the knockout round, no one has the idea of ​​winning the championship. Heming Xingxin is really too strong.

Even if you are too strong, you have to fight.

The scene is refreshed, random to the Red Flower Pavilion, a very classic map.

Zhang Jiale quickly ran over, instead of entering the house, he pulled out his ninja sword and climbed to the top of the pavilion in a few short strokes.

Then I saw ten steps and one kill walking around the pavilion on tiptoe.

Zhang Jiale raised his hand, threw two grenades out, then picked up his rifle and fired at Ten Steps One Kill.

Ten steps and one kill was walking in the alley between the fence and the pavilion, and when he heard rifle fire, he rolled to the corner of the fence.Just about to climb over the wall, a grenade just landed on the wall next to him.


The ten-step one kill was shaken away from the wall by the grenade shock wave, and then a grenade also fell at his feet.


The grenade blasted him to the wall again.

Zhang Jiale's bullets had already formed a line, whipping at Shibu Yisha like a whip.

Ammunition experts have a lot of grenades and bombs. After Zhang Jiale traps people, the bullets kill the opponent. The grenade is used as an aid to restrict the opponent's movement.

Zhang Jiale is the strongest ammunition expert in the alliance. He is condescending to control the people in the alleyway. He is too experienced. Ten steps and one kill is controlled by the grenade so that he can't run at all.

He wanted to jump up, but the bullets hit his body so densely that he couldn't jump under the pressure.

After ten steps and one kill struggled to no avail, he simply gave up struggling and sent a message saying: "You are bullying, dare you let me go up and fight alone."

(End of this chapter)

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