Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 286 It Must Be Tang Yue

Chapter 286 It Must Be Tang Yue

Hong Tianlei Zhenzi: "Joining Heming Xingxin, can I only practice healing?"

Drunk on the battlefield: "Not necessarily, what profession to use, you only need to be interested in it. Many people in Xingxin have multiple professions. Ye Shen is a textbook of glory and is proficient in all professions. Qiu Fei is his big disciple. His main profession is Battle Mage, I participated in the challenge this year. I used magicians and boxers as professions. I may use more professions in the future. As for me, I also have multiple professions. I am omnipotent with guns, and I will also use other professions. This year, I will use assassins in the challenge. And sharpshooter account, there is also an ammunition expert account when signing up.

Also, Qiao Yifan used to be an assassin in Weicao, but now he is our ghost. Wen Qingqing was originally a swordsman, but now he is an assassin.

As a rookie, you don't suffer from transformation. What you need is a master, and we have the most masters in the league. "

Hong Tianlei Zhenzi: "Transformation is not impossible, but I don't want to be a healer."

When Tang Yue heard it, the other party even agreed to the transformation, so she should be confident and continue to increase the temptation.

Zuiwo battlefield: "The transition from playing games is not a job change. You need to start over. Your original foundation can be used, even if you are proficient in moves, you can continue to use them.

Many of our weapons are deformed. The Myriad Chance Umbrella spans six professions and cannot be used by other professions. Zhang Jiale used to be a master of ammunition experts. Also different from the original.

There is also Chu Yunxiu, the number one element mage in the alliance, and he is also considered a great master. In this year's competition, he will also use ninja knives and daggers to slash people.

They are all dabbling and practicing other professions outside of specialization, so after using the transformation weapon, they immediately feel like ducks in water. "

Hong Tianlei Zhenzi: "When you mentioned the transformation weapon, it really made me more tempted. Can I also use the transformation weapon?"

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "I am the only one in the league who can make transforming weapons. The members of our Heming Xingxin team are all using transforming weapons. If you join Heming Xingxin, tell me, do you have transforming weapons? "

Hong Tianlei Zhenzi: "Okay, I'll join Heming Xingxin, after you win the championship."

Drunk on the battlefield: "Of course, we are very confident. By the way, is your team a studio? How did you join them? Is there any contract? How much transfer fee do you need?"

Hong Tianlei Zhenzi: "I originally formed a team with my classmates, but they were defeated in the challenge, they invited me, and I joined them.

There is a contract. By the end of this year's challenge, the contract will be terminated automatically. The prize money of the competition will be divided equally according to the head. It is also stipulated that the account card they provided will belong to me.

Because the contract was negotiated last year, I didn't know that there would be a secondary league. Anyway, I didn't want to stay, so I didn't modify the contract, so when I left, there was no need to transfer. "

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "That would be more convenient, as long as we negotiate with you, then I wish you a few more wins, and you can share more pocket money."

Hong Tianlei Zhenzi: "Then let's keep it secret from each other. We will contact you after the game. Leave it by phone or WeChat."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "Yes, 13xxxxxxx, the same number on WeChat, remember, don't tell others about my WeChat and phone number."

Hong Tianlei Zhenzi didn't answer. On Tang Yue's phone, a WeChat friend request popped up: Qiaoyue's request to add you as a friend.

The gender is actually a girl, and the head is a rose stuck on the barrel of a gun.

After Tang Yue agreed, she asked, "Are you a girl?"

Qiaoyue sent a voice, and said with a smile: "Yes, playing games with a male account can gain real respect. I don't like the feeling of being coaxed."

Tang Yue also replied with a voice and smiled: "After you come to Heming Xingxin, can you use a female number?"

Qiaoyue: "Of course, I used to be a female account, but the skill points were not high. After joining Xingsheng, they provided a game account card. The skill points are 240 more than my original account. After using it, it is very easy to enter the line. For the next game, I have already completed the contract, and the rest is extra, so this number will belong to me in the future, and I can take it with me.”

Tang Yue: "Oh, for the sake of the account card, I sold myself and brought it over to use. How much skill do you have now?"

Qiao Yue: "When I got it, I was only level 70, and my skill points were 4560. Now level 75 is 4880, just on par with the original first account, Desert Dust."

Tang Yue smiled and said with a voice: "I'll just say it straight, your skill point is a junk account card in our team, and even our guild elite group is unwilling to use it. Come to Heming Xingxin, I can let you With the account card that crushes Damo Guyan, Damo Guyan's skill points are only 5405, you are higher than him."

Qiaoyue did not send a voice, but directly typed and asked: "What? Really? Do you still have an account card that is stronger than Damo Guyan? Will you use it for me?"

Tang Yue made a cool emoji, and typed a reply: "Remember, your team will be called Heming Xingxin from now on, and Heming Xingxin's players will lose face to our God of Glory if they use an account that is not as good as Damo Guyan."

Qiao Yue: "Ah, really, that's great, I'll go find you after our game is over."

Tang Yue: "I may not be here. You go to God Ye, I gave him a screenshot of the chat history."

After chatting on WeChat, Tang Yue took a screenshot of the entire chat to Ye Xiu.

Wei Chen and Ye Xiu huddled together, watching the chat between Tang Yue and Hong Tianlei Zhenzi, and seeing that he finally convinced the other party, they both smiled in relief.

Sun Zheping happened to come back from the bathroom with Zhang Jiale. Seeing the two smiling, he couldn't help asking, "What's so happy about it? Tell me about it to make me happy too."

Wei Chen said with a smile, "I'm digging the wall, how is your contact with Konoha? Would you like me to help you?"

Sun Zheping: "That unlucky kid, I haven't been in touch yet."

Ye Xiu said: "How many teams are staring at the Challenger League, you can't just wait. I'll try and see if I can get in touch. You need to make sure that Heavenly Swords is necessary. Otherwise, we will."

Sun Zheping said, "Of course, Mr. Lou announced at the board meeting that I will be fully responsible for recruiting new players."

Where would Ye Xiu contact Konoha in person, but instead sent Muye's account number to Tang Yue, to fool people, Tang Yue had to be the one.

While talking, Zuiwo joined Konoha's friend to pass, and sent the screenshot to Ye Xiuhou.

Ye Xiu looked up at Sun Zheping: "He's online, he just added Drunk God as a friend, sleep over for another summer and see if he's also passed. Or should you chat first?"

Sun Zheping turned on the laptop, swiped his card to go online, and then said embarrassingly, "This unlucky boy just rejected my friend request."

Wei Chen immediately inserted his knife: "In the past, great gods added players as friends, and they would all be rejected. This is because fame can't stand the wear and tear of time. It's a pity."

Ye Xiu was still willing to help Heavenly Swordsman, so he asked Tang Yue to ask for help.

Tang Yue would never refuse Ye Xiu's confession, and contacted Konoha directly.

Drunk lying on the battlefield: "The person you refused to sleep for another summer is the former Hundred Flowers God Sun Zheping, who was the original operator of the Berserker who used Blossoming Chaos. He is now the director of Heavenly Swordsman and the main force of Heavenly Swordsman. I would like to invite You go to Team Heavenly Swordsman."

Konoha: "Drunk God, did you add me just to say this?"

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "You rejected his friend application, he asked me for help, I can only help him express clearly first. What? Do you have a problem with Heavenly Sword?"

Konoha: "I've already received invitations from several teams, and now there is Heavenly Zan. If you contact me, I thought Heming Xingxin would also like me."

(End of this chapter)

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