Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 287 Boss lady, how are you doing?

Chapter 287 Boss lady, how are you doing?
Konoha: "I've already received invitations from several teams, and now there is Heavenly Zan. If you contact me, I thought Heming Xingxin would also like me."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "Other teams invite you to try out, right? Heavenly Sword invites you directly to join the team, which is a different concept. If you want to play in the first level competition, Heavenly Sword is the most suitable for you, of course , if you want to come to Heming Xingxin, we welcome you too, but our ninjas are better than yours, if you are younger, you still have time to compete with him, our ninjas are just 19 years old this year."

Konoha: "I'm only 15 years old."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "Oh, then you should come to Heming Xingxin, forget righteousness, you can practice 24 professions, and many great masters here can teach you. By the way, where are you from, are you in high school? ?”

Konoha: "You go to high school at 15? I'm actually not yet 14. Second year of junior high school."

Drunk lying on the battlefield: "I'm sorry, when I was 15 years old, I was already in college. I am only 18 years old this year, and I am studying for a doctorate at ZJ University in H City."

Konoha: "Drunken God, you are really a god, you are only 18 years old? I saw you at the All-Star Weekend, you are very tall and handsome, and I also saw your introduction on your official website. I thought you were almost 30 years old gone."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "I grew up fast. When I was the same age as you, I was just over 1 meters. As for the photos on the official website, they were made up."

After finishing speaking, Tang Yue typed on the keyboard again: "You haven't said where you are from. Let me see how to teach you, after all, you still have to attend the nine-year compulsory education. If it is far away, we can help you For those who transfer to H city to study, several teenagers in our training camp are transferred from other schools, you can study with them, and we have cars to take them to school every day."

Konoha: "I'm in W City. Our team is the Canghai Studio in W City. The owner of the studio is my uncle, who used to be the captain of the Canghai team."

Zuiwo thought for a while on the battlefield, and then typed: "Team Canghai? Your uncle is Sun Yaohui? ID is a drop in the ocean, right? Team Canghai disbanded after the first season. You tell him that it is Ye Qiu and Wei Chen's now." The team training camp invites you, which is better for your development."

After Tang Yue finished speaking, she sent a WeChat message to Ye Xiu: "Canghai Studio was established by a drop in the ocean. This ninja Konoha is not yet 14 years old. She is a girl. We want to stay here and not be killed by righteousness."

After Wei Chen looked at the information on Ye Xiu's phone, he suddenly understood and said, "Look at my brain, Team Canghai, even a drop in the ocean. Is the name Sun Yaohui?"

Ye Xiu nodded: "It seems to be called this name. Canghai Studio is very old. Glory Games opened a studio before, and many games have them. Sun Yaohui is older than you, Wei Wei, and their players were all adults at the time. Man, as I remember, the Canghai team is a combination of all guns."

Wei Chen recalled it, sighed for a while before nodding his head: "Now that I said it, I remembered that Sun Yaohui was originally a professional CS player, also called Cang Hai, and he was a well-known sniper god more than ten years ago. Later, when he played Glory, They are only 25 and six years old, they didn't make the playoffs in the first year, and they seemed to be disbanded, but they are still hanging out in glory now."

Tang Yue was still chatting here, but the topic changed.

Konoha: "Drunk God, my uncle is here."

Konoha: "I'm Sun Yaohui. I heard from Xiaoqin that Drunk God wants to invite her to the Heming Xingxin training camp? And transfer to H City?"

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "Xiaoqin? Konoha is your niece? How do you use a male number? Seeing that she has pretty good skills, I originally wanted to recruit her, but I heard that she was only in junior high school, so I invited her to participate in Heming Xingxin's training camp."

Konoha: "I'm sorry, I'm going to reorganize the Canghai team. The Canghai true colors are all players from our training camp. They are all junior high school students around 14 years old. I have been training for three years. Girls can save a lot of trouble by using male numbers. I want to let them play the Challenger League for a few years first, let them practice their skills, and when they get older, they will naturally make their debut. I didn’t expect that there would be a chance to participate in the secondary league this year. We have already decided to participate in the secondary league, so, go to your training camp The matter can only be forgotten. However, thank you for your appreciation, being invited by Drunken God and Ye God, Xiaoqin's self-confidence is bursting."

Drunk on the battlefield: "Well, if she wants to transfer, she can consider our Heming Xingxin. The contract can be signed once a year. When Cang Haizhen enters the first league, I will allow her to transfer freely. What she wants now It's not a competition, but an expert guide, and our training camp is the best choice."

Konoha: "Thank you Mr. Drunk God for your kindness. The child is too young. Let's wait until she finishes junior high school."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "It's not easy to meet a good seedling. We hope she can lay a good foundation and make the Glory competition more exciting."

Konoha: "Agreed."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "Let her transfer to City H, come to our training camp, and the sharpshooter player, let him come together, I am only interested in two, believe me, follow us, they will have a better future."

Konoha: "Wait until the game is over, see how the secondary league is arranged, and then decide whether Xiaoqin will stay or not."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "Okay, let's talk then."

Tang Yue took a video of the chat, sent it to Ye Xiu, and added: "There is no drama for now, we can keep in touch, maybe he will figure it out during the summer vacation."

After Ye Xiu finished reading the content, he said to Sun Zheping, "Even our Heming Xingxin is useless, and Heavenly Sword is even more useless."

Sun Zheping whispered in his ear, "Heming and Xingxin are useless, they are hiring people for us? How are you robbing people?"

Ye Xiu looked back at him, and said seriously, "I'm only a second-year junior high school girl, and I'm going to play with you in City B? What are you thinking?"

Sun Zheping said stubbornly: "We also have a training camp. As long as she can play, we dare to let her play in the first-tier league."

Ye Xiu: "Do you have a good coach? Or do you teach yourself? Can any of you know how to play ninja?"

Heavenly Swords does have training camps, but they are only open on weekends and holidays. The coaches are their substitute players, and the quality of teaching can only be said to be haha.

Ye Xiu said to Sun Zheping: "I can't help it. This is the studio run by Sun Yaohui. He has worked hard and tried his best. He started practicing from a baby. He is very determined. You should look at others."

Sun Zheping smiled and said to Ye Xiu: "I remember, we agreed to give it to us, but you snatched it, no matter whether it succeeds or not, you did it anyway. So, you have to pay us one."

Wei Chen stared at him, then said vigilantly, "There's no such thing, we are not enough, how can we compensate you? It was a mistake when Ye Xiu introduced you to Heavenly Swordsman."

Sun Zheping shook his head: "It's too late. It was Lao Ye's suggestion to replace Heavenly Zhan's substitute. I was ordered to recruit, but it hasn't opened yet. It's so easy to fancy one, and the drunken god even snatched it face to face. I want to snatch it anyway." Go back, right?"

Ye Xiu looked at Wei Chen: "You show the lower limit, you have to deal with those who play scoundrels."

Wei Chen smiled and said, "Either way, Madam Boss, how about it?"

Chen Guo has been listening not far away, and immediately jumped up: "I eat your food, you drive me away?"

Wei Chen immediately rounded up: "I mean, this matter has to be resolved by the lady boss."

Chen Guo immediately said: "No, we Heming Xingxin can only go in and out. I immediately told Xiaolou, Old Sun, we are staying too. Also, Xiaoyue holds grudges, you dare to steal his life? "

After Wei Chen's nonsense, and Chen Guo's threat of drunkenness, Sun Zheping stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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