Chapter 30
The Phantom Lady is the female account of the fifth district. When Tang Yue first returned to China, she bought a 24 professional card from the Internet. There was only a purple outfit all over her body. Increased to 4820, indicating that the skill point strategy is really effective.

"I'll go, Luna, when did you make the strategy? Youming guest's skill points are 4785 points."

After Wei Chen went online with the Necromancer, he looked at the skill points at first glance. The skill points are so high, which means that he has done a strategy.

"I'll see if I can make a full-level account card, but I made a dozen of them, and none of them has a super high 4900 points. I have asked Mo Qiang to help me practice a batch of new cards, and I specially asked him to do non-essential tasks, so don't do them. After all, we Xingxin have to prepare a batch of high skill point account cards."

Wei Chen nodded: "That's right, I also want to ask someone to practice a batch of new cards."

He has always wanted to do this business, but before he didn't have time to practice by himself, but he was short of money when he found a power leveling agent, and he forgot when he had money. When Tang Yue reminded him, he couldn't help but ignite this idea again.

Ye Xiu said from the side: "Isn't it good to focus on winning the championship? After winning the championship, start this business."

Wei Chen said: "Director Wei is not short of money, so he won't sell it now."

Tang Yue said to Tang Rou Baozi: "You can also ask someone to make a few. After you have mastered the skills of this profession, you can use them to learn about other professions."

Chen Guo said from the side: "We Xingxin really need to prepare more account cards."

While the three were talking, they manipulated their characters and walked towards the Kanska Mine dungeon. Tang Yue even stopped Cang Hai and Nether Guest to form a team.

The Phantom Lady: "I'll investigate first, and you guys will follow up later. It's best to keep the seven of you."

Nether Guest: "No problem, the three of us work together, they won't be able to escape."

When they reached the entrance of the dungeon, the Phantom Lady walked over directly, and even made a text bubble, asking the swordsman Su Qin who carried his sword: "Brother Su Qin, do you have any extra Kanska oil lamps? Can you give me one?"

Kanska Mine Boss is a miner. There is a task to take away his oil lamp. The oil lamp is a prop, which can be obtained by clearing the dungeon. It has no other function except for handing in the task.

Su Qin carried the sword on his back: "Tell me, if you are really a girl, I will send you off."

The Phantom Lady continued to write text bubbles: "He is in the dormitory, so it is not good to disturb others' rest."

Su Qin carried the sword on his back: "The shemale is dead."

Phantom Blonde continued to brush text bubbles: "I've never seen a girl before, so stingy, you deserve to be single all your life."

Su Qin suddenly drew his sword on his back and slashed at Phantom Beauty.

The Phantom is a high-sensitivity assassin. When she jumped to the side, she avoided drawing the sword, and then the shadow clone fell directly behind Su Qin with the sword on her back, cutting her throat. The sword on Su Qin's back was covered in blood. With a backstab, he stabbed hard into his back, and then pulled the knife, opening a long cut in his back. This is a skill cut.

The knife is inserted and picked again, this is the skill Eviscerate, while he is completely paralyzed, the phantom beauty gave him a slap in the face, this is not a skill, the rogue skill slap is a level 25 skill, the assassin can't use it, but it doesn't mean imitation No, it's just that there is no mocking effect of slapping.

Of course, as long as it is to slap the player, no matter what profession it is used in, the taunting skills will be fully utilized.

When the paralyzing effect of Su Qin's back sword disappeared, Tang Yue lifted the hilt of the sword and hit Su Qin's forehead with the sword on his back.

After knocking out Su Qin with the sword on his back, Phantom continued to post text bubbles: "Trash, do you think you are a master if you wear an orange outfit?"

After finishing speaking, he ignored him, turned to the others and asked, "Which little brother, give me a Kanska oil lamp?"

Just now when Su Qin attacked the Phantom Lady with his sword on his back, the others didn't move, so the Phantom Lady didn't show any intention of killing people. He always wanted to find out if this group of people belonged to the same group.

A ninja named Huntian checked Phantom and asked, "You are already level [-], why do you need this?"

Seeing him ask, Tang Yue brushed the words: "It's for the trumpet. I'm too lazy to make a copy."

"You Heavenly Guild don't even have Kanska oil lamps?"

Phantom Lady is a bought account, originally belonged to the Cangtian Guild, of course Tang Yue will not withdraw, so she asked: "No, didn't you just come out of the dungeon? Give me one."

Hun Tian said: "I'm waiting for someone to download the book, but I don't have this thing in my hand. Add me as a friend. When I return to the city, I will give you an oil lamp and a parchment."

The parchment scroll is a quest prop in another instance.

Su Qin had already woken up from his dizziness with the sword on his back, and quietly touched Phantom Beauty's back.Not only did Hun Tian not remind him, he even sent an application to his friends.

Su Qin stabbed with the sword on his back, and after the stab, the female assassin in front of him turned into a straw man.

Shadow clone and stand-in straw man are both low-level skills of ninjas. They can also be used by assassins of the dark night system, but they need to be equipped with ninja swords. Tang Yue is used to using these numbers because he is used to equipped with multiple weapons. flow for maximum effect.

Tang Yue could judge that this Huntian and Su Qin should be in the same group, otherwise they would not have covered Su Qin's back sword.

The Phantom Blonde made a text bubble: "Trash, unexpectedly sneak attack."

Hun Tian smiled and said to Su Qin with his sword on his back: "Lao Li, this little girl has a very fast hand, at least one hundred and eight, can you do it?"

Su Qin put his sword on his back and said: "What kind of girl, those who don't speak are dead monsters. I don't see dead monsters making trouble the most."

Chen Guo had been watching from Tang Yue's back a long time ago, and when she saw Tang Yue turned her head and mouthed to scold him, she leaned into Tang Yue's microphone and cursed: "Trash, your grandma is the only one who makes waves."

Suddenly they heard a female voice scolding them, both of them were taken aback for a moment, before they could speak again, the Phantom Blonde had already flashed and stabbed behind Su Qin's back sword, then stabbed him into his waist with a knife, and twisted again, this is the technique kidney shot, After he stabbed again with the paralyzing effect, Tang Yue stabbed him wrongly and stabbed him twice in a row.

After being stabbed three times, the paralysis effect of Su Qin's back sword was also over, so he turned around and used a backward slash. The Phantom Lady had already circled to his side and easily dodged the knife. Hun Tian didn't step forward to help, and said with a smile: "It's really a girl, Lao Li, I won't help you."

Su Qin swept the big sword with his sword on his back, and said, "You don't need your help, just watch me kill this little girl."

At the same time, he also took a blood medicine to lift up the blood line that had been knocked out half of the tube.

Tang Yue didn't speed up his attack either. He kept his hand speed at less than [-] and stabbed around with the sword on Su Qin's back. He kept giving him blood transfusions.

Tang Yue has already seen that this Su Qin has a back sword speed of about [-]. He should be an elite of the guild. He is considered a master among the players, so he played slowly and killed one first in front of his friends.

After a few cuts, Su Qin's back sword, which had just taken drugs, sank again, but he couldn't get rid of the female assassin who was attacking him like a tarsus body. Not only was he a little anxious, he said to Huntian: "Little Wu, don't look at it, this little girl is pricking her hand, help me."

Chen Guo said to Tang Yue's headset again: "He scolded me first, and you will be your grandson if you help me."

Hun Tian couldn't advance or retreat, but the other five people didn't move at all, as if they were watching the excitement, an assassin named Wuming Youjian even smiled and said: "Two people are fighting each other, whoever helps is the grandson."

Su Qin, who was killed by the phantom beauty and couldn't get away from him, didn't care about his grandson or grandson with his sword on his back. While waving his sword to parry, he ran towards Hun Tian.

Seeing that Su Qin was about to die with his sword on his back, Hun Tian finally moved, forming seals with his hands, and threw Bailiu Slash in the direction of Phantom, but Phantom turned around, then reversed, and passed away from the water prison Pass.

In a crisis, Su Qin quickly withdrew from the team with his sword on his back, stepped forward, and the water flowed up, imprisoning himself in the water prison.

This female assassin is so powerful, it is better to go to jail than to be killed.

When Tang Yue saw it, she didn't care about Su Qin's backing the sword, and directly rushed towards Hun Tian.

Just as Hun Tian was about to form a seal, he was hit on the head by the phantom beauty, interrupting his spellcasting.

The level of this Huntian is not as good as Su Qin's back sword. When the Phantom Beauty approached him, he could only swing the ninja sword randomly, and had no time to form seals.

In the midst of his busy schedule, he finally remembered that he still had a companion, who fought twice to cancel the water dungeon, and let Su Qin carry the sword on his back to pinch the Phantom Beauty.

Wuming Youjian asked from the side: "There are two of them, beauty, do you want me to help you?"

Chen Guo was always behind Tang Yue, and when she heard the voice in the earphones, she replied, "No, it's just two trash."

(End of this chapter)

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