Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 31 Excellent Era Explosion

Chapter 31 Excellent Era Explosion
The Phantom Blonde and the two of them were swimming and fighting, with smooth steps, like wearing a dance disc, and kept drawing out knives to bleed the two of them.

At this time, Gun Lan Canghai also came over with a stick, and watched the three people fighting in the arena without saying a word, as if they were passers-by watching the excitement.

Standing behind Ye Xiu, Wei Chen watched the PK together, and whispered to Ye Xiu, "These seven people are standing together, it doesn't look like they are together."

Ye Xiu turned off the headset, and said to Wei Chen, "Looking at the way they are still on guard against each other, there should be three groups. They are eyeliners, and there should be another ambush."

Wei Chen said: "When the Moon God kills these two people and blocks the entrance of the copy, you go up and provoke them, and I will cut off the rear."

Hun Tian and Su Qin were covered in blood with their swords on their backs, and their lives were already close to red blood. It only took about ten seconds for Tang Yue to kill them.

The two wanted to escape at this time, but there was no other way, the left side was blocked by Wuming Youjian, the right side was the other three people who had been watching all the time, and the front was the stick blocking Canghai who had just arrived. In any direction, I don't mind hacking them to death just to pick up a piece of equipment.

They also couldn't escape into the dungeon, because the phantom beauty who had been attacking them blocked the direction of the dungeon.

The two who could not escape were killed almost at the same time. When they fell, they each dropped a piece of equipment, both orange equipment.

The Phantom Lady picked up the ninja's shoes and put them on her body casually, and took the swordsman's orange breastplate, took drugs while walking, and even made a text bubble, asking the mad swordsman next to the nameless sword: "You Do you want to buy a usable orange pack? One thousand and five."

The mad swordsman took a step back and said to Phantom, "No, don't come here."

He has already seen that this female assassin has bad intentions, and she should also have taken a fancy to their equipment.

Wuming Youjian also took a step back, and said: "Beauty, I wanted to help you fight just now, we are friends."

The Phantom Lady stopped, and said to Wuming Youjian: "Then let's join forces and kill those three guys, and the equipment will be split equally."

Wuming Youjian stepped back and said, "Sorry, we don't participate in your PK."

Among the three people who watched the battle, a swordsman named Lang Die Lang said: "Don't mess with us, I didn't care about you killing people and stealing goods just now, not because they were afraid of you, but because they scolded you first."

"Hehe, if we don't kill you, how can we snatch the equipment from the people inside?"

"Then there is nothing to say, you are courting death."

As soon as the man finished speaking, the stick blocked Cang Hai had already rushed forward, and a Basha used it, directly sending the three of them flying.

Wuming Youjian and his fellow Berserkers glanced at each other, turned their heads and ran away together.

They all came to stare at the Zuiwo battlefield, but the two masters later obviously didn't want them to get in the way, so they should take advantage of their PK and put oil on the soles of their feet early.However, they were only looking at Phantom Lady and Gun Lancang Hai, and they didn't even notice that there was a person hiding beside them, and they had already opened the six-star light prison to wait for them.

After the two of them were put in prison, the ghost guest jumped out and said with a smile, "How dare you come to grab equipment from us?"

While speaking, he participated in the attack on the three people.

When Tang Yue and Ye Xiu sent the three of them to the edge of the cell, the six-star light prison dispersed, the door of death fell, black smoke burst out, and began to entangle the five people to the door of death, Tang Yue and Ye Xiu followed to make up for it. trick.

It took 2 minutes to kill two people when the Phantom Lady was one-on-two, but now it took only 18 seconds to send five people back to the city when they were three-on-five.The luck was very good, everyone dropped the orange outfit, and the Wuming Youjian dropped the orange weapon short sword fish gut sword, which was directly exchanged by the Phantom Lady, and the others were also taken by Ye Xiu. Anyway, orange Dressing is better than purple.

"How? You made it. When I released the dungeon just now, I saw these seven embarrassing people with orange outfits on them. If I don't wash them again, I'm really sorry for my false alarm."

The three of them picked and changed into orange outfits. Ye Xiu said, "Let's go offline here, and if someone comes to block you, we'll go online directly, so we won't be able to catch them off guard."

"Okay, I've written down the names of the seven people, and sooner or later I'll find out which guild they belong to."

Back in the dungeon, Zuiwo moved on the battlefield, and Cun Yanxin asked, "Is it done so quickly?"

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "Yes, I also have helpers. Each of the seven people explodes an orange outfit."

Zhiyue Qingcheng said: "I also said, if you don't come for 10 minutes, I will ask the president to send someone to help."

Drunk lying on the battlefield: "Small things, how dare the labor conference be president."

Zhiyue Qingcheng said: "What's the matter, your silver weapon is important, and there is no room for loss."

After the dungeon of the three of them was typed out, there was no one at the door. When they switched to other dungeons, they didn't meet any inappropriate people. However, Tang Yue still had to be cautious. After entering the dungeon, he stopped and took a few of them who had been upgraded. The 55th level numbers that have passed the skill points are all transferred to the [-]th level and several copy gates are offline, in case of emergency.

For a few days, every time Tang Yue leveled up and produced a dungeon, he would glance to see if someone was hiding beside him, looking a bit like a stalker, which made him very upset, but he didn't know who the seven people were last time. No matter what the background is, even if you want to take revenge, you can't find a target.

On the weekend, the league kicked off, and Excellent Era's opponent this round was He Wu.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

Su Mucheng easily won the first round of the singles match. Afterwards, He Ming and Wang Ze felt as if they had beaten chicken blood. After a bloody battle, they all defeated their opponents. When it came to the group arena, Shen Jian made a strong attack and won one and a half heads , and Qiu Fei, who was connected, did not give up, and tried his best to kill the remaining one and a half. The defending general Sun Xiang did not play, and missed the first prize of 5 people.

After the team competition, Sun Xiang, holding back his strength, rushed straight into the formation, Qiu Fei followed up, Su Mucheng and He Ming followed behind from a distance, and directly smashed with his big move.

Under this unreasonable and strong attack, He Wu was quickly defeated, and then under the hard work of two battle mages wearing Chasers, He Wu's entire army was wiped out. Among them, Sun Xiang snatched three heads, Qiu Fei one, Su Mucheng and He Ming had one each, and Excellent Era's sixth player, Guo Yang, had no chance to play.

10 to 0, Excellent Era finally won a hearty victory after consecutive defeats.

After watching Excellent Era's match, Wei Chen asked Ye Xiu: "In this battle, Excellent Era's players are really fierce. If we continue to fight like this, will Excellent Era not be relegated?"

While talking, Tao Xuan called and asked the same question.

Ye Xiu said: "In the next game against Hundred Blossoms, if you still win, you will be considered safe. Lao Tao, you also worked hard. [-] is a head bonus. To Wang Ze and the others, a game, a head bonus, It's equivalent to getting an extra month's salary, can you not work hard?"

Tao Xuan said: "I was forced into a corner too, and had to spend all my money to fight for my life, thank you."

After Tao Xuan thanked them, he hung up the phone. He just wanted to see if Ye Xiu was watching their match.

Not only did Ye Xiu watch their matches, but he also knew that he was rewarded with 5 heads. Obviously, Ye Xiu was still following Excellent Era, which made him very happy.

Xingxin is very quiet here. Everyone heard the sound of Ye Xiu's phone call. When Ye Xiu hung up the phone, Chen Guo hit the nail on the head: "Cut, he is a scumbag. He abandoned you, and I hope you will miss him." Woolen cloth."

(End of this chapter)

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