Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 111 Imitate Huang Tiandi, or Ye Tiandi?

Chapter 111 Imitate Huang Tiandi, or Ye Tiandi?
Angel Yan seemed to see through the whole situation.

Many young angel warriors heard her words, and the expressions on their faces that were originally worried turned into anticipation.

Many pink and white fists were clenched tightly.

at the same time.

Hua Ye's side.

Hua Ye, who was in high spirits, had a smile on his face.

But at the moment.

The smile gradually disappeared.

Because he found that no matter how fierce his fist was, he hit Ye Yang's head and body.

Ye Yang stopped barking.

Even though his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he didn't say a word.

It seems that I am beating a sculpture, which is very boring.

Keep calling this king!Your roar, this king feels very exciting! "

Hua Ye accelerated the speed of punching.

I really want to see Ye Yang screaming in pain again.

But at the moment.

Ye Yang, who was being bombarded like a violent storm.

He clearly felt that his original anger was being quickly suppressed by reason.


Ye Yang raised his thick arms, and his broad palms directly grabbed Hua Ye's fists that gathered the energy of the void.


Hua Ye outside the barrier of the force field was taken aback for a moment.

With his eyes, he could only see Ye Yang, whose nose and face were bruised and swollen by himself, was looking at him with those eyes that should have been violent, but at the moment were extremely indifferent.

"Why didn't you call it? You were beaten by this king, right?"

Hua Ye said lightly.

With a thought, the grasped fists released the void energy above, and under the effect of the rules of the void barrier, his arms broke free from Ye Yang's shackles.

"tui~ I didn't expect that the Hulk mode would make me lose my mind because of anger. It's a shame."

Ye Yang wiped the green blood on his face with the back of his hand and muttered.

"What are you muttering about, accept or not, in a word, don't waste my king's time."

Hua Ye outside the barrier of the force field said.

Just finished.

He stretched out his right palm, and a very round, deep black object condensed out of his palm.

Karl, who was hiding in the surrounding void, saw it.

There was a gleam in the eyes.

Secretly expecting in my heart:
"It's finally used, Ye Yang, you're better than hiding it, let's show your strength!"

Angel side.

When everyone saw the thing in Hua Ye's palm.

Rao Angel Yan, Zhi Xin, Ah Zhui, the three great angel powers all showed slight horror.

Not to mention the young angels who lined up on the scene.

They all followed Yan and were chased by Hua Ye all the way in the universe.

Back in Frazier's time.

Hua Ye casually created a miniature black hole the size of an apple. With the strong gravitational force, coupled with the continuous absorption and expansion of the black hole, within 5 minutes, Frazier, the surrounding meteorite belt, and several small celestial satellites all fell into place. It was disintegrated and inhaled.

Until now.

That black hole is still absorbing matter in the universe, expanding and moving.

"It's a miniature black hole! Hua Ye has finally used it! Queen Keisha, the annihilation plan has reached a fever pitch." Yan said excitedly.


Holy Kesha of the Nebula says:

"Yes, but Karl is also on the scene. The purpose of his void reception plan is to allow Hua Ye to inspire Ye Yang, display terror, void power, and induce the void power to descend, the main biological universe."

"Our goal is to allow Ye Yang to use the same level of void power as Hua Ye's to achieve the annihilation plan."

Keisha said a lot in one breath.

But everyone knows it.

Although these two plans sound similar, they both let Ye Yang and Hua Ye fight.

But the results are two extremes.

And it is extremely difficult for their angels to control the void power of Ye Yang and the two to be consistent.


This is a heaven-defying thing with no direction to start!

"If Ye Yang immediately used the power that destroyed more than a dozen nebulae that day, wouldn't that allow Karl's plan to succeed? This is too difficult, Queen Kaisa, how can the power of the void used by the two of them be equal ?" Yan asked.

"Me and space will intervene. I want to go. You can continue to watch. No matter which direction the universe will develop in the future, angels must stick to justice and order."


The holy Kesha of the nebular body gradually dissipates and fades away.

Only the projection scene above the hall is left
"Congratulations to Queen Keisha!"

Yan took the lead in kneeling on one knee to send off.

Followed by.

Hundreds of angel warriors below His Royal Highness knelt down and sent Holy Kaisa away respectfully.

The edge of the Parker Nebula.

An inconspicuous cosmic starry sky around the battlefield between Hua Ye and Ye Yang.

Kesha in the nebula body appeared here instantly, and her breath merged with the surrounding void.

Followed by.

The space of the nebular body also appeared out of nowhere.

These two high-dimensional creatures silently watched Ye Yang and Hua Ye in front of them.

"Carl is over there, the big clock I left behind, he will increase Hua Ye's combat power at any time and anger Ye Yang." Space said.

In the eyes of both of them.

Although Karl has controlled part of the void power, he still can't hide anything in front of these existences that have truly integrated into the void.

"I know, let's read it first." Keisha said with care.

Hua Ye's wrist flicked.

The round and deep black hole flew into the distance.

While flying out.

Hua Ye made a triangle gesture with both hands in front of his chest.

Mouth read:


Buzz! ! !

The black hole that flew out froze instantly.

Ye Yang in the force field immediately attracted his attention when he saw this thing.

Surrounding the small black hole, a large cosmic space with a radius of [-] kilometers is actually showing a twisted vortex shape.

The dot-shaped stars in the distance were all drawn into twisted lines.

"Black hole engine?" Ye Yang was slightly surprised.

With his hands on his hips, Hua Ye said in a little surprise:

"Yo heh~ I know you,
It seems that Liang Bing didn't tell you anything,
That's right,

See that tiny black hole?

This thing is like a real black hole,
Breathing it in is a dead end,
I see that you don't want to surrender, so go in. "

Hua Ye waved his hand casually.

The invisible force pulled the entire void force field that imprisoned Ye Yang, and flew Ye Yang towards the black hole rapidly.

Not so much flying.

It would be better if it was thrown over, and it is being attracted by the gravitational force generated by the black hole.

"Hey~ boring."

Hua Ye clapped his hands, and returned to Lu Fei with a lazy expression.

I don't even look at Ye Yang's ending.

On the other hand, Ye Yang.

Looking at the distorted large space.

Don't panic.

"A black hole, then you can only simulate those big bosses in the fantasy world. Should you use Huang Tiandi or Ye Tiandi? Just come to someone who is in the realm of a god king. The last time Tongtian almost destroyed this universe." collapsed."

Just when Ye Yang was still considering who would be more suitable to imitate.

not far away.

Kaisha: "Ye Yang, it's fine to die."

Space: "Indeed, at least, Hua Ye's void power is still small and can be dealt with."

At this time.

Carl in another place saw this scene.

He waved his sleeve robe with a disappointed expression.

"Trash, if you go into the black hole, how will my plan be carried out!"

(End of this chapter)

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