Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 112 Complete simulation!God King Jiang Taixu!

Chapter 112 Complete simulation!God King Jiang Taixu!

Along with Karl's sleeve robe waving.

An invisible force pulled the void force field that trapped Ye Yang.

It made Ye Yang stop the momentum of being sucked by the black hole.

But under the influence of that terrible gravity.

The force field and Ye Yang's body inside were twisted and elongated.

Ka Ka Ka Ka!


Ye Yang could clearly hear the sound of countless bones breaking in his body.


Even the Hulk, who claims to be physically invincible in the comics, is still only crushed under the influence of the miniature black hole.

"Why did you stop?"

Ye Yang felt that the movement had stopped, and looked at Hua Ye who was flying away with his back turned to him suspiciously.

This guy probably didn't do it.

Then who is secretly helping me?

Or cold ice?

Forget it.

Do nothing.

Get rid of this black hole first, and then seize the black hole engine!

"Complete simulation! God King Realm! Jiang Taixu!"

Ye Yang secretly thought in his heart.

In an instant.

He recovers from his Hulk state.

Immediately afterwards, the green swollen muscles disappeared.

The body is also not affected by the gravity of the black hole, and is suspended in the void force field without moving.

Suddenly, the void force field shattered.

at this moment.

Ye Yang, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, raised his head, standing alone in the space-distorted void.

There is only a pair of white pants that come with the system all over the body, and the fine and well-proportioned muscles are exposed in the vacuum environment.


The pure energy of the universe visible to the naked eye surged madly towards his body.

Gathered into a terrifying spirit of heaven and earth, it overwhelmed Ye Yang.

Ye Yang's mouth and nose opened and closed slightly.

Absorbing the essence of all directions, devouring the power of massive stars, the whole body blooms with whiteness and splendor.

Endless divine energy surged all over Ye Yang's body.

Ye Yang slides his arms in front of the void.

In an instant.

The wounds on the face and all the injuries on the body were healed instantly.

His eyes were fierce.

A pair of black pupils stared in the direction of Hua Ye who had already flown away.

The vast abyss of spiritual consciousness radiated in all directions.

The dark pupils glanced at the void on the left and right sides.

Ye Yang found that in these two places, there were three guys who were hiding their aura.

Two of them exude an aura similar to being close to the way of heaven.

The other is a non-physical existence, similar to a spiritual imprint.

It seemed that it was one of them just now who stabilized his momentum towards the black hole.

"It seems to be Karl, and last time I became Tongtian and rescued Kesha and Karl from me."

Ye Yang thought to himself.

The last time I became the leader of Tongtian, if it wasn't because I was afraid that my actual combat supernatural power would cause the entire universe to collapse, how could this elementary way of heaven save people from myself?
this wave.

Jiang Taixu himself became a god-king realm.

Although in terms of combat power, Jiang Taixu in the world of Shrouding the Sky is no match for Tongtian in the World of Primal Desolation.

But in this small universe.

Jiang Taixu, who is in the three realms of God, King and Immortal, is also enough to traverse this universe without causing the universe to collapse.

It's a pity, if I can imitate the Jiang family's Hengyu Divine Stove.

Then move it with the God King Realm.

It is estimated that it is only the imperial prestige of the power of starlight generated when the divine furnace is activated.

It can perfectly crush the elementary way of heaven in this universe.

But now my purpose is to kill Hua Ye, take the dark engine and give it to my mother-in-law Hexi, and I don't have time to care about that evil pen who is watching in the dark.

next second.

[God King walks across the sky! 】

This is the movement method that Jiang Taixu is famous for.

When he was in the realm of the god king, he fought all over the nine heavens and ten places, and even earned the name of the god king in white!

Has a terrifying speed second only to the saint.

At this time, Ye Yang once used it.

The body turned into a stream of rapid light, instantly breaking away from the gravitational field of the black hole.

Fly quickly in the direction Hua Ye flew away.


There was a flash of light on Ye Yang's body.

The originally exposed body now has an extra set of ancient chivalrous gown in white Saixue, and white cloud-treading boots.

"The system will give the protagonist a set of [Jiang Taixu] white shirt of the same style. For the sake of face, please pay more attention to your own image in the future~"

The complete simulation system in the brain sends out intimate reminders.

Ye Yang, who was stepping extremely fast in the universe, looked down at the white battle suit on his body.

have to say.

Just one word!handsome! ! !

at this time.

The hidden Carl showed excitement:
"The strength has become much stronger. Although it is not as good as the state where he smashed the nebula and tore the universe, it shows that Hua Ye's method of angering Ye Yang is correct. He has started to use more powerful void power."

"But it's not enough."

"I have to strengthen Hua Ye's black hole engine with a big clock."

Karl immediately stroked the void in front of his face with both hands.

An operation panel appears.

[The key login of the dark plane version of the black hole engine bypassed Huaye's authorization detection and the login was Karl, the god of death, who had the highest authority of the black hole engine and successfully logged in. 】

Karl presented the black hole engine to Hua Ye, and he made a program change from the very beginning, implanting a plug-in.

in other words.

Although Hua Ye is the owner of the black hole engine.

But Karl can log in secretly, and even modify some things, but Hua Ye can't even find out.

"Start the big clock sequence to dock with the dark plane." Karl ordered.

[The big clock is successfully connected to the black hole engine. The black hole engine will get the database and sequence support of the big clock, and the smart frequency modulation mode will be turned on. It will be turned on successfully. 】

After finishing these.

Carl smiled.

The 48-frequency black hole engine supported by a large clock will become the most terrifying killer in the universe!
And when you meet the strong, you are strong.

Although it may not be able to defeat Ye Yang, it is absolutely no problem to force Ye Yang to use void power beyond the past.

call out!
Carl disappeared where he was, and continued to lurk in the dark, following Ye Yang and Hua Ye, monitoring them at all times.

the other side.

Keisha and space.

Kaisha: "Ye Yang has become stronger, and he seems to know our existence."

Space: "He didn't use more power than last time, don't be afraid, Karl should have also strengthened Hua Ye, we will wait and see."

Both of them are high-dimensional creatures, and they don't need to follow like the phantom Karl.

So just quietly suspended in this starry sky.

You can see everywhere in the universe.

Earth side.

When the angel Yan watched the footage left by Kesha, Ye Yang broke free from the empty cage and the gravitational field of the black hole, and turned into a handsome god of war in white.

In the hearts of many young angel sisters at the scene.

Planted an indelible impression of a male god.

Many cute angel girls began to discuss heatedly in front of Yan:
"Is it finally time to fight back! Really looking forward to his powerful combat power!"

"It's much more beautiful than the green monster before, and it can easily break free from the gravity of the black hole with its physical body. It's powerful enough to rival the Queen's Sky Blade No. [-]."

"I really want to have an all-round insight into Ye Yang's body and understand his structure. It's so fascinating."

"Hua Ye will definitely be killed! Oh no, he and Hua Ye will definitely die together! The annihilation plan will definitely come true!"

"It would be great if we could keep a copy of his genes in the hands of our angels."

(End of this chapter)

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