Chapter 12 Saiyan Gorilla Cannon!
When Ye Yang woke up in anger.

And subconsciously shouted this password.

He froze, and realized at the same time.

It was just a dream!

What are you doing turning yourself into a runaway saiyan gorilla!
But at the moment.

Regret is too late.


chest cavity.

A low impact sound came from Ye Yang's heart.

Violent beating.

Ye Yang's whole body on the bed trembled.

Limbs and limbs, countless cells rapidly congested with blood at this moment.

Ye Yang's expression also seemed to be choked.

Shocked, dazed, frightened.

at the same time.

On the roof of the self-built house.

"What a vigorous breath of life! Goddess, is that the super soldier you are guarding?"

The hair god suspended in mid-air.

He looked down at the self-built house below.

Reina also looked at the house below her.

His brows were frowned.

The body slowly floated into the air, leaving the roof and said:

"I can feel it too. With the powerful energy and blood, there is still a ferocious and violent aura. That kid's body seems to have undergone a bad change, no good! Morgana must be playing tricks!"

Reina suddenly realized.

Ye Yang's sudden change is most likely due to Morgana's tricks.

After all, how could a person suddenly change his breath?

And so evil?

There were two extremely low muffled noises in the house.

The evil and tyrannical aura radiated out like a wave.

The shocked Lena and Maoshen were shocked.

"It is rumored that Morgana, the demon god, is good at leading others into extreme depravity and assimilating into a demon form. The stronger a super soldier is, once he falls into depraved demonization, his strength will double!"

Reina heard Mao Shen's words.


at the same time.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Ye Yang in the room.

The heart in the chest made a rapid pounding sound.

It was like the beating of drums on an ancient battlefield.

On the bed, Ye Yang's muscles quickly grew stronger.

The pajamas were torn.

The handsome face gradually turned ferocious, with protruding mouth bones.

His eyes were bloodshot and red, and his mouth was full of fangs.


The exposed skin on the body quickly grew jet-black hair that was as sharp as steel needles.

The weight also increased sharply.


The wooden bed was crushed.

The cracking sound was very crisp.

in a blink.

The body of the gorilla Ye Yang grew rapidly in the room.

The whole building is also crumbling.

Followed by.

Roar! ! !
An angry roar came from Ye Yang's mouth.

The walls were cracked and a large amount of furniture was shaken off.

The roar of the beast echoed throughout the night in Huangcun.

The pitch-black village was suddenly lit up with lights.


The roof is in the air.

When Reina and Mao Shen heard the roar of this pure beast.

Everyone is shocked!

"He has turned into a monster now, we can't let him slaughter the innocent people here!" Reina said seriously.

"My little god understands."

After God Mao got the order.

Hit the roof with one blow.

It turned into a golden streamer and rushed into the building.

next second.

A growing black-haired gorilla was bound by a golden beam of light.

Float into the air.

The gorilla kept struggling, and the golden rope kept deforming, as if it would be exploded in the next second.

"Goddess, quickly find a place where there is no one, his power is too strong, I can't last long."

The golden rope turned out to be changed by God Mao.

Under his thought.

Lena quickly led the way and flew towards the distant mountains and forests.

Lena kept turning her head, her eyes full of horror.

"How did this guy turn into a beast body?! Still so violent!"

at the same time.

Battleship Devil One.

With Ye Yang waking up.

Nightmare's dream screen is also missing one.

"Queen. This guy is too weird. I have studied dreams for so many years, but I have never encountered such a psychosis."

Nightmare complained.

"You trash, forget it, just target Qiangwei first, the queen is going to rest too."

The dull Morgana waved her hand.

Use the micro wormhole to leave.

Nightmare continues to manipulate the Rose Dream.

Only in the dream.

The group of men who were besieging Qiangwei in the room had disappeared.

There was only one virtual dream man who was exactly the same as Ye Yang, and he was crazily outputting to Qiangwei.

Qiangwei was uncooperative from the beginning, but gradually became obsessed.

"It seems that Qiangwei has a deep impression of Ye Yang in a short period of time. In comparison, Ye Yang is really a freak."

Nightmare murmured.


Above the nameless mountain forest outside Huangcun.

Roar! ! !
The size of Ye Yang's gorilla has soared to 20 meters.

With a roar.

Stretch your arms and legs.

The golden rope that Maoshen turned into was broken.

The terrifying body weighing hundreds of tons is like a battleship smashing heavily into the mountains and forests.

Boom! ! !

The shock wave brought by the impact on the ground broke down an unknown number of trees.

Cracks in the ground splashed an unknown amount of rock and mud.

Under the bright moon.

A red-eyed gorilla roared and beat its chest.

Murderous, tyrannical, bloodthirsty.

Radiate the audience.

"Goddess Lena, he has lost control, do I need to kill him?"

Mao Shen condensed his body again and appeared beside Gao Kong Leina.

At this moment, Reina was also a little panicked.

I have never seen such a scene.

"No, no, no, I have to report this to the Great Strait, and you should control his actions first." Lena ordered in a panic.

Immediately use dark communication to contact Lianfeng on the Juxia.

The command room of the Great Strait at midnight.

Lianfeng and Yuqin are discussing work details.

After receiving Reina's summons.

The two immediately put down the work at hand.

Using the De Nuo [-] system, turn on the satellite to lock Ye Yang's position and project real-time images.

When Lianfeng and Yuqin saw the runaway gorilla fighting a golden figure in the picture.

Both women were shocked again and again.

"Huge chimpanzee with red eyes!
Seems to be in a state of rampage,
Yuqin, can you search the Deno database for similar gene models?

I suspect that some kind of mutation has occurred in the super gene in Ye Yang's body! "

Lianfeng ordered.

One side of the piano for quick retrieval.


There is no relevant genetic information in the database at all.

"Leina, are you still online? Now Ye Yang has lost control, you only have two options, try to control him, if not, use your ability to kill him." Lianfeng ordered.


Over the mountains and forests.

Reina who received the order was full of fighting spirit.

Summon her exclusive armor from the micro-wormhole.


The armor is automatically worn on Reina's body like a module, and the sound of the collision is very pleasant.

"God Mao, defeat him."

Reina commanded in a high-pitched voice after her disguise was completed.


Maoshen, who was flying around the Saiyan gorilla at low altitude, suddenly hovered in one place.

The palms of both palms aimed at Ye Yang.

next second.

The palm shoots out dense and frighteningly powerful light bullets of stellar energy at high speed.

It's very similar to the prince's fighting style of a certain Saiyan prince.

The energy light bombs bombarded the gorilla's body surface, and Ye Yang roared in pain.

Run wildly in the mountains and forests to avoid bombing.

The gorilla made a huge leap.

After flying hundreds of meters, it landed heavily on the top of a rocky mountain.

Beat your chest with both fists.

Very dissatisfied.

Seeing this, God Mao followed and flew away.

When he hovered in the air, keeping a safe distance from the gorilla, he stretched out his palm to repeat the trick.

Gorilla Ye Yang aimed at Maoshen.

Open your fangs.

Silver ray energy light emerged from the mouth.

Mao Shen was stunned.

What kind of trick is this?
What does it want to do?
Just hesitated for a while.

Roar! ! !
A silver qigong wave with a width of tens of meters shot out from the gorilla's mouth for more than ten kilometers in an instant, reaching far into the sky.

Maoshen was involved in this turbulent and bursting energy in an instant.

He only felt that he had entered a pure silver world.

Limbs and bones on the body.

Every inch of skin, muscles and bones are being torn apart by terrifying pressure.

Pain flooded into the brain.

Lena in the distance.

I saw a huge energy galaxy crossing the sky in an instant.

Numerous clouds were shot through.

The rumble of the atmosphere echoed with the sound of explosions.

"Mao God!"

Lena lit up the shield around her body, and rushed into the huge energy shock wave across the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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