Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 13 Lieyang Hairy God vs Saiyan Orangutan

Chapter 13 Lieyang Hairy God vs Saiyan Orangutan
Under the desperate rescue of the sun's light, Lena.

Mao Shen was rescued.

And with the support of Lena, he quickly climbed to the flying height.

The two hid at an altitude of 5000 meters at night.

"Mao God."

Lena looked anxiously at Maoshen beside her.


The armor on God Mao's body that belonged exclusively to Lie Yang's army was torn apart by the blow just now.

The upper body is naked, and the armor on the lower body has been blasted into a short iron skirt.

The muscles all over his body were scorched black and oozing blood.

It can be said to be full of scars.

"Goddess Lena. You! Let go of the little god!"

Maoshen regained consciousness and saw that he was so indecent.

He was also supported by Empress Lieyang.

He was so scared that he pushed Reina away regardless of his injuries.

"It's right to be in awe of the goddess. How are you injured?"

Reina patted the filth on her hands and asked proudly.

"Little God is the vanguard under Pan Zhen's command. His body has been tempered by stellar energy since he was a child. Although this beast's blow is powerful, it only caused some flesh injuries to Little God."

God Mao clasped his fists in reply.

Although Lena can see that Maoshen has some strong elements.

But also did not expose.


Lena looked at the Yeyang gorilla 5000 meters below.

I saw the gorilla after losing the target.

Constantly opening his mouth to spray energy light beams to bombard the forest.

Each blow can bombard a blazing explosion on the extremely distant dark horizon!


Huge deep pits were blasted out one after another.

Silver beams of energy light flew in all directions.

Let the mountains and forests within a radius of several kilometers flicker like a disco.

"Damn, does this guy have unlimited physical strength?"

"Each shot is as powerful as my medium flare bombardment."

"It would be a pity if such a powerful combat power is killed, God Mao, think of a way to restrict his movements, and then I will bomb him with stellar flares."

Reina put away her proud expression.

He ordered with a serious expression.

"It's me trying to compete with him in physical strength."

Mao Shen realized that long-distance attacks were no longer effective.


He began to drive the stellar energy stored in his body.

A light golden film appeared all over his body.

This is his genetic ability.

It is one of the independent research and development of Lieyang civilization.

Gene model: [Yang Kun]

An ultra-low configuration version of the Sunlight Gene.

It can absorb stellar energy to temper the body, and can also drive stellar energy to fight.

Maoshen, who has become a little golden man, is like a god coming down to earth at this moment.

It turned into a golden arrow and shot downward.


The runaway gorilla also felt the hostility coming from the sky.

A pair of huge red eyes locked the position.

Head held high, fists clenched.

Opening his mouth, he spewed out a thick silver beam of energy.

The extremely fast-flying Maoshen is at the peak of his combat power at this moment.

He performed a spiral sprint show operation around the energy light beam.

in a blink.

He punched Ye Yang, the gorilla, on the bridge of his pointed nose.

The sprayed beam of energy light was directly interrupted.

The gorilla was even more confused by this blow, and retreated again and again.

He hugged the bridge of his injured nose and made a humane expression of pain.

The blood-colored pupils stared at the little golden man floating in the air.


Jumping up is a punch.

The ground couldn't support the gorilla's jump, and it collapsed with a bang, creating a huge depression in the ground.

call out!
Mao Shen escaped this huge punch by virtue of his flexible mid-air positioning.

The gorilla twisted its huge body in the air.


The huge long and black-haired orangutan tail is like a magic whip.

Unprepared, Maoshen made a precise draw.


The golden figure shot down from the sky into the ground in an instant.

Several layers of milky white atmospheric halo exploded along the way.

The ground fissures the size of a basketball court blasted from the ground into the sky like bursting watermelons.

This tail is drawn.

The strength is comparable to five times the speed of sound!

The gorilla Ye Yang fell slowly in the air, and gave out a humane smile.

Followed by.

The Ye Yang gorilla opened its mouth and aimed at the place where the dust was surging below.

Bang! ! !
A huge silver beam of energy blasted into the ground.

"Mao God!"

Reina in the sky was shocked.

No more hesitation, leaned over and rushed straight.

She recognized God Mao's strength.

But the weird gorilla in front of him.

The combat power is good enough to threaten Mao Shen's life!

The command room of the Giant Gorge.

Lianfeng and Yuqin saw this scene.

In awe.

The two pulled out the files about Mao Shen in the database.

【Name: Mao God】

[Position: Pioneer Officer of the Fierce Sun Army]

[Personal experience: Pan Zhen came to Earth after following Lieyang King Hongkun and performed well]

【Equipped with Gene: (Yang Kun) Light of the Sun Simplified Version】

[Comprehensive evaluation: Pan Zhen, the God of War of Lieyang, was single-handedly cultivated. The Yangkun gene in his body has a combat ability only under the protection of the four great saints of Lieyang. 】

"A war god of this level is crushed by Ye Yang, and now I am really more and more curious about the genes in his body." Yuqin sighed.

"Back then, Ducao decided to spread the genes in the Super Seminary database and Deno civilization database to the earth, not only for the continuation of civilization, but also expected the existence of gene mutations like Ye Yang and Qilin at that time .”

Lianfeng said calmly.

But she didn't choose to say the second half of the sentence.

She looked at the falling gorilla spraying an energy column on the screen, and thought to herself.

I'm afraid that the space principal didn't expect that there would be such a mutant genetic warrior as Ye Yang in the future.


Lianfeng changed his mind and quickly ordered:

"Yuqin, concentrate all the calculation process of the Deno No. [-] system, and calculate the weakness of this gorilla with me. It would be a pity if such a powerful combat power was killed by Lena!"


 The kitten at home suddenly quacked, the update was a bit late, hey~
(End of this chapter)

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