Chapter 125 Tianji Wang Hexi is my mother!

Women like to be treated special.

Even angels are the same.

Yun Yi looked at the package of earth specialties in his hand, and became very interested.


A virtual interface jumped out of the void in front of her eyes.

【Target: Earth specialty plants】

【Type: Food】

[scientific name: betel nut]

[Betel nut contains arecoline, and the effect of arecoline is to achieve an exciting effect, which will increase the secretion of glands and increase intestinal peristalsis. 】

"Wonderful plants." Yun Yi commented.

Immediately left happily.

At this moment in Tianji Palace.

Under the leadership of Hexi, Ye Yang and the two rode on a holy and flawless unicorn. The unicorn had wings and took the two of them flying in the sky. It was like an auspicious beast in fantasy novels. .

"It's so big inside, it's like a small world, with mountains, waters and forests, these animals are quite harmonious."

Ye Yang admired the scenery of mountains and rivers below.

"This is space technology, one of the many technological means that the main body is good at. The white palace in front of the mountain is the place where the main body lives."

Hexi said.

She leaned against Ye Yang's arms and pointed forward.

A majestic and pure white steeple castle appeared in front of Ye Yang.

The ancient castle has a retro shape, just like a building in a fairy tale.

As the saying goes, a person's character can be seen from a person's living environment.

It can be seen that there is a simple and yearning little cabbage in the heart of my mother-in-law.

"What's shining?"

Ye Yang frowned slightly.

I saw a lake below like a dazzling emerald gem embedded in the lush mountains.

Under artificial daylight.

Reflects dazzling brilliance.

"It's Lanpo Lake. The main body and the previous generation of Heavenly Blade King Kaisha often play around, chat, and swim wildly. The main body is also below, let's go down."

He Xi stretched out his hand to pat the horse's neck and said.

The human-like unicorn quickly flew down with the two of them.

After landing.

Ye Yang saw a peerless beauty who was wearing a white gauze dress inlaid with gold, exactly the same as Hexi's, was walking lazily by the lake with a basket full of delicate bouquets hanging on her wrist, barefoot.

People, flowers and scenery form a beautiful picture scroll.

Ye Yang couldn't help sighing in his heart, Lao Tzu's mother-in-law is so beautiful!
"You are here."

The main body, Hexi, looked at the two of them, stood in place and said quietly.

The second body, He Xi, hurriedly dragged Ye Yang forward.

The panicked secondary body looked at the main body opposite, and didn't know what to call it for a while, so it could only say strangely:

"I have seen King Tianji."

Tianji Wang Hexi moved his white and tender feet, stepped on the green grass, and walked towards the two of them step by step. The white gauze skirt behind him was like a gentle palm, brushing over the green grass that had grown up after being stepped down.

The elegant posture is like a banished fairy.

"bless you."

Tianji Wang Hexi handed an exquisite flower basket full of various flowers to his secondary body who had obtained free will and a physical body.

Those gentle eyes and shallow smiles are full of sincere blessings.

"Thank you!" The second body, Hexi, took the flower basket, feeling extremely warm in his heart.


The beautiful atmosphere was broken by Ye Yang's opening.

"Mom, we came from the earth in a hurry, and we didn't prepare much for you. A small gift is not a respect."

I saw Ye Yang pull out the [Black Hole Engine] from the system space with his backhand.

Tianji Wang Hexi looked at the chaotic energy state with a slightly surprised expression on his face.

How did you become a mother yourself?
"I heard that you killed Hua Ye and took away his black hole engine. This must be a gift for me, right?"

Hexi himself decided to pretend that he didn't hear the sound, changed the subject, and moved to the side of the black hole engine to look at it.

"Yes, Mom, I heard from Hexi that you like all kinds of advanced black technology, so I went to get it and give it to you as a meeting gift."

Ye Yang is more enthusiastic than ever at the moment.

After all, in Ye Yang's growth process.

He has lived on the earth where there are many girls and boys for more than [-] years.

The cognition of men going to the woman's hometown and being inspected by their parents, and various rules, only stay at the level of a few friends.

In a word.

When going to the woman's house for the first time, you must do it. You must have liveliness in your eyes, enthusiasm in your attitude, sharp mouth, don't talk to those with low EQ, don't cry tired with a smile on your face, and bring gifts in place.

Before crossing, although Ye Yang was an orphan, he was indoctrinated with this kind of thinking by the people around him every day.

It came in handy today.

"First of all, I have to thank you for getting rid of Hua Ye. In addition, I'm curious, what method did you use to kill Hua Ye's fourth-generation divine body?" He Xi asked.

The basic concept of the four generations of gods is that atoms are positioned with each other, immortal.

It is impossible to kill the four generations of gods unless some big means beyond the conventional are used.

"Oh~ it's like this, I created a starry sky of the sword field, which is full of the sword spirit and sword energy I left behind. It is very powerful. Cutting any fourth-generation god body is like cutting vegetables. That Hua Ye can't be resurrected at all. "

Ye Yang didn't intend to say too much.

Although she is her own mother-in-law, the less she reveals about the system and the things she can simulate, the better.

"Really, I have to go and have a look when I have time. I accept your gift, and it is of great research value." Hexi said on his own.

Ye Yang smiled and raised his eyebrows with He Xi next to him.

That expression seemed to say, look, I've taken care of our mother, so don't worry.

At this time.

The secondary body elbowed Ye Yang, signaling that the main body is in a good mood, and get down to business.

Ye Yang understood.

He asked:
"Mom, I brought Hexi here this time. You know, it's for the birth of a baby. Can you help us?"

"Follow me for a checkup. Also, can you stop calling me mom? She's just a part of me, not my daughter."

This call made Hexi feel a little overwhelmed.

I am [-] years old, and I haven't married yet, so I should have an extra son first.

Moreover, this son also beheaded the enemy of all the female angels, Hua Ye, whose status was surprisingly high, and now he has become his own son, marrying a secondary body that he separated as his wife.

This relationship is too confusing.

Strictly speaking, after Ye Yang's power transformation, the secondary body is no longer an angel.

So I really can't be a mother.

"Mom, look at what you said, then you worked so hard to create her, but now she has flesh and blood and will, and you still plan to deny it?"

Ye Yang quickly gestured to his wife with his eyes.

Hexi's wife also understood Ye Yang's meaning.

Holding a flower basket, he sincerely shouted to Tianji Wang Hexi:

"Mom, thank you for blessing me and Ye Yang."

"This..." Hexi's body was immediately stumped, and finally couldn't hold back Ye Yang's enthusiasm for being a mother, and Hexi's body was also afraid of Ye Yang's terrifying strength, so he could only reluctantly agree to the title of mother.

a few hours later.

Inside the laboratory of the White Palace.

"From the physical examination reports of the two of you, the semen and eggs of the two of you."

(End of this chapter)

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