Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 126 Division of Power Systems in the Super God Universe! 【Standard Edition】

Chapter 126 Division of Power Systems in the Super God Universe! 【Standard Edition】

"From the physical examination reports of the two of you, the semen and eggs of both of you belong to the sequence of the normal human form. Logically speaking, it is only because of the high level of one party's genes that it has been unable to reproduce offspring. In other words , as long as one party upgrades its own genetic level, this matter can be resolved.”

After Tianji Wang's mother-in-law finished speaking.

The second body, He Xi, looked at Ye Yang with a slight frown, and said:
"It's because I'm too weak to give you a baby."

"Don't say such stupid things, can't this be solved by upgrading genes, our mother must have a solution." Ye Yang patted her on the shoulder and comforted her.

"It's not that you are too weak, but Ye Yang's sperm is too weak."

At this time, Tianji Wang's mother-in-law said something abruptly.

Like a dagger, it stabbed Ye Yang in the back.

The expression on Ye Yang's face was instantly the same as that of a black question mark.

"My sperm is weak? Impossible, I am so strong, how could hundreds of millions of descendants be weak? Mom, did you make a mistake?" Ye Yang doubted.

"Yes, Mom, you also know Ye Yang's strength and life level, how could it be his weakness?" He Xi also said the same.

Tianji Wang's mother-in-law's white arms and palms spread in the void.

A microscope view video of the sperm and egg appears.

The tadpoles above are as active as ants moving house, moving in an orderly manner.

The egg cells don't move, but each one is as strong as steel, no matter how the tadpoles drill and dig cracks to impact, they can't break through successfully.

Then a large number of tadpoles died directly on the spot.

"how so???"

Ye Yang was dumbfounded.

But he suddenly realized it in his heart.

When I was in the physical examination just now, I was afraid that I would not be able to get the data from the physical examination in the Doraemon state, so I quit the simulation and became the original common people state.

"I don't know what method you used to make Xiao Hexi have flesh and blood and will, but her current genes are comparable to three generations of angels, so if you want to reproduce, Ye Yang, you have to control your life level within this range , so as to ensure that the genes of the two of you can match." Tianji Wang's mother-in-law said.

Ye Yang's expression was stunned.

It turned out to be the case.

Recall that when I played poker with Liangbing, Hexi, and Xueyi in the past, they were imitated gods and heroines from all walks of life, beating them to death, alive and kicking.

Patronizing Shuang, he didn't care about the difference in life level and strength at all.

"Controlling the level of life? This? Will it be too difficult?" Xiao Hexi asked worriedly.

Tianji Wang's mother-in-law also looked at Ye Yang, and she was also secretly observing Ye Yang.

If a person can control his own life level at will, it is simply too terrifying, and it can directly subvert her many scientific concepts and life laws for 3 years.

"It's very simple, but I have to understand what is the life level of the third generation of angels? Mom, can you introduce it?" Ye Yang asked.

"You don't know?" Tianji Wang's mother-in-law was a little surprised.

"Ye Yang is a super gene that has been awakened in the last month and has obtained powerful power. Before that, he didn't know anything about the power system in the universe, and I didn't have time to tell him." Xiao Hexi said.

At this time, she is already quite the demeanor of a wife, and can help her husband out of trouble.

Ye Yang also scratched his head shyly.

Seeing this, Tianji Wang's mother-in-law waved away the projection, and led the two of them towards a living room.

Ceramic cups, brewing black tea.

The three sat on the soft sofa.

Listen to the science popularization of Tianji Wang's mother-in-law.

"It is known that there are countless civilizations in the universe, and its history is billions or even tens of billions of years, but the civilizations we have detected so far are only tens of thousands of years old at most. at the forefront,

The level of life is also divided into three ages,
Gene Age!God·Dark Plane Era!The era of biological engines!
The first generation of super soldiers, pure genetic enhancement, can allow creatures to obtain physical fitness far superior to similar ones.

The second generation of super soldiers, the birth of the gene engine, allows the creatures to obtain strange powers, fly into the sky and hide from the earth, and manipulate wind, fire, thunder and lightning.

Even in terms of pure physical fitness, the second generation is much stronger than the first generation, and the life span has also exceeded the limit of natural life.

Super soldiers are good, but not without flaws.

First: There is a limit to the genetic strength of organisms, and it is impossible to strengthen them infinitely.

Unless the warriors are willing to transform themselves beyond recognition, turning their bodies into giants~monsters with scales~whatever, to obtain stronger physical functions,

Otherwise, physical strengthening will stop here,

Second: The gene engine also needs space, and it is impossible to load too much in one organism.

The more powerful the gene engine, the more gene space it needs, and the multi-gene engine is not practical.

This means that the strength of super fighters with multiple abilities will be very low, so most of the powerful second-generation super fighters have only one ability.

Besides, starting the gene engine also needs to consume bioenergy, how much energy can be stored in the body?

The last point, and the deadliest point about super soldiers, is that they die.

A dead super soldier is just a puddle of rotting flesh with nothing left.

What about the third-generation super fighter you want to know about?

The third-generation super fighter is actually the original version of "God",
It has been applied to the dark plane technology,
So the third-generation super fighter is about equal to "God",
To understand the manufacturing concept of the 3rd generation super fighter,
You must first know what the dark plane is,
The dark plane is a unique technology developed by the Kamigawa civilization, at least it used to be like this,

The discovery of the dark plane was due to an experimental accident,
The scientists of the Kamikawa civilization discovered by accident,

They actually introduced material energy into a space between reality and illusion,

After a lot of research, the Kamigawa civilization found that this space can carry a small universe and import a large amount of material energy into this space.
You can build a material universe of your own in it,
The Kamigawa civilization called this technology the dark plane technology,
It's really a powerful technology,
But the Kamigawa civilization put this technology on the shelf in the past,
You must want to ask why such a good technology is not promoted?
because of the cost,

Each equipped with a dark plane,

It takes tons of material energy,
And even if the dark plane is installed successfully, it still needs to consume some energy to open it.

The Kamigawa civilization originally planned to use the dark plane as a portable space device, but after calculation, it was found that it was not worth it.

But when the upgrade of super soldiers encountered a bottleneck, someone thought of this technology.

If an auxiliary device is made on the dark plane, and its output port is connected to a super soldier, wouldn't it be possible to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the super soldier again?
For example, to create a large energy shield device on the Dark Plane,
An energy shield is shrouded on the super soldier's body surface at any time.

A small biological individual has the protective ability of a star warship in an instant...

By analogy, the functional parts of an interstellar warship are copied one by one in the dark plane,

The output port is set on the super soldier,
A living body successfully possesses the performance of an interstellar warship,

In this way, the third generation of super soldiers was born. "

After listening to his mother-in-law's science popularization, Ye Yang seemed to have flashed an epic science fiction power system setting set in his mind.

However, I now have a thorough understanding of the power system of this universe.

Next, I just need to simulate a strong man who is similar to the level of life.

Then he will be able to have offspring with Hexi.

Who to imitate?

Got it!

"System, fully simulated!."

(End of this chapter)

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