Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 128 What!Liang Bing, are you really pregnant? !

Chapter 128 What!Liang Bing, are you really pregnant? !
It seemed that this palm also drew Qiangwei's consciousness back.

She crossed her legs and stood up from the sofa.

Covering one side of her red cheek, she lowered her head.

It's really too shameful, at this moment Qiangwei just wants to find a crack in the ground to get in.

"I'm sorry, I was rude. Well, can I ask one thing? This matter has troubled me for a long time, and I don't know if it has something to do with you." Qiangwei asked boldly.

I really need to pay attention to my habit of dreaming c dreams.

It has seriously affected my life, fighting.

"Go away after you finish speaking, don't take away my rare good mood."

Ye Yang manipulated the chopsticks, ate a piece of meat roll covered with oyster sauce and other seasonings, and chewed, feeling slightly relieved.

"From the first time I saw you, every time I close my eyes, I can quickly fall into a dream, and I dream of you, and I can have many dreams in one night, and the dreams are all kinds of fancy In the scene of playing cards, I want to ask, is this the effect of some of your abilities on me." Qiangwei asked.

"Is there such an outrageous thing? I don't know, I didn't do it."

Ye Yang took a sip of happy water and said.

"But. After Su Xiaoli returned from your side, although his reaction was not as strong as mine, he still talked about you every day. It can be regarded as completely obsessed with you. How do you explain this?" Qiangwei asked.

"Well, I admit it. I did it. As for what you dreamed, I don't know."

At that time, I imitated the Pirate Empress and possessed a special charm that fascinated all the opposite sexes. Su Xiaoli was the one who was most affected.

But Qiangwei really didn't do it by herself when she was dreaming.

Rose was silent.

Stand still.

Ye Yang waved his chopsticks to signal her to leave.

Rose doesn't leave.


Ye Yang was speechless and continued to eat hot pot.

Anyway, I waited for Thornton to collect all the supplies I wanted, and then returned to the Angel Nebula. This guy likes to stay here as long as he likes.


Ripples visible to the naked eye surged in the void on one side of the living room in the suite.

A panicked familiar figure trotted out of it.

It's Liang Bing in a purple-black leather jacket, her satin-like glossy black hair is a little messy, and there is no non-mainstream heavy makeup on her face.

When she came out, she glanced around.

He immediately locked onto Ye Yang who was eating hot pot with a bowl on the sofa.

"You?" Qiangwei on the side was stunned.

this woman?
Wasn't this woman the cold ice that she met in the suburbs of Luoyang when the Xiong Bing Company was hunted down by the howl with the void engine some time ago, and followed her for a few days?
And also a super gene awakener.

Liang Bing originally wanted to take her back to the Juxia.


One day the cold ice suddenly disappeared.

Rose didn't care much.

Unexpectedly, she suddenly appeared here now.

"Ye Yang! Are you fascinated by those angels? It's been a month, how many times have you come back? Every time I look for you, you're not here, so I caught you today!"

"You still eat hot pot! I, Cao!"

With his hands on his hips, Liang Bing stepped forward and said in a questioning tone.

"Why are you looking for me? I also said that I didn't see you and Xue Yi every time I came back." Ye Yang said lightly.

"I was bullied! When they heard that I was pregnant with your child, they frantically attacked the fighters of my demon civilization, and locked the activity area of ​​my demon battleship in the solar system!"

These cold words.

Let Ye Yang spray out a mouthful of happy water directly.

Qiangwei beside her was also staring at the cold ice in shock.

"You are Morgana?! You are Morgana!?" Qiangwei asked in amazement.

"Qiangwei? You're here too. Well, I'm Morgana. You're very good, the successor of the time-space gene, but I don't have time to explain the previous things to you right now. You go out first."

Liang Bing stepped forward and pressed a palm on Qiangwei's black armor chest.


Directly punch Qiangwei into the micro-wormhole, and disappear in an upside-down manner.

When only Ye Yang and Liang Bing were left in the room.

Ye Yang stood up with a bang.

Wiping the Coke off his face, he looked at Liang Bing's flat stomach under that huge evil with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The scenes of many golden-time family ethics dramas that I had watched in my previous life flashed across my mind.

"Impossible, I only had one night with you. Although I didn't wear a small umbrella, it's impossible to be so accurate." Ye Yang said.

"You still want to be irresponsible for what you said? Okay, then I'll throw it away." Ye Yang was stunned by Liang Bing's serious appearance.

"Don't be impulsive! Show me if there is any evidence, how do I know if you have cheated on me? Is the child my child?" Ye Yang has seen a lot of honest people being hated on Douyin in his previous life experience.

So treat this aspect with caution.

"Okay! You help me kill all the bullies first, and I will show you the evidence of the child! I am the king of demons, and I will lie to you?" Liang Bing said.

Just finished.

Liangbing suddenly covered her lower abdomen with one hand and her mouth with the other, bowed her waist, leaned over to find a trash can and made a sound of vomiting.

When Ye Yang saw that Liang Bing really vomited sticky matter, he believed it in his heart.

Hastily picked up the tissue paper next to the hot pot, and wiped Liang Bing's mouth caringly and anxiously.

"Sit down first, sit down first, who bullied you?" Ye Yang asked.

Taking advantage of the cold ice to breathe.

Ye Yang tried his best to recall the scene of playing poker with Liang Bing for the first time. On that day, the poker game took place in a farm house in Huangcun.

That night, I simulated the star-level Luo Feng and the array-level Shi Hao.

According to the life hierarchy system of this universe that I learned from my mother-in-law during this period of time.

Liangbing should be the fourth generation of gods.

The level of life has reached immortality.

It should be impossible for a tadpole in a star-level state to combine with cold ice.

Could it be that the little tadpole and the cold ice combined when he had the supreme bone state?

Although I was simulating Shi Hao in the array state at the time, but with the supreme bone in the body, the proper first generation, the potential of the supreme genius, the level of life is not low.

From this point of view, it is not unreasonable for Liangbing to conceive her own seed.

"Are you feeling better now?"

Ye Yang stroked Liang Bing's back and patted it lightly.

"Damn it, I really want to punch her to death. Pregnancy is so uncomfortable."

Liang Bing waved his fist as if he was about to hit his flat stomach.

Terrified, Ye Yang quickly reached out and grabbed it.

Seeing Ye Yang's nervous appearance, Liang Bing showed an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't be so impulsive, don't take your anger out on your child, tell me who bullied you?
After I finish typing, you can show me the test report of your child,
With your technology,
It should be easy to find out if it's my child. "Ye Yang said.

To be honest, Ye Yang is panicking now.

If the thing in Liangbing's belly was really planted by himself, wouldn't he be Xiao Hexi's uncle?Became the brother-in-law of King Tianji?Become your own uncle?

Ma Dan!What a mess!
At this time.

Liang Bing frowned and said:

"It's Lieyang and Pan Zhen and his team. They are guarding the Da Chong bridge, using the solar wind to drive away and block the demon warships. A group of bastards want to search for my demon warships. They pretend to be looking for their main god Dilei. Na, damn it, Pan Zhen's subordinates are still slaughtering those newborn demons on Earth, as if trying to drive me crazy."

(End of this chapter)

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