Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 129 Complete simulation!God of Destruction Beerus!

Chapter 129 Complete simulation!God of Destruction Beerus!
"Pan Zhen, yes, I understand, you rest here for a while, I'll take care of it, but before that"

Ye Yang stood up and said in a slightly serious tone.

"But what?" Liang Bing asked.


Liang Bing only felt that Ye Yang's aura suddenly changed drastically.

A dusty, banished fairy-like breath permeated the air, and the pair of black pupils and eyeballs split apart, forming a strange appearance of double pupils.

Liang Bing found that Ye Yang was staring straight at her abdomen.

As if peeping at something.

Liang Bing instantly showed nervousness.

She knew that Ye Yang was afraid of lying.

So some kind of probing method was used to check the life in the stomach.

"It really is my son! It exudes a bloodline that is similar to mine but is still weak, but unfortunately, it is still unclear whether it is a man or a woman, hahahaha~"


Ye Yang is in a good mood.

The look of excitement on his face was hard to hide.

He even hugged the cold head, and pecked hard on the forehead.

His big white teeth dazzled with a smile.

Liang Bing's tense heart instantly relaxed.

At the same time, he pretended to be angry and said:
"Okay, don't believe me, I don't want this child anymore!"

"Don't, don't! I believe it, I'll kill Pan Zhen right away."

Ye Yang quickly flew away from the window and escaped into the sky.

At this moment, he was soaring into the sky and hitting the sky horizontally, as excited as if Tony Stark put on the steel armor for the first time.

No one can understand Ye Yang's mood at the moment.

past life.

He is an orphan, and he longs for the warmth and love of his family whether it is in normal times or during holidays.

Over time, he suppressed this emotion, became indifferent, and didn't care about everything. Gradually, his personality also became withdrawn, idle fish.


In this different world, I have great strength, a lover, and offspring!
I finally have a home!


Inside the suite.

Liang Bing sat on the sofa, looked at the hot pot food left by Ye Yang, and moved his chopsticks with a full appetite.


Floating in the void, it was Shae who walked out of the wormhole.

"Queen, did he believe it?" Shae asked softly.

It seemed to be afraid of Ye Yang who had already left.

"Looking at his excited look, I believe it. After all, the little guy in this king's belly was bred by Ye Yang's tadpoles." Liang Bing said while eating the cooked fat beef roll.

"But queen, you don't need to use your own genes to match, but also use your own uterus to conceive. This will have too much impact on the next battle." Xue Yi worried.

"What do you know, Ye Yang's little tadpoles are too energetic, if I hadn't found another way to transform and upgrade my four-generation eggs, otherwise it would be difficult to breed them. And Ye Yang's thinking is still in the pre-nuclear era, using the mother's womb Come to give birth to offspring, and will receive his attention and protection, in short, our demon civilization will no longer have to hide in the future."

Liang Bing smiled happily.

I am in a good mood and have a good appetite.

Keep adding meat to the pot.

"But, you don't have to give birth to a child just because you bragged with an angel. Who will take care of it in the future? And Ye Yang, isn't he going to marry that woman? After you?" Xue Yi worried.

For these issues, Liang Bing didn't think so much at all.

In the eyes of the devil, as long as you are free and happy, the rules will only be bondage.

"Hmph~ whoever comes out is the boss, never mind, let's solve the immediate crisis first, you go back to the demon battleship to preside over the situation first, I have to wait here for him to come back." Liang Bing said.


at the same time.

Ye Yang flew into outer space, completely simulating Beerus, the god of destruction.

The powerful divine breath instantly locked all moving objects in the solar system.

A picture flashed in my mind.

It is a space battleship in the form of a fortress, which is being chased and intercepted by waves of high-temperature solar wind, and cannot escape the scope of the solar system at all.

The exterior of the fortress battleship was lit up with a light energy shield, which was flickered by waves of solar wind.

A large number of demon warriors are armed and ready to fight outside the fortress.

"It's too miserable to be bullied."

Now that Liang Bing is pregnant with her own cub, she naturally has to protect her power.


Ye Yang moved instantly.

From the outer space layer of the earth, teleport directly to the spire of the inner fortress of the demon battleship somewhere on the edge of the solar system.

"There are enemies!!!"

As soon as Ye Yang appeared, sharp-eyed demon warriors spotted him.

"Fuck! It's the dragon that blew up the dome of the Devil's Hall before! Oh no! It's that man!"

"It's really him! How did he break through the energy shield and come in?"

"Get ready to shoot!!!"

Many demon fighters on the castle battleship recognized Ye Yang one after another.

And ready to fire.

"Don't fire! Put down your weapon! He is Ye Yang, the queen's friend!"


In the team below, Sword Demon Atuo made a deep voice.

Many soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding how this enemy who once destroyed the battleship became the Queen's friend.

Ye Yang standing on the top of the tower glanced at A Tuo and the demon warriors, and said:

"In the future, you demons will be guarded by me. Now, open the protective cover and send a message to Lie Yang who bullied you, telling them to come and die."

This statement came out.

The hot discussion of many demon fighters boiled like a tide.

When did the great demon civilization ask you to protect it?
What's going on now?
"Queen?" Atuo in the team used dark communication to contact Liang Bing far away on Earth.

"Okay, I understand, everything is under the Queen's arrangement." A Tuo replied in his heart.


A Tuo held the sword of command, raised it up to the crowd and ordered:

"Open the protective cover, send a message to Lie Yang, let them come and die!"

Once the Sword of Command comes out, it is equivalent to Morgana being there, the order is issued, and all the demons follow.


The flickering energy shield outside the fortress battleship was removed.

Everyone saw a group of golden solar wind with a diameter of ten kilometers blowing at extremely high speed fifty kilometers away.

All the demon warriors stood ready, and some even had trembling legs.

The terrifying high temperature of the solar wind, if it blows directly over the demon warship, these demon warriors will be instantly vaporized by the high temperature, and the entire battleship will be destroyed in an instant until it loses many functions and is almost scrapped.

I saw Ye Yang standing on the spire of the castle.

Stretch out your right index finger, and lightly touch the void in front of you with your fingertips.

A silver-white ripple appeared in the void.

Followed by.

A wrecking ball with purple energy on its dark black exterior emerged.

About the size of an adult fist.

next moment.

Boom! ! ! !
The wrecking ball ejected a massive torrent of purple energy, forming a pure black energy sky, above the heads of many demon warriors, shooting towards the endless sky.

It seems that this wrecking ball is the outlet for the violent energy of the alien plane, and the surging jet is raging in this cosmic starry sky.

I saw that the solar wind was shattered.

Countless meteorites along the way were blasted without even slag.

Square of the Castle Battleship.

Demon fighters, including Atuo.

They knelt down on their knees.

Some were weak and crawled directly on the ground.

"Why does this torrent of energy exude an aura that makes me kneel down!"

"What a terrible power! I can't bear it and I want to kneel down! It's so uncomfortable!"

"It's too depressing! It feels like my body is going to explode, what level of power is this~"

"My soul is trembling! This man is so strong!"

(End of this chapter)

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