Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 130 Black Hole Engine + Red Crow Engine + Big Clock Running at Full Power!

Chapter 130 Black Hole Engine + Red Crow Engine + Big Clock Running at Full Power!

A single blow is a terrifying force that easily destroys the mighty starry sky.

It is worthy of the power of God of Destruction.

Judging from Ye Yang's experience of simulating many powerful and super saints, the destructive power of God of Destruction Beerus is comparable to that of the Shrouding Saint.

To clean up a mere Lieyang Pan Zhen is simply a small test.


Far above Pluto.

The battleship Ling Xiao was under direct sunlight.

It's like an ancient fairy palace with cyberpunk style.

The patchwork white-gold retro palace on it shines brightly, and it seems to be visible in the white clouds and smoke that comes with it.

At the gate of Tianting, which is as huge as a mountain, there is a martial arts square as huge as a small island.

At this moment, a large number of Lieyang warriors have gathered.

These warriors have a uniform attire, each looks like a pre-Qin warrior, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, dark skin, holding a spear, and wearing heavy armor.

The number is huge, there are hundreds of thousands, and the momentum is like a rainbow.

And at the forefront of these [-] heavenly soldiers and generals.

There is a metal arena.

Pan Zhenduan was sitting on a high platform with tea placed in front of him. His fingers slid across the void in front of him, grabbing and pulling streaks of golden solar energy, turning them into storms and flinging them toward a certain side of the dark universe.

And under the high platform.

Standing are the four holy guardians.

Each is wearing a domineering metal armor, and the style of painting is like the Four King Kongs walking out of New Year pictures.

Some are holding swords, some are holding cyber-style pipas, and some are holding double hammers and halberds.


The void in front of Pan Zhen floated.

God Mao stepped out of it, clasped his fists and reported:

"General, the demon side sent a message asking us to fight in the past, and they also said that the solar wind has no effect on them, so let us save some effort."


Pan Zhen's finger that was sliding in mid-air suddenly stopped.

Picked up the teacup and took a sip.

Lightly said:
"Morgana is being pushed by me. The Chiwu engine Karl gave me is really easy to use."

When Pan Zhen finished speaking this sentence.

Below the platform.

In front of the four holy guardians, a thick purple-black fog appeared out of thin air.

It was Snow in a black robe.

"General Pan Zhen, that man has appeared, and he can take action."

Pan Zhen looked down at Snow with his indifferent eyes, and said:

"Carl asked me to play with Morgana, but he didn't let me do it for a long time, just to wait for this Ye Yang who caused a scene in the whole universe. I heard that Morgana still has the flesh and blood of Ye Yang. I'm very curious, what is the origin of this Ye Yang, so many giants of divine civilizations in the known universe take such care of him."

"You, can you talk?"

Snow narrowed his eyes slightly under the skull mask.

Although he is just a high priest under Karl.

But in terms of heart, he thinks that his status is no lower than that of the so-called Lieyang Pan Zhen and the angel's sacred wings.

What's more, today's Pan Zhen has reached a cooperation with Karl.

In front of Pan Zhen, he represented Karl, the god of death, but it was not a good trend for Pan Zhen to spy on information like this.

"Pan Zhen, I need to remind you that the cooperation you have reached with God Karl is limited to following orders. As for other matters, don't ask, especially Ye Yang."

Even if Snow faced the four holy guardians, as well as the hundred thousand Lieyang heavenly soldiers and generals in Yanwu Square.

His posture, demeanor, and tone of voice are very arrogant.

In an instant.

Countless eyes full of fighting intent in the entire Yanwu Square focused on Snow.

These Heavenly Soldiers, the Four Great Guardians, seemed to be stripping Snow alive.

Pan Zhen's eyes on the ring were indifferent.

The right arm swiftly swung downward.

A crescent-shaped Chiwu energy wave carrying super high temperature came out of his arms.

Peng! ! !
Snow was shocked.

The waist and limbs were instantly sliced ​​by the high-temperature energy, and the two parts of the body quickly turned into thick fog.

Apparently seriously injured.

"Go back and tell Karl that the cooperation is only for this time, no matter what happens or not, immediately hand over my god Lena!"

"The next time you speak in this tone in front of this general, it won't be as simple as splitting you in half."


Under Pan Zhen's domineering speech.

The black mist disappeared.

Pan Zhen stood up, and under the watchful eyes of all the soldiers, he shouted loudly:
"Open up!"

"Let's go!"

Inside Pluto, the laboratory of Death Song Academy.

Carl is in front of a nutrition pod.

Inside the glass nutrition cabin was a familiar half-dead corpse, and the owner of the corpse was Hua Ye.

He has no life left.

Only the upper body, intestines and belly are torn and damaged.

Carl looked at the half of Hua Ye's body with admiration.

At this time.

Snow emerged from the shadows.

He knelt down on one knee directly, with a panicked tone:
"My God, Pan Zhen has already started to act, but he hurt me."

Carl didn't look back, and said:

"What kind of person is Pan Zhen, even if we threaten him with Leina, we can't humiliate him."


Snow clutched one side of his waist, the pain was unbearable.

Glancing at Hua Ye's corpse, he said:

"My God, even Hua Ye, who has a black hole engine, was defeated by Ye Yang. Can this Pan Zhen do it?"

Carl: "Pan Zhen, of course, can't do it. This time, the black hole engine + red crow engine and the big clock are running at full power. It will definitely inspire Ye Yang's stronger combat power to destroy the universe and tear the void."

Snow was shocked.

"My God! This configuration, even without Ye Yang, is enough to tear the void of the universe on a large scale, right?"

"Wait my god! Isn't the black hole engine taken away?"

"Are you??? Are you trying to arm me with one??!"

Snow is excited!

Carl: "Theoretically, it is possible to tear the void, but it is too slow. You have never actually seen the scene of Ye Yang tearing apart the void of more than a dozen galaxies with his fist. Yang Yibi, how insignificant it is."

Snow was shocked again.

In his cognition, Karl is a god with great wisdom, advanced wisdom, and the most powerful god in the known universe.

Even such a god is so humble in front of Ye Yang, which overturns his cognition of tens of thousands of years.

"My god, I have a way, maybe it can stimulate Ye Yang's emotions even more."

Snow suddenly had an idea.

In order to get the opportunity to arm the black hole engine, Snow's mind also became active.

"Say." Carl said.

"Morgana has Ye Yang's bloodline, and Ye Yang is now standing up for Morgana, which means that he values ​​the descendants of bloodlines very much. You just need to arm me with the black hole engine, and I will control Morgana in my hands, and then use her belly What do you think of Ye Yang being coerced by our descendants?" Snow said with fierce eyes.

"This is in line with my original plan, except that I have armed Hua Ye with a brand new black hole engine."

Carl said.

"Hua Huaye? Isn't he already?"

Snow pointed to the half body in the glass cabin ahead.

"I extracted his soul and found him a new container."

Carl just finished speaking.

Next door to the glass nutrition cabin, the metal plate on the ground opens automatically, and a nutrition cabin of the same type rises slowly.


A handsome blond male angel is immersed in it.

"Su Mali? He was killed by Ye Yang back then, and you asked me to take back his body. It turned out that it was used as a reincarnation container for Hua Ye!" Snow was shocked, and at the same time felt lost.

In the end, I have been a cow and a horse for Karl for thousands of years.

You can't mix any good equipment. (almost finished)

(End of this chapter)

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