Chapter 132 I am Keisha of the Void!

The cosmic space tears out a void and abyss, and the interior is a distorted nebula state similar to Kaisha and space. The picture is dreamlike and colorful, and is in eternal change.

If you have to describe a picture for the void dimension.

It is as strange as when the male protagonist of Ant-Man entered the microscopic atomic world.

It's also like the scene where Doctor Strange was brought by the supreme mage Gu Yi to travel to another plane for the first time.

Words cannot describe it.


Terrible void breath and power continue to permeate this universe from it.

The edge of the torn void space was continuously eroded by the power of the God of Destruction, preventing the recovery of this cosmic space.

among them.

Shoots two beams of light visible to the naked eye.

They are Space and Kaisha.

The two of them came near where Karl was. They had an empty Nebula figure and no facial features, but they gave people the feeling of looking ahead.

Carl was not too surprised to see the two of them.

Instead, he joked:

"Teacher, Queen Kaisa, were you knocked down from the void dimension by Ye Yang?"

The space principal said: "Into the void, we are everywhere."

"Pan Zhen is also defeated, what other means do you have? Carl, if not, we will take action." Kaisha said.

"You two are free." Carl said with confidence.


The space and Kesha were speechless, and they drifted towards the void where the universe was cracked in front of them.

On the contrary, Karl dare not.

Because he is afraid.

He feared that the creatures beyond the void would erase his existence.

So all along, let the people below provoke Ye Yang, causing the universe to break open and connect with the void.

If this wave of Ye Yang was really enraged, tearing apart the universe, and causing the void to descend, he, Karl, would choose to hibernate immediately to observe whether the so-called void age is really what he thought.

He is quiet.

Suspended in place, looking forward, running the power of the big clock, the eyes were able to penetrate the void and peek at Ye Yang ahead.

at this time.

Ye Yang is at the junction of the void and the chaos of the universe.

In front of him is a surging void of colorful psychedelic colors, and behind him is endless darkness.

In front of you, a human body that is rapidly condensing into particles.

With solid arms, beard, general's armor, square face, and extraordinary momentum, it is Pan Zhen who has been blessed by Karl.

Four generations of god body + Chiwu engine, let him incarnate into an immortal sun god!

Possesses the terrifying power and destructive power to control the red black stars in the whole universe.

"I'm Pan Zhen. What a terrible guy. With one kick, my Lieyang disciples and the Lingxiao battleship were all destroyed."

"Is the weird changing space around here the void that Karl often talks about?"

Pan Zhen's gaze landed on Ye Yang and looked around, and then looked around.

Apart from the incomparable shock in his heart, Pan Zhen only had peace.

When there is a gap between a person's strength and his own, he will be angry.

And when the power gap between the two is no longer at the same level, I will feel envious.

And now.

Pan Zhen knew that he had become many times stronger, but in front of Ye Yang, he couldn't raise the slightest thought of fighting.

The power of that kick just now.

It directly wiped out his fighting spirit honed for tens of thousands of years.

Facing Ye Yang's powerful strength, he didn't feel any fear, only the calmness of facing death.

"Pan Zhen, you don't seem to be afraid?" Ye Yang asked.

Pan Zhen: "Not afraid."

Ye Yang: "Why are you not afraid?"

Pan Zhen: "Not afraid, just not afraid."

Ye Yang: "Oh, do you know why I want to kill you?"

Pan Zhen: "I know, you help Morgana get ahead."

Ye Yang: "As long as you know it, don't mess with the wrong person in your next life. I just saw that your body can recover after being broken up. It should be some kind of divine body."

Pan Zhen: "You are very strong, but you can't kill me."

"The atoms of the four generations of gods are just positioning each other, and it's not that they haven't been killed before, bye~"

Say it.

Ye Yang raised his right index finger, and a dark purple energy ball gathered at the fingertip.

Pan Zhen was terrified to see the terrifying power of God of Destruction spreading.

Immediately wave your hands.

Two ultra-high-temperature solar hurricanes were attracted, with a scale of hundreds of kilometers and a huge blast towards Ye Yang.

"Don't give up? You should save this temperature for the children to enjoy the cool."

next moment.

The dark purple destructive energy sphere condensed by Ye Yang's fingertips turned into a bullet, which was accurately shot into Pan Zhen's forehead, and then ejected from the back of his head, shooting into the deep space.

At this moment, Pan Zhen's pupils were dilated, his expression was blank, and he was suspended in the void, until his body gradually lost his balance, floating and sinking obliquely in the void.

"Do you have any doubts? I learned a lot about you from the angels. The so-called four generations of gods rely on atoms to locate each other. It is very easy for me to destroy energy and destroy the structure at the atomic level, so don't even think about resurrection."

Ye Yang turned and left lightly.

At this time, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the void on one side, and there were two familiar auras peeking out.

And when I fought in the universe many times, simulating many states, I have noticed that these two auras are in the dark.

"come out."

Ye Yang's eyes sparkled with cold electricity, and his mouth shivered.

The terrifying momentum aroused this piece of void star dome, and the void surged and trembled continuously, as if the entire solar system was trembling along with it, almost breaking apart.

Space and Kaisha then appeared in front of Ye Yang.

The two people in the nebula body never expected that Ye Yang would strike so decisively and kill Pan Zhen's spirit with one blow.

The two of them also wanted to infuse Pan Zhen with void power to increase his combat power. Now, at most, they could only get a puppet with a strong physical body.

"You two, you have been spying on me for a long time, what do you want to do?" Ye Yang asked.


His eyes focused on one of the human figures without a human face but wearing a blue gold-rimmed robe.

"I remember you, you guys rescued Kesha and what's that guy's name from me? Oh yes, Death Karl?"

"It seems that Pan Zhen bullied the devil this time, and you are behind it?" Ye Yang asked.

"It's me, but, Pan Zhen, it's not me. You are very strong and have the power to subvert the known universe. I hope you can leave this universe and escape into the void with us, and never come here again." slow.

But the expression is very clear.

The reason why the two of them are willing to appear in front of Ye Yang.

The main reason is that there is no way to deal with Ye Yang.

Ye Yang can only be persuaded in this relatively kind way.

"What are you, asking me to leave this universe? I didn't want to come at first, but now I have children, a lover, and brothers, and I finally have a sense of belonging. Drive me away?" Ye Yang asked.

I already had murderous thoughts about this guy and the nebula body next to me who hadn't spoken.

"You value your relatives and friends very much, but your power will subvert the universe and break the barriers of dimensions. Everything you value will be destroyed. Therefore, we must ensure that the known universe is safe."

Kesha, who hadn't spoken all the time, said.

"The voice sounds familiar, are you?" Ye Yang asked.

"Holy Kaisa, now it's Void Kaisa." Keisha said.

(End of this chapter)

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