Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 133 Complete simulation!Dragon Ball King!

Chapter 133 Complete simulation!Dragon Ball King!
Ye Yang was slightly surprised.

"It turned out to be my aunt. I heard about you from Hexi's mother-in-law. She said that after you were defeated by me, you voluntarily escaped into the void. This is called ascending the dimension. However, I advise you to mind your own business. As I said, you are no longer the righteous Keisha you used to be, but a heretic."

"They look at problems from the height of cosmic civilization, while I look at them from a higher dimension. They don't understand, it's normal." Keisha said.

Ye Yang put his hands behind his back and said:
"It doesn't matter, no matter what you say, you and you, both of you have to be erased by me today,

It's so annoying to be peeped by you all the time.

Since you think the power in me will endanger this universe,

Then I directly turn this universe into something in my palm,

You monsters who have ascended into other dimensions,

From now on, no one will come in,

Oh, and that Death Karl,

I heard from Hexi that he has been researching the ultimate fear,

It means to increase the dimension of the universe, right?
Your purposes, plans,

I have understood it very clearly in the Heavenly Court of Melo this month,

So, Karl, let me erase it together today,
No way, I can make a lazy person like me do so many things in one day,
Only the child in Liangbing's stomach has such a big face. "

Think of children.

Ye Yang felt elated in his heart.

As an orphan, I have suffered for so many years, so I have to take good care of my children.

Even if you haven't been born yet.

I have to create a perfect and safe living environment for him.

In the distant starry sky.

Carl, who was peeping here, suddenly heard Ye Yang call his name, and his delicate face turned pale instantly.

"Ye Yang actually went to Melo Heaven for more than a month,
No wonder the big clock can only occasionally lock the message of his return to Earth,

It seems that since Kaisha in the void showed a different will from the angel,
He Xi and the entire Angel Nebula chose to side with Ye Yang.
Although He Xi lives in seclusion, his deduction ability is among the strongest in the known universe, not inferior to me.

Why is she so sure that Ye Yang will protect them? "

Although doubtful.

But to Karl's horror, Ye Yang called him out to kill him.

This involuntarily made him tremble.

"Hua Ye, have you taken the ice cream yet?!" Karl asked quickly.

Within 3000 meters above the Kingdom of Jerusalem, within a group of white clouds.

Hua Ye: "I've just arrived in the sky above Jerusalem. I have to use tricks to deal with Liangbing. Let her relax her vigilance. Otherwise, if she finds out and sends a message to Ye Yang, it will be a waste of time."

Carl: "Then hurry up, I'll wait for you to come back with ice at Styx."

Hua Ye was shocked: "What? You just slipped away?! Hey, did something happen?"

Carl: "No."


Karl cut off the connection and immediately transferred the phantom, and hid back near the Pluto Worm Bridge.

Directly in the form of a phantom, rush into the big insect bridge and teleport away.

Although Hua Ye in the clouds is very angry!
But at this moment, it was like a dormant poisonous snake, bit by bit restraining its aura to the extreme, and slowly descending.

at the same time.

The edge of the solar system.

"You said that you want to control the known universe and isolate the void. According to the knowledge I learned in the void, this is impossible. The void dimension and the known universe are entangled, inseparable and linked to each other. With your power, At most, the barriers between the two worlds can be broken and the two worlds can be assimilated."

It was the space principal who spoke.

He didn't deny that Ye Yang could kill it with Keisha.

But as a rigorous scientist, he doesn't think Ye Yang's wild words can be realized.

Kaisha on one side of the void also corrected Ye Yang:
"Up to now, you have not had a clear understanding of your own power. According to our inference, your invincible power is bestowed by the void dimension, and you are the ultimate fear, so you cannot isolate the void and control the world. know the universe."

A sneer appeared on Ye Yang's face.

"Is your inference the correct answer?"

next second.

Ye Yang said silently in his heart:
"Complete simulation Dragon Ball King!"

Quan Wang, the most noble and powerful god who is unimaginably strong.

Has the highest authority to make all substances disappear in an instant.

In the world view of Dragon Ball, there were originally 18 universes, and 6 of them have been eliminated by Quan Wang because of angering Quan Wang.

"Huh? It doesn't seem like much has changed."

Ye Yang took a look at himself up and down.

Secretly felt the power in the body.

It's very strange that there is no imaginary power gushing out, or divine energy exploding and gushing out.

At this time, Space said:
"My deduction is not wrong. Your power comes from the mysterious depths of the void. Every move can break the boundary wall of the universe and link the void, which is enough proof."

"Die you, you know nothing about my power."

Ye Yang hated this guy's emotionless tone, and he was so condescending.

Just when Ye Yang wondered if Quan Wang was too strong for the system to simulate.

The space of the nebula body on the opposite side exploded directly on the spot, turning into wisps of space that dissipated into the void.

"Huh? Dead?"

While Ye Yang was astonished, he could no longer perceive the breath of space and traces of existence.

Keisha seemed to have sensed the encounter in space, and she disappeared directly in the nebular body, shielding back to the void dimension.

Ye Yang, who was floating in place, seemed to have realized a little bit of the mystery of Quan Wang's ability.

Softly said:

"Void Keisha, come back to me."


Kaisha, the nebular body that should have escaped into the void, appeared in front of Ye Yang.

Even without the facial features and specific form, it can still be seen from her condensed state, and she was stunned at this moment.

"Go to hell."

Ye Yang said to Kaisha in the void.

Void Kesha, like the previous space, exploded directly and turned into nothingness.

The breath and traces of existence are completely invisible.

"The power of Quan Wang is really awesome, just think it!" Ye Yang was excited, as if he had discovered some new continent, and wanted to test the limit of this ability.

He added:
"Death Karl, come out."


Carl, who was traveling through the space through the wormhole, staggered and appeared in the void in front of Ye Yang.

When he was still wondering what was going on.

In front of him, a voice came into his ears.

"You are Karl, the god of death? You only look about sixteen or seventeen years old."

Carl suddenly looked up at the person in front of him.

"You? Ye Yang? Why am I here???"

"It's the void rule!"

Carl showed a shocking expression and tone rarely seen in ten thousand years.

He wanted to escape, very much!

But Ye Yang's fingers volleyed a little.

A vast mysterious force directly fixed his body, and the phantom body couldn't move!
"Reaper Carl, right? Although I don't know exactly what happened to me during this period, I occasionally heard Liang Bing and my wife Hexi say that you are behind the scenes and I don't want to care about the reasons behind it. Anyway, I don't want to hear it."

Ye Yang said lightly.

A tone and posture overlooking the common people.

Let Karl feel the fear of death.

"You can't kill me. Liangbing has been suppressed by Hua Ye who was sent to Earth. If you try to attack me, your child will be lost." Carl threatened.


Ye Yang's expression was instantly angry.

"Dog! Wasn't Hua Ye killed by me?"

"Space and Kesha saved his soul to me, and I strengthened his combat power Space teacher, Queen Kesha, don't watch the show in the dark, let's do it."

Carl yelled.

"Those two bastards have been killed by me, go to hell!"

Ye Yang raised his right foot wearing black flip-flops, and kicked Karl's abdomen fiercely.

The phantom burst, and the space collapsed for hundreds of millions of light years.

Karl's aura no longer exists and has been completely wiped out.

at the same time.

Inside the Palace Building in Jerusalem.

With a reserved breath, Hua Ye sneaked into the door of the suite where Liang Bing was, and chose the most primitive trick of knocking on the door. He planned to use the black hole engine directly to build a stance and suppress Liang Bing as soon as the person inside opened the door.

Buckle up!

From inside the suite door, came Xue Yi's voice.

"The kitchen delivered the ingredients." Hua Ye changed his voice into a female voice.


Hua Ye heard the sound of shoes approaching from behind the door.

Licking lips, ready to attack the moment the door is opened!

(End of this chapter)

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