Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 134 Power of the King!Slaughter the super god universe! 【season finale】

Chapter 134 Power of the King!Slaughter the super god universe! 【season finale】

It was Shae who opened the door.

When Xue Yi opened the door, she looked outside the door, which was empty, and glanced at the left and right sides of the corridor, but there was no one there.

As cautious as she was, she immediately activated the dark energy scanning ability, and an invisible energy wave spread from her body covering the entire floor, the entire building.


Xue Yi was suddenly terrified, and immediately closed the door, turned around and rushed into the living room of the suite.

I saw that Liang Bing was still enjoying the delicious hot pot left by Ye Yang.

The delicious meatballs and fat beef rolls are very tempting for her to eat.

"It's so delicious, it's no wonder Ye Yang always eats it alone, Xue Yi, where's the food delivery?"

Liang Bing glanced sideways at Xue Yi who looked flustered and asked.

Seeing that Liang Bing was fine, Xue Yi breathed a sigh of relief.


"Queen. The food delivery person outside the door is gone. I scanned around but didn't see it. I guess Lie Yang is doing some tricks? Or is it Karl the god of death?"

"They won't engage in such low-level methods, but maybe, the biggest possibility is that the group of angels spread the news that I have Ye Yang's descendants, and they may want to blackmail Ye Yang through me. It is also possible that Ye Yang They are killing the Quartet outside, so that their original plan against me was forced to be cancelled."

After all, Liangbing is Liangbing. The city and scheming that has lived for more than 3 years are not comparable to ordinary people.

Simply using his brain, he guessed exactly what Hua Ye wanted to assassinate just now.

"oh oh."

Xue Yi nodded her head, and obediently sat on the opposite side of the sofa, paying full attention to her surroundings, protecting Liang Bing and the child in her belly.

at the same time.

The starry sky outside the solar system starts from here, and the void tears hundreds of millions of light years out.

Ye Yang stepped on black casual flip flops, wearing white short sleeves and light blue jeans, standing proudly in the void, in front of him, a handsome blond figure suddenly fell from the void, with his back to Ye Yang.

Hua Ye, who was wearing Su Mali's appearance, straightened up with a terrified expression, suspended in the void, and looked around.

"Aren't I knocking on the door, here is it? A cold ice trap?"

"It's not like, this place seems to be in the universe, what the hell? Why is the universe torn apart like this? Where is the place over the crack? Why do I feel a strange air resonating with the black hole engine in my body?"

"Huh? Wait! The black hole engine seems to be increasing! My phantom body is eager to escape into it!?"

"Could it be the void world that Karl often talks about?"

"It seems that the black hole engine is made of void matter, and the void power is continuously increasing my body at this moment!"


Hua Ye smiled happily.


A familiar indifferent voice came from behind.

"Hey, why aren't you dead yet? Do you think that Karl changed his skin and got a little high-tech, so he can touch the child in Liangbing's belly?"

Hearing this voice, Hua Ye's heart sank suddenly.

Like a cat whose tail was stepped on, the body subconsciously turned around.

In an instant.

The pupils of the eyes trembled violently, and the kernels of the eyes tightened.

"Ye Yang!!!"

Hua Ye realized instantly that he might be betrayed by Karl.

Immediately, in a blink of an eye, he entered the wormhole and disappeared.

Ye Yang frowned slightly.

Just a thought.

Hua Ye staggered directly from the wormhole and fell to the spot.

Moreover, his whole body was restrained by an invisible force, and he stared blankly at Ye Yang.

"I am a phantom! How can you not be afraid of any form of energy?"

"Black hole engine, count it for me!!!"

After Hua Ye was beaten up by Ye Yang last time, now that he met again, he was instantly terrified.

him at the moment.

I just want to escape, and I dare not think about anything else.

"Phantom body? In front of the power of the king, wouldn't it be a bit unsightly?"

Ye Yang said lightly.

"The power of the king? What is it? I beg you, let me go! I will live in a corner of the universe from now on, and I will never jump around in the universe again! I really don't want to die!!!" Hua Ye pleaded.

"It's all Karl! It's all me who is a bunch of this bastard!"

"As long as you let me go, I will tell you all his secrets!!!"

Hua Ye was very excited and began to blame Karl.

"Karl is dead. You are the last one. You actually want to touch my unborn child. You have lived on dogs for tens of thousands of years." Ye Yang said coldly.

When he learned that Karl had been beaten to death by Ye Yang.

Karl immediately called Karl in his heart.

But there was no response.

Hua Ye was stunned, and immediately cried out, sincerely repenting:

"Yes yes yes, I am a dog, a cheap dog, a stupid dog, a male dog, a dog hanging on my head! Please let me go!"

"It's a dog, then go shit!"

Ye Yang slapped up with his backhand.

Hua Ye exploded and disappeared, and the universe was split into two.

Void rifts run across the entire universe left and right.

I don't know how many nebula galaxies burst.

A large number of grotesquely shaped Void Creatures, similar to Memandommam, and as huge as light years rushed out of it.

The age of void that Karl has longed for has truly come to this universe at this moment.

After all, this is the angry slap of the power of the king.

That is a power beyond the level of the universe. The so-called attack beyond the universe is a super-concept strike, which directly erases any concept of this person.

The remaining prestige caused by this palm did not directly blow up the universe, it was Ye Yang's mercy and effort.

"These void monsters are really noisy, get the hell out of here, and the universe will be automatically repaired by me!"

Ye Yang looked up at the many creatures on the other side of the void, feeling disgusted in his heart, and immediately activated the power of the king.

After another thought.

The void rift across the universe closed instantly.

A large number of void creatures that crossed the other side of the void died directly.

After doing all this.

Ye Yang used teleportation to return to his presidential suite.

As soon as she appeared, the vigilant Shae stood up straight away.

Seeing that it was Ye Yang, he sat back on the sofa.

"Yo? You're back, how are you? Did you beat Pan Zhen to death?"

Liang Bing asked with a smile.

"Damn, why did you eat all the hot pot ingredients I prepared? Then what should I eat?"

Ye Yang didn't answer Liang Bing's question immediately, but felt very sorry for his hot pot.

"What? You're angry now, right? Okay, I won't eat, I'll starve to death, anyway, the big deal is one dead body and two lives."

"Shae, let's go."

Liang Bing stood up, put his hands in his pockets, with an arrogant posture.

"Don't, don't, you're just kidding."

Ye Yang hurriedly pulled Liangbing to sit down with a smile on his face.

When I got excited, I actually forgot that Liang Bing was pregnant with her own child.

Can your own child compare to a mere hot pot meal?
"Pan Zhen and Lieyang's [-] soldiers were all killed by me. Space and Void Kesha, Karl, and Hua Ye who was strengthened by Karl were all killed by me. Now no one is bothering us." Ye Yang said.

Under the shock of Liang Bing and Xue Yi's faces.

Ye Yang hugged Liangbing's slender waist with a smile, and put one of his ears on Liangbing's flat belly.

"Let me hear what it's doing inside." Ye Yang had a smile on his face.

Liang Bing felt the temperature of Ye Yang's cheeks from his lower abdomen.

Shocking thoughts were pulled back.

Look at the profile and smile of the man in front of you.

Liang Bing felt extremely relaxed at the moment, and said:

"Fool, how long is it now? The child is still a fertilized egg."

"It's okay, I can feel it, let me hear it again."

Ye Yang pressed his head closer to Liang Bing's lower abdomen.

Liang Bing showed a gentle motherly smile, and reached out to stroke Ye Yang's cheeks and hair.

Seeing such a warm scene, Xue Yi, who was on the side, was also moved.


Shae noticed an extra pink portal on the living room side of the room.

"Isn't this the portal that can lead to any place in the universe? Why is it here?"

Shae asked, pointing to any door.

Both Liang Bing and Ye Yang looked up.

Really any door.

"Oh, I gave this arbitrary door to Tianji Wang's mother-in-law."

Ye Yang said relaxedly, and continued to press his cheek against Liang Bing's lower abdomen, closing his eyes to feel the feeling of the child being connected with his blood, obviously not aware of the seriousness of the matter.

At this time.

The portal opens.

Liang Bing and Xue Yi only saw the portal.

Standing were two Hexi who were dressed completely differently, walking out.

One is very glamorous in a silver and white gauze dress inlaid with gold, and the other is very young and energetic in a fresh girly costume on Earth.

"Ye Yang, I'm pregnant!"

Xiao Hexi rushed in from the other side of the door and shouted happily.

And when the two Hexi saw Ye Yang pressing against Liang Bing's lower abdomen.

this moment.

Whether it was Tianji Wang's mother-in-law, Xiao Hexi, Liang Bing himself, or Xue Yi on one side, they all stared at each other with shocked expressions.

Only Ye Yang closed his eyes with a smile on his face, with his cheeks and ears pressed against Liangbing's lower abdomen.

The back of his head and forehead were constantly sweating and black lines.

【season finale】

[Readers: Vegetable Market Old Five Book Friends Group: 148255855]

[Thank you readers who read this, I will tell in the group when I open a new book in the future, my style is invincible, funny, noob, pretending to face, and the subject matter I can write is not limited to Super Seminary, so, join the group to follow I am worth it, because the next new book should be written with a different number. 】

(End of this chapter)

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