Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 15 Morgana makes a move!Where did the second beast body God of War come from?

Chapter 15 Morgana makes a move!Where did the second beast body God of War come from?

The monitoring command room of the Devil One battleship.

Sword Demon Atuo stood in it like an iron tower.

Several demon warriors are methodically monitoring every corner of the earth.


A demon warrior rushed to Atuo's side.

"Sergeant Major, a powerful surge of dark energy has been detected in Tianhe City, and there is active star energy in it."

"Open the monitoring screen."

Accompanied by Atuo's order.

A huge virtual screen is projected in the void in front of the command room.

When the demons saw the scene of the gorilla Ye Yang spraying energy beams indiscriminately in a mountain forest.

All trembling, shocking!
"Where is this beast body God of War?"

"Huh? Lock on the two figures in the screen."

Just when Atuo was wondering.

In the picture, two figures with a faint golden light suddenly flew out from the ground under the gorilla's feet.

The two figures supported each other, and quickly moved away from the runaway gorilla while sticking to the ground.


Devil One locks on Lena and Maoshen.

"Compare the data of these two people in the database." A Tuo ordered.

The demon warrior on the side quickly searched and reported:
"The report is the Goddess of the Riding Sun, the Emperor of the Light of the Sun, Reina, and the vanguard officer of the Riding Sun Army, Mao Shen."

"The people of Lieyang are also on the earth? It's unbelievable that you are still being beaten like this by this beast-shaped war god. You continue to monitor, and I will report to the queen."


Atto turned and left.

Walk in the dark corridors of demons.

Atuo's face was serious.

The earth is the habitat for their demon civilization.

The Millennium Expedition Plan of the Gluttonous Army of the Styx Civilization.

It's just a way for Karmin, the god of death, to protect the demons from being discovered by the angelic civilization.

But now.

There are not only super seminaries on earth.

Even Lie Yang intervened.

The earth has completely become a place where the gods fight.

Angel civilization will be attracted sooner or later.

The demon side must be ready to deal with it as soon as possible!
"Queen, there is an emergency."

Outside the gate of the Queen's bedroom, Atuo reported.

Inside the closed palace gate.

It is Morgana's private bedroom.

At this moment, she was wearing a black silk suspender pajamas, lying on the big round bed with her white skin exposed.

"Damn, Queen, I'm sleeping soundly, what's the matter?"

Morgana straightened her upper body.

Looking sleepily towards the direction outside the door, he asked.

Although separated by a stone gate.

But Atuo still quickly reported the situation to Morgana.

"The strange beast-body God of War fought with Lieyang's people.
uh, remember,

During the day, Carl that freak told me,
On the earth, there is a top-level animal war god that he created tens of thousands of years ago.
The back was sealed by an angel,
Now in order to eradicate the super seminary on the earth,

Has been unsealed and reshaped back,

I guess it's the gorilla you mentioned.
But it can take the light of the sun.

And it's not bad that Pan Zhen's men fought so embarrassingly,

Then it happens to be under the command of the devil. "

Morgana said.

While getting up from the big round bed.

Lazily, she walked to a full-length mirror to admire her beautiful figure.

The smooth, long, straight black hair is attached to the fair neck and the right-angled shoulders on both sides.

Mind a move.

She put on the classic purple and black tight leather jacket and high heels.

Since I don't want to waste time.

Morgana opted not to wear her unorthodox demonic makeup.

The palace gate opened.

Morgana ordered to Atuo:
"Message to the gluttonous vanguard army, I want Karl's beast body God of War."

Ato heard the words.

Heart aghast.

Such a ferocious animal war god was actually made by Karl, the god of death!

It is indeed a great god who is contemporary with the queen.


Under Ato's respectful delivery.

Morgana enters the wormhole space and departs.


The gluttonous vanguard fleet located near Pluto.

Commander Bucks and Fenglei.

Coming out of the medical cabin.

In the cabin behind the two of them, God Crocodile Thornton, with a bandage wrapped around his chest, sat cross-legged on the ground and ate all kinds of meat food sent by the gluttonous warriors.

When the cabin door is closed.

The Bucks and Fenglei turned on the Tucao mode.

"After suffering such heavy front and rear penetrating injuries, it is still so edible. It is worthy of being the top animal war god made by my god Karl."

"However... I don't always feel very smart, and I smash it if I don't give it food. I think it's better to put it on Mars. Anyway, the purpose of its resurrection this time is to assist Morgana in eradicating the Super Seminary on Earth. , let Morgana control it."

"Good idea, I will immediately ask my men to arrange a solid transport ship."


The soldier's communication in the command room sounded from the stag mecha helmet.

"Reporting sir, the demons have sent a message. They said they found the beast body God of War made by my god Karl on the earth, and they are about to go to subdue it now."

The stag was puzzled: "What? There is still a war god with a beast body made by my god Karl on the earth?"

He looked at Fenglei beside him.

Feng Lei shook his head to express his ignorance.

"That's what the demon side said, the demon queen Morgana is already on the way to subdue it." The gluttonous communicator said.


The Bucks hung up the phone.

Tell the wind and thunder around you.

Feng Lei was also puzzled.

Feng Lei: "The crocodile god Thornton we brought back is also right? Could it be that my god Karl created more than one beast body war god on earth?"

Bucks: "It should be. Didn't Thornton just say that he still has an older brother, the kind who would hit him as soon as they met."

Feng Lei: "Why don't you contact High Priest Snow who is in charge of this?"

Buck: "Forget it, High Priest Snow is an important minister next to my god Karl, don't make unauthorized connections because of such a trivial matter."

Earth, among the mountains on the edge of Tianhe City.

Ye Yang, the runaway gorilla, was still crazily spraying energy cannons.

In just a short moment, it is unknown how many mountains, jungles, ponds and farmlands have been destroyed.


Fighter formations roared past.

Just like the victory team in Ultraman, they constantly launch missiles in the sky to bombard the gorillas.

With the help of modern technology.

In addition to spraying into the air with its mouth open, the gorilla jumps from time to time to catch fighters in the air.

Facing the bombing of missiles, they can only be beaten and scurry around.

It is impossible to effectively counterattack these fighters.


The top of a lonely mountain.

Lena stood upright, looking at the battlefield where energy pillars were flying in the distance.


Maoshen was already on the verge of death, and his whole body was scorched black.

"I'm sorry, God Mao, for letting you suffer from my powerful flare bombardment. I have already fed you an energy pill, which will repair the wounds in your body, but it will take a little time." Reina said.

Just finished.

The void about ten meters away suddenly surged.

Reina, who was fully armed, frowned.

who is it?

When Morgana emerges from it.

Reina's expression was extremely serious.

The identity of this person was recognized at a glance.

Angrily said:

"Morgana, it really is your fault."

"Oh? The light of the sun. What the hell did I do? Isn't Pan Zhen here?" Morgana asked casually.

Reina was extremely nervous at the moment.

Although she is seeing Morgana for the first time.

However, I have seen a lot of information about Morgana as soon as I came to Earth, and there are also a lot of information about Morgana recorded in the Super Seminary.

This is a veteran master comparable to her grandfather Di Hongkun and Pan Zhen!

"Look at your nervousness, the queen is not here to target you."


Morgana turned and flew to the battlefield ahead.

A pair of vigilant eyes scanned around during the flight.

I secretly said:

"Be careful with Pan Zhen of Lie Yang."

(End of this chapter)

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