Chapter 16 Captured by Morgana!

When Morgana hovered over the gorilla.

A smile gradually appeared on his face.

"This excellent destructive power and inexhaustible energy are very suitable for becoming a demon warrior."


Morgana also had to admire:
"Karl is a pervert. Back then, he would blush even when he looked at me. I didn't expect to go so far ahead in the field of creating beast bodies and gods of war."

"This god of war, I accept it!"


Morgana leaned over and rushed towards the runaway gorilla below.

Facing the woman who suddenly appeared in the void in front of him.

The runaway gorilla also briefly stopped its destructive momentum.

His eyes focused on this small woman.

"Hey, big man, can you understand the queen?"

"You are very nice, come with me."

"Based on your style of play, it won't be long before the Tomahawk missiles on Earth will blow you up."

With one hand on her hip, Morgana pointed at the many fighter planes circling in the sky with the other.

The haughty and condescending Chaoyeyang gorilla said.

But how can the runaway gorilla with Saiyan blood understand this.

It can only be perceived through biological instinct.

I could feel the amazing aura exuding from the woman in front of me.


The more amazing.

The more it will arouse the gorilla's fighting spirit!

Because the Saiyan gorilla in this state is fearless.


After just a few seconds.

The gorilla lost his patience.

With both fists hammering his chest, he let out a roar of excitement.

Seeing this, Morgana stretched out her hand to comfort her with a smile on her face.

I thought in my heart that the God of War gorilla understood it.

The excited movements and shouts are thankful for my submission.

But the next second.

The runaway gorilla opened its mouth to Morgana and just sprayed.

The blazing silver qigong beam of light swallowed Morgana in an instant, and shot straight into the sky, like an ancient galaxy connecting the sky and the earth.

"Damn it, hostility comes when you open your mouth."

Inside the silver qigong beam of light.

Morgana's impatient, angry voice sounded.

Bang! ! !
The silver qigong pillar was instantly exploded from the inside.

Morgana's figure appeared.

I saw two huge and strong dark devil's claws floating in front of her.

Obviously it was the famous devil's claw that exploded the qigong column.

The peerless and incomparably cold Morgana.

Overlook the stunned gorillas below.

Followed by.

A conscious invasion.

The gorilla only felt that the field of vision in front of him suddenly turned into boundless darkness.

A phantom of a queen as huge as a star floated above her head.

A sense of insignificance constantly emerged in the irritable heart, and gradually calmed down.

Followed by.

The giant Morgana consciousness projection opened the mouth and said:

"It's really violent and bloodthirsty, more evil than any demon warrior under my command, but now, calm me down!"

"I am Morgana, the strongest demon king in the known universe!"

"From now on, you are under my control."


The voice is like the way of heaven, beyond doubt.

But at the moment.

The Saiyan gorilla was invaded by Morgana's powerful consciousness.

And also under the forcible appeasement of Morgana.

The violent mood has also been weakened.

But the same.

Its body is also rapidly undergoing certain changes.

At this moment, the huge orangutan body seems to be a Gundam that has lost its power.

Standing among the dilapidated mountains.

The blood-red eyes stared blankly ahead.

As if possessed by a demon.

High in the sky outside.

The circling fighter jets sent real-time images to the Juxia.

Lianfeng, Yuqin saw the scene of Morgana making a move.

All of them felt tight.

Ye Yang seems to be following Morgana's lead!

on a distant mountain.

Lena opened her eyes of insight and watched the front from afar.

Also startled.

As expected of Demon Queen Morgana.

He didn't know what method was used to subdue the runaway Ye Yang gorilla so easily.

"Oops, her next step is to take Ye Yang away!"

Reina suddenly realized this.

Just about to leave the lonely peak and fly forward.

But when the right foot is still hanging in the air.

After opening her eyes of insight, she suddenly noticed that the gorilla Ye Yang was emitting white steam from his whole body.


The size is also rapidly shrinking.

The thick black, hard hair on the body is also fading rapidly.

Reveal the original skin color.

"The main body has been restored!"

Lena was slightly startled, and immediately jumped from the top of the lonely mountain.

Rapidly leap towards the battlefield ahead.

Morgana withdrew from Ye Yang's brain consciousness at this moment.

When her eyes locked on Ye Yang on the ground.

With a strange expression, he expressed doubts:

"What's the situation? Is it Ye Yang, the brat?"

"Isn't it the beast body God of War created by Karl?"

Morgana slowly landed on the ground.

The devil's claws on the back levitate.

When she came to the forest on the ground.

Ye Yang was lying on the ground with no cloth on his side.

Moonlight shines on his skin.

The whole picture is full of artistic taste like Western fruit body oil painting.

"You're in good shape, are you fainting?"

Morgana admired with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Although I don't know why you turned into a gorilla with the body of a beast, but now it's time to take you back, and it saves the queen and me a lot of effort."


A devil's claw floated towards Ye Yang.


A big red locomotive appeared from the void.

He slammed into the demon's claws hard.

However, it cannot be shaken at all.

The heavy red locomotive was bounced five or six meters away and hit the ground heavily.

"Morgana, don't take Ye Yang away."

Rose's voice sounded in this silent mountain forest.

She emerged from the shadows behind Morgana.

Holding a gun, aiming at Morgana's head.

"Oh? Rose."

Seeing that it was Du Qiangwei, Morgana was even happier.

Ye Yang and Qiangwei are all fighters she wants to get.

"In the middle of the night, why did you come here? Wouldn't it be nice to have a sweet dream?" Morgana said in her charming voice.

When you hear the word sweet dream.

Qiangwei subconsciously glanced at Ye Yang who was naked on the ground in front of her.

Suddenly complex emotions emerged in my heart.

But it was quickly suppressed.

"You're still alive, I can't sleep, get out of here!" Qiangwei scolded angrily.

Followed by.

Lena rushed here.

Holding a stellar flare in his hand to bombard the energy cluster.

He Qiangwei formed a front and back double-teaming trend against Morgana.

"Morgana, Ye Yang is from our Super Seminary, if you dare to mess around, you will offend Lie Yang!"

Reina is worthy of being an empress.

The momentum and words are many times stronger than Qiangwei's.

But Morgana doesn't care about these two little girls.

Directly control a single devil's claw to grab Ye Yang.

Using the micro wormhole, Ye Yang and the Devil's Claw were sent into it.

"You! Hand over Ye Yang!"

Qiangwei said angrily.

But Morgana ignored it at all, looked at Reina, and said:

"You have only lived for less than 100 years, and you dare to shout in front of this king. Without Pan Zhen's protection, what are you?"

"Let's go, you two stay here and play in the mud."


Morgana enters the wormhole and leaves.


A deep sense of powerlessness filled Reina and Qiangwei's bodies.

Now, there is no way for them to deal with a great god of this level.

Inside the Great Gorge.

"It's a pity Ye Yang."

"A genetic mutant with such potential is just taken away by Morgana, which is the loss of the earth."

Lianfeng regretted.

"Yeah, I counted Ye Yang's performance several times, and his future growth potential is only second to the three major god-making engineering genes. It's a pity." Yuqin said.

The mechanical door of the command room opened automatically.

Ducao in military uniform walked in.

said seriously:
"Cheng Yaowen has been sent to Super Seminary by me,

I have already learned about Ye Yang's affairs,

It is imperative now,
Let Reina train the company of heroes. "

 Xiaobai may think this chapter is poisonous, but it doesn't matter, you don't have to read it if you don't like it, and I will delete all the bad reviews in the new book issue, all for the sake of the work.

  Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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