Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 18 The 5 Saints Must Kill!The shock of the demon civilization!

Chapter 18 Five Saints Must Kill!The shock of the demon civilization!

When Ye Yang uttered this spell-like command.

The blood-red demon armor he was wearing suddenly cracked.

One, two, three.

And golden energy rays of light are projected from the cracks.

The body pinched by the devil's claws also began to burst into golden light.

Dazzling rays of golden light shot out from the gaps in the devil's claws.

on the throne.

Morgana frowned slightly.

What is this ability?
It seems that it is not the power of time and space, nor is it the power of the animal body.

But this eye-catching golden light, moreover bursting out from the body, could it be the ability of Lieyang civilization?
Morgana waved one hand towards the void ahead.

Let go of the devil's claws that were holding Ye Yang's body.

I want to watch Ye Yang's physical changes more intuitively.

Only at this moment.

Ye Yang, who turned into a statuette, is golden all over.

The demon armor on the body surface turned into golden light particles and quickly disappeared, and condensed on the waist.

not difficult to see.

It was a golden dragon scale belt.

And there are five spar protrusions.


In Ye Yang's brain consciousness.

An ancient voice from the void suddenly sounded:
"Emperor Armor! Fit!"

The moment the voice finished shouting.

Fiery golden light erupted from the Five Elements spar on the belt until it enveloped Ye Yang's whole body.

Ye Yang felt that there seemed to be inexhaustible power emerging from the depths of his body.

Morgana on the throne frowned deeply.

Look straight at the golden light.

It seems that this wave of changes in Ye Yang is somewhat beyond her comprehension.

next second.

The golden light suddenly subsided.

A set of extremely domineering, platinum-colored emperor's armor covered the whole body.

There is an armored tiger head at the joints of both arms.

Both shoulders are equipped with inverted armored tiger claws.

By comparison.

The so-called demon armor gives people the feeling of a night assassin or warrior.

But this emperor's armor.

Full of unparalleled domineering, high fighting spirit, and the nobility of a king!

"What material is your armor made of?

It can't be built with the technology of the Earth Super Seminary. "

Morgana asked in a slightly surprised tone.

Although I haven't seen any magical functions in this set of armor.

But as the god of science and technology in the universe.

Morgana could sense the extraordinaryness of this set of armor with her keen sense of smell.

"Aurora Shield."

Ye Yang ignored Morgana's question.

Instead, the single palm on the right side presses the void on the chest.

A metal shield formed of orange light energy automatically emerged from the void on the right arm and condensed.

"Aurora Sword."

Accompanied by another drink.

Ye Yang stretched out his hand and turned the knob on the side of the emperor's belt on his waist.

call out!
A golden streamer flew out from it.

A golden energy array mask was formed in front of Ye Yang.

Ye Yang stretched out his hand towards the inside of the shield and grabbed it.

The golden streamer gradually elongated in the palm of his hand, condensing into the shape of a war sword.

Aurora Sword!
Without further ado.

Ye Yang held the hilt of the Aurora Sword with both hands and slashed towards the dome above the palace.

call out!
A beam of golden energy slashing sword light flew out from the tip of the sword.

Hit the dome.

boom! ! !
There was a loud sound under the collision.

But this solid demon palace was not damaged in the slightest.

Not even the slightest trace was left on the beams on the roof of the palace.

"So hard?"

Ye Yang was a little surprised.

This is the blow of the aurora sword in the ultimate form.

"My devil's fortress is among the many civilizations in the known universe. It has the most cutting-edge technology and is made of the strongest materials. Don't waste your time."

Morgana said with her arms crossed confidently.

"Just open the door and let me go. It would be a pity to break such a good palace."

Ye Yang said.

There was a sense of regret in his tone of unwillingness to destroy rare treasures.

But it sounded ridiculous to Morgana's ears.

"Hahahahaha~ The queen will give you a chance, if you can break it, let you go."

"If you can't break it, stay here and become my Morgana's warrior."

Ye Yang shrugged:

"Okay, since you don't want me to go back."

"Then try this trick."

Ye Yang stretched out his hand and turned the knob on the right side of the belt.


The red crystal gold armor on the chest unfolded and deformed.

The breastplate automatically splits into five pieces.

The five lobes are arranged in a vertical sequence.

And formed five golden rune shields in the void!
The Aurora Sword is automatically suspended in mid-air.

Ye Yang's palms are in a posture of luck.

"Five saints will kill!"

Accompanied by Ye Yang's drink:
A lifelike golden dragon emerged from the void in the palm.

The dragon's body swirled around the sword body, entering the Aurora Sword as if possessed by a soul.

The Aurora Sword was originally palm-wide.

The metal blade unexpectedly deformed and widened automatically.

And the sword body has a layer of light golden illusory coating.

next second.

Ye Yang sent his hands forward fiercely.

The Aurora Sword shot through the five layers of golden light rune shields in front with swift and violent lightning.

A five-layer golden shield is like a five-layer buff.

At the moment when the Aurora Sword pierces through, terrifying energy is added to it.

Boom! ! !

With one shot into the soul, it precisely blasted through the dome of the palace.


The entire Demon One was trembling and shaking.

The dome dust and debris splashed and churned everywhere.

Atuo, who was on duty in the command room, and many demon warriors patrolling at night, and even a large number of demon warriors who were resting.

At this moment, it's like a frying pan's hornet's nest.

All out.

Spread your wings and patrol around the sky of the entire Devil One.

"What's going on? Have we been attacked?"

"Earthquake? No, our Devil One is floating in the sky at an altitude of [-] meters."

"It must be the enemy's invasion, trying to destroy the battleship, quickly enter the interior and search!"

"Look at the palace! There are golden creatures appearing!"


Inside the palace.

Morgana looked up at the big hole in the broken dome.

That blow turned into a huge golden dragon swimming in the night sky outside.

Many demon warriors who were frightened were shocked and did not dare to move.

What kind of ghost creature is this?

It's so fierce!
Just as Morgana was shocked.

Under the hall.

Ye Yang, who was wearing the ultimate emperor's armor, stretched out one hand, and the Aurora Sword flew back into his hand from the sky outside the cave.

He jumped on the spot and shouted:
"The Emperor's Horse."

A golden light and shadow shot out from the void impulse.

Morgana took a closer look.

It turned out to be a golden-red single-person airship similar to a demon individual airship.

next moment.

This imperial horse was ridden by Ye Yang.

As soon as the emperor horse sprayed, a series of high-energy blue-flame Mach rings shot out from its tail.

With a whoosh, it rushed out of the hole and flew away from Devil One.

The countless demon warriors in the outer sky were even more shocked when they saw this scene.

"Golden armor?! Who is this man?"

"Why did he run out of the hall?"

"Is it someone brought back by the queen?"

"His equipment is so handsome~ The shock just now must have been caused by him."

"Hey, where's the long golden monster? Disappeared?"

(End of this chapter)

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