Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 19 Emperor Horse!Come to Pluto and meet the gluttonous pioneers by chance!

Chapter 19 Emperor Horse!Come to Pluto and meet the gluttonous pioneers by chance!

The sky above Devil One Fortress.

Void surges.

An enraged Morgana emerges from it.

Commanded loudly:
"Catch me! Don't let him run away!"


These demon warriors who were still in shock all reacted.

The well-equipped demon warriors controlled the mechanical wings on the back of the armor one by one to quickly fly in pursuit.

Demon individual airships flew rapidly from all over the fortress.

Magnificent scene.

It's like a hornet's nest in full swing.

Although demon forces are at the forefront of technological civilization in the known universe.

Even for small soldiers, the individual combat weapons and flying equipment they are equipped with are the most advanced existences in the known universe.

But how does the emperor horse exist?

Has a speed beyond the speed of light.

Special abilities can even travel through time!
Just this moment of effort.

Ye Yang drove the Emperor Horse away from the earth at super-light speed.

Came into outer space.

Even flew over several huge planets.

When Ye Yang realized that he had come to outer space and controlled the Emperor Horse to stop.

A huge planet with towering icebergs, deep canyons, overlapping craters and vast plains appeared in front of you.

Worth mentioning is the huge red patch that surrounds its equator.

That strange and beautiful area was named "Cthulhu's patch."

"This is? This seems to be near Pluto?"

Ye Yang muttered to himself.

I didn't expect that I didn't pay attention to controlling the speed alone.

It rushed to the vicinity of Pluto.

But turn around and go back.

Ye Yang controlled the emperor horse to turn around slowly.

Just ready to speed up.

Ye Yang sensed that he was on the other side of the planet.

An extremely strong and many quantities of energy.

It is flying towards itself from space on the other side of the planet.

"As expected of the ultimate emperor's armor, my perception ability has reached a terrifying level, and I can perceive it from so far away."

Sitting on the imperial horse and waiting for a while.

Ye Yang only saw a grand cross space battleship and about 20 escort warships in the shape of black-armored whales marching in line.

And the direction of flight seems to be the direction of returning to the earth.

"Oh? You can still meet the battle formations of spaceships in this outer space? It's really strange."

Ye Yang exclaimed in his heart.

But Xianyu's character.

It didn't make him want to go to find out.

And like a space tourist.

Stand still.

Looking forward to the spaceship passing by.

I want to feel the hugeness of the space battleship up close.

After all, Ye Yang is a time traveler.

in the past.


Extraterrestrial life, alien spacecraft or something.

It's a hot topic of discussion for a long time.

Including Ye Yang, who has a personality of Xianyu, also has a lot of interests.

Now travel to this world frequented by aliens.

Get the chance to get up close and personal with a real spaceship.

Ye Yang naturally wouldn't miss it.

As for the Devil No. [-] that I stayed with just now.

It's not the alien spaceship that Ye Yang fantasized about at all.

These are the ones in front of you.

at the same time.

The command room of the Pioneer Cross flagship.

"Report to the two officers that Crocodile Thornton is very resistant to transfer, and has injured many gluttonous fighters, please give instructions."

A gluttonous warrior reported.

Stag and Fenglei, who were sitting in the command positions, heard the report.

Although the two are mechanical bodies.

But in the face of the brutal and mindless Thornton.

I still feel the first big experience of the mortal period.

"Then let it stay here first, eat and drink."

The Buck ordered.

When only he and Fenglei were left in the command room.

The stag's mechanical head shook and said:
"We don't have any fighters here who can beat him. We should contact the demon queen Morgana as soon as possible and let her pick up Thornton."

Feng Lei: "I have contacted a long time ago. Just now the devil responded that the devil's fortress was invaded by strong men, and even the top of Morgana's palace was blown up."

Buck: "All the royal palaces have been blown up? It should be the strong man in the Earth's Super Seminary. This should also indicate that Morgana has officially confronted the gods of the Earth's Super Seminary."

Feng Lei: "That's right, what we have to do now is to wait, wait for Morgana to wipe out all the gods on the earth, and then we can start cleaning the ground."

Buck: "Then order the fleet to slow down and start automatic cruise."

Fenglei nodded.


The metal door of the quiet command room opened automatically.

A gluttonous warrior in a blue and white mech reported:
"Reporting, sir, a soldier wearing an unknown armor and vehicle was found on the channel ahead, and the other party seems to be incapable of receiving messages. We have repeatedly negotiated to no avail."

Hear this news.

Bucks and Fenglei were a little surprised.

Are there other advanced civilizations in the Chiwu star system?
"Open the screen and have a look."

ordered the Bucks.

The gluttonous warrior raised the mecha gauntlet on his arm.

A projected light and shadow appeared in the void.

It played Ye Yang in space wearing the emperor's armor and emperor's horse.

"Have you compared the database?" Feng Lei asked the soldier.

"I have compared the data of countless civilizations in the known universe, and I can't find any records similar to this person." The gluttonous warrior replied.

"It's probably a country boy from a nearby galaxy. Since he can't be contacted, he can just kill him. There is no need to report such trivial things in the future." Buck said indifferently.


The Taotie warrior turned and left after receiving the order.

(End of this chapter)

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