Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 20 The Emperor of Light Fights the Dragon!

Chapter 20 The Emperor of Light Fights the Dragon!

"Wow, it's so big~"

Watching the gluttonous vanguard fleet approaching him from afar.

Ye Yang couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart.


A feeling of insignificance also quickly grew in my heart.

This small feeling is very similar to the perspective of insects.

I was watching a huge monster sailing past my head.


One of them sailed on top of a frigate at the forefront of the space fleet.

A built-in telescoping barrel protrudes from it.

A thick silver beam of energy shot towards Ye Yang.


Look at the laser beam about 20 meters long and five meters thick.

Ye Yang inside the armor showed doubts.

Why did you suddenly attack yourself?

Not allowed to see?
next second.

Laser shot.

Ye Yang punched backhand directly.

Blow up the laser beam.

The shining energy halo attracted the attention of the gluttonous warriors inside the frigate.

"A punch broke up our bombardment. The country boy is quite capable, but it's just a stronger bug."

Said a gluttonous captain in the frigate wearing a blue-and-white mecha, revealing a purple-black human head.

"Captain, do you want to continue shooting?"

asked an Operator Warrior.

"The order received from the superior is to kill this bug, increase the power of the artillery fire, and smash him to pieces."

Captain Taotie ordered.


Followed by.

Ye Yang suspended in outer space.

I saw the huge gun barrel protruding from the top of the alien warship.

There is a silver-white energy dense light at the muzzle.

And it was aimed at himself.

This makes people very unhappy.

I was just passing by to have a look.

You group of aliens came up and wanted to kill Lao Tzu without saying anything?

Even if I'm pinched by mud, I still have three points of anger.

"Emperor horse, transform."

Ye Yang ordered.

Accompanied by orders.

The metal armor on the surface of the handsome Emperor's Horse under his crotch began to emit a fiery golden light.

Ye Yang kicked his legs.

The body separated from the emperor horse, and continued to climb in height in the vacuum and gravity-free space.


He stretched out his hand and turned the knob of the emperor's belt around his waist.

next second.

A light and shadow veneer shield surging with orange-red energy emerged from the black cosmic void in front of him.

The emperor horse sprayed out blue light energy tail flames.

He broke into the light and shadow mask.

"The Emperor of Light Battle Dragon!"

Ye Yang said domineeringly at the same time.

When the light and shadow mask is broken.

Emperor Horse has also been continuously reorganized and expanded from the original individual carrier.

It turned into a domineering mecha dragon about ten meters long!

It was exactly the same as what Ye Yang remembered.

The horns are like a deer, the head is like a cow, the belly is like a snake, and the feet are like a phoenix.

But the whole body is made of pure armor platinum.

The armored dragon scales all over his body are constantly flowing with silver streamers, making him invincible and domineering.

I saw the metal dragon swimming in space, chasing Ye Yang from a high place.

With the body, carrying Ye Yang's feet.

Ye Yang, who stepped on the Emperor of Light's Battle Dragon, was satisfied.

in memory.

This battle dragon of light is part of the history of the armored warrior worldview.

The first armored beast.

Able to cooperate with himself wearing the ultimate emperor's armor to display invincible combo skills.

at the same time.

The command room of the Taotie frigate.

A group of gluttonous warriors and the leader who called Ye Yang a bug just now.

Everyone saw this strange scene.

The leader Taotie looked at the armored man and armored creature on the holographic screen.

His brows were furrowed and filled with anger.

"This country worm dares to block the way of our gluttonous vanguard fleet. I'm really tired of it."

"Directly kill with full power!"

They are the vanguard fleet of the Gluttonous Millennium Expedition Plan.

It is a group of warlike guys in itself.

And the purpose of existence is to remove all obstacles ahead and open the way for large troops.

So they don't care about Ye Yang's life or death at all.



The top of the frigate.

A beam of energy that was many times thicker and longer than before shot out silently.

The eye-catching pillars of light are set against the dark background of space.

Very eye-catching.

Ye Yang and Emperor of Light War Dragon are also very small.

"Teach them a lesson, Emperor of Light, Dragon Warrior."

Ye Yang ordered in his heart through telepathy with Zhanlong.


in mind.

The war dragon let out a dragon howl in response.


The Emperor War Dragon flew towards the giant energy light beam.

Instantly hit the giant energy beam with a hard faucet.

And use the dragon body to display extreme speed.

From left to right, top to bottom, front to back.

Repeatedly run through the entire frigate.

The command room of the frigate.

The warning red light flashes continuously.

All the lines are short-circuited, and the console flickers and jumps arcs.

The intelligent units in various places are constantly sounding the reminder that the battleship is about to disintegrate.

"Quickly report to the Crusader Pioneer main ship! Ask for support! Hurry up!!!"

The leader of the Taotie, who was already terrified, shouted loudly.

However, the operators have long been stunned by the ship.

Where is the ability to send a message for help.

The leader gritted his teeth in despair.

He rushed to the console by himself.

Just ready to debug, send summons.

All consoles are suddenly blacked out and powered off.

He was stunned.

next moment.

The console suddenly exploded.

A golden armored dragon passed straight through the top from below.

The leader of Taotie just rubbed lightly against his body.

In an instant, the mech exploded.

The body turned into a blood mist and splashed on the spot.

in outer space.

Ye Yang watched as the golden speed streamer transformed into the Battle Dragon of Light pierced through the battleship repeatedly.

I feel a little regretful in my heart.

A fine battleship.

Just like that it was blown up.

Somewhat unfortunate.

at the same time.

The command room of the Crusader main ship.

"Report! The No. 01 frigate was attacked by the enemy, and the battleship disintegrated after only one encounter!"

Hear the report from his subordinates.

Qiqi, who was shaken by Fenglei, stood up from their seats.

"Synchronize screen!"

Fenglei ordered.


They saw the scene of the battleship disintegrating and a large number of gluttonous soldiers dying.

Followed by.

The screen is locked on an armored figure floating in space, and a strange metal creature under its feet.

See this weird scene.

The stag and Fenglei looked at each other.

At the same time, the two remembered the news sent by the earth demon forces not long ago.

The battleship of Demon Queen Morgana was also invaded by unknown powerful enemies.

It seems!

The Earth Super Seminary has long been on guard against demons and their gluttonous vanguard army!

After the two commanders recovered from their astonishment.

Immediately ordered:
"This guy actually has such combat power! It seems to be a super soldier from the Earth Super Seminary!?"

"Quickly activate the light energy shield of the Cross Pioneer flagship!"

"Order all frigates to enter combat!"

"Array to kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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