Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 21 Exploding 2 battleships in a row!

Chapter 21 Exploding twenty warships in a row!
in space.

Ye Yang stepped on the emperor of light to fight the dragon.

Quietly watching the giant frigate in front disintegrate in the vacuum universe.

The flames flickered, but quickly died out due to the vacuum environment.

Pieces of huge metal wreckage, fragments of blue and white mechs, will drift eternally in this boundless universe.

"Let's go back to Earth."

Ye Yang ordered Zhanlong in his heart.

Just when the dragon's body twisted and turned Ye Yang around.

call out!
A huge beam of silver laser energy almost flew across the top of Ye Yang's head.

The Battle Dragon of Light stopped.

The domineering mecha leader looked back.

Ye Yang also looked back.

I saw a grand cross space battleship with a body length of more than five kilometers in the center.

Twenty pure black whale-shaped escort warships lined up around.

The opened front is more than 50 kilometers long.


Ye Yang saw clearly with his keen perception.

The body surfaces of these warships are everywhere.

Many energy cannon barrels stick out from the hull.

Uniformly concentrated aiming at their own position.

"Hey, it's really troublesome."

Ye Yang secretly sighed in his heart.

next moment.

A rain of energy and light shot out from the sky.

The formed firepower net looks like a huge triangle.

By more than 50 kilometers in width.

To the "tip" end where Ye Yang is at the front.

Facing the bombardment of this group of Star Warships.

Ye Yang is not embarrassed.

After all, the current self is the ultimate Emperor Xia, and the ultimate battle dragon is under his feet.

It can launch a terrifying movement speed beyond the speed of light at any time.

It is more than enough to avoid these bombardments.


Ye Yang with a leisurely personality.

This wave does not intend to hold hands.

I'm just an idle fish, but I'm not a coward.

These guys kill themselves without asking why.

Definitely gotta be taught a lesson.

"Emperor's Halberd!"

Ye Yang combined the Aurora Sword and Aurora Shield together.

It turned into a domineering halberd.

Ye Yang domineeringly rotates the halberd.

Mind-to-Sound and Light-Battle Dragon:

"Pierce through them at super-light speed."

In his mind, Long Yin responded.

next moment.

call out!
Ye Yang was carried by the Zhanlong and entered the realm of super-light speed.

It's a wonderful feeling.

It was as if the entire universe had stopped.

Even the torrent of energy that is pouring from the Milky Way directly in front of him.

It is also static at the moment.

When you are close to a certain battleship.

Ye Yang could even clearly see the porthole of the battleship.

The movements of those blue and white mecha aliens.


Relying on the super-light speed of the Dragon of Light and the sharpness and hardness of the Emperor's Halberd.

Ye Yang, dragon, and war halberd.


It was as if a golden sentry sword repeatedly passed through the array of interstellar warships spanning more than 50 kilometers across the front.

Just a second.

Twenty large frigates all burst, disintegrated, and collapsed!

Pieces of flame exploded in the cosmic vacuum, and then disappeared extremely quickly.

And when Ye Yang controlled the Emperor War Dragon to stop.

And suspended in front of the Grand Cross vanguard battleship that was originally in the center.

A layer of light blue energy film blocked the progress of him and Zhanlong.

A war halberd chops up.

Rows of blue honeycomb energy ripples appeared.

"What is this?" Ye Yang was curious.

Just when Ye Yang was groping.

The monitoring room of the Grand Crusader.

The stag, Fenglei, and a group of gluttonous fighters are still in a state of tension at the moment.


A gluttonous warrior sitting in front of the computer uttered a sound of surprise.

"Why are the other battleships disconnected from the main ship? Where are you?" The soldier asked.

Followed by.

All gluttonous fighters in the surveillance room discovered it.

The frigate lost contact with the monitoring room of the main ship in an instant.

After all, Ye Yang, who surpassed the speed of light, completed the entire process.

For others.

Maybe it was just a second that passed.

"Not good! Look out the porthole! Our warships are all blown up!"

A gluttonous warrior pointed to the wreckage of the huge battleship floating outside the window and exclaimed.


All the gluttonous fighters in the command room looked at it.

Surprised again and again:

"How! How is it possible! In an instant! Twenty escort warships!"

"The whole line collapsed!"

"Ambush! Sir! We are ambushed by the Super Seminary!"

The two Bucks, Fenglei, were even more shocked.

Hastily ordered:
"Quickly withdraw to the vicinity of the Big Insect Bridge!"

"Go and contact the Howl King!"

(End of this chapter)

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