Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 22 5 lines return to 1 line of heaven, the emperor descends the demons to annihilate and sla

Chapter 22 The five elements belong to one line of heaven, the emperor descends the demons and annihilates them!
"Sir! Look at the outside of the light energy shield!
It's the Super God of War from the Super Seminary just now! "

Grand Cross flagship command room.

A senior gluttonous operator shouted in horror.

And call out the panoramic view of the light energy shield.

The stag, Fenglei, and the gluttonous warriors in the command room saw Ye Yang stepping on the armored dragon in the picture.

Circling around the huge circular light energy shield at an extremely fast speed.

And the special halberd in his hand was in contact with the light energy shield.

Make cuts along the way.

The entire light energy shield composed of countless honeycomb hexagonal shapes was completely lit up.

"How could such a powerful God of War exist!
There is nothing in the information! "

"Isn't the Earth a pre-nuclear era!

It is impossible to have such a powerful God of War! "

The Buck Fenglei was incomparably shocked.

But they also found out.

This mysterious god of war seems unable to break through the light energy shield.

"He can't break the light energy shield, hurry back to the Big Worm Bridge, and send the information to the Howl King, hurry up!" the Buck ordered.


The Grand Cross Flagship began to fly towards the dark side of Pluto.

Ye Yang controlled the War Dragon of Light to stop.

Witnessing the departure of the big flagship.

Feng Lei and others in the battleship also saw Ye Yang's appearance clearly at this moment.

Fenglei walked up to the veteran gluttonous operator and ordered:

"Turn on full-band communication, I want to talk to that guy!"

Fenglei's mechanical voice was full of anger.

The so-called full-band communication.

Radio waves are used.

With the technological level of the gluttonous civilization, it is enough to cross the million-level radio frequency band.

As long as it is a creature with brain waves.

can talk to him directly.


Feng Lei stared at Ye Yang who was floating on the screen and shouted:
"The God of War of the Super Seminary,

You are mean,

Do you know that we are under the rule of Karl, the death god of the Styx civilization,

The pioneer flagship of the gluttonous civilization,
You killed a large number of our warships for no reason,

My king Howl will surely come to capture you,
destroyed along with the earth,

Report your name now! "

This passage of voice was captured by Ye Yang's consciousness.

Ye Yang was a little confused.

What God of War from the Super Seminary?

It seems that these guys have misunderstood their identities.

And it seems that they are running away now, and then they will ask their king to howl to destroy the earth and themselves.

to be frank.

It doesn't matter if we destroy this earth.

It's not my hometown anyway.

No sense of belonging at all.

It's me.

Although you have invincible strength, you don't have to be afraid of enemies coming to you.

But he has always been hated and talked about behind his back.

Really very upset.

Inside the Cross Pioneer flagship.

The stag walked to Fenglei's side.

He glanced at Ye Yang who was gradually shrinking in the picture.

Chao Taotie correspondent asked:
"Has he returned his name?"

"The self-translation system is deciphering the opponent's brainwaves."

The gluttonous correspondent who was sitting at the operating position reported:

"The deciphering is complete, the other party said. The five elements belong to one line of heaven, and the emperor descends the demons to annihilate and slash! ="

The stag and Fenglei looked at each other.

What five elements, what is the emperor's descending demon annihilating and slashing?

Is this guy on the opposite side called this kind of name?

"Not good! This is the name of the skill he activated! He is coming towards us!!!"

The sharp-eyed gluttonous communicator suddenly noticed the holographic screen monitoring the outside world in real time.

Ye Yang stepped on the armored golden dragon.

The emperor's war halberd holding a golden light came at an extremely fast speed.

Almost instantly.


The tip of the golden halberd pierced the light energy shield from the front.


A large number of light blue honeycomb polygonal energy shields were stirred up.

It was as if a huge stone had been smashed into a calm lake.

Wave after wave of energy shock ripples appeared.

Followed by.

A red warning light flashes in the command room.

Dangerous pop-up windows popped up on the screens of many supercomputers:

[The energy of the light energy shield decays rapidly! 】

[The light energy shield has been bombarded by unknown armed forces, and the energy shield is about to collapse! 】

"The light energy shield is a cutting-edge technology bestowed by my god Karl on the gluttonous civilization. It can resist even antimatter bombs. Who is this monster!!!"

The Bucks saw this scene.

Although it is a mechanical body, its fearful tone can still be heard.

However, just after he finished speaking.


The huge spherical light energy shield was broken.

Immediately the whole line collapsed and dissipated.

next moment.

Ye Yang held the Emperor's Battle Halberd in his hand and charged towards the Grand Cross with his feet on the Battle Dragon.

at the last moment.

Ye Yang held the halberd with both arms and slashed vigorously, hitting a blow that exploded!
This blow.

The ultimate and most powerful skill that combines armor, dragon, shield, sword, yin and yang and five elements.

I saw a huge chopping wave of golden light energy about five kilometers long.

It's like cutting fruit.

Cut across the entire five-kilometer-long Celestial-class Grand Cross battleship.

Inside the stag, Fenglei saw a huge golden light hit.

In an instant.

There was a bang in the ears, and the body disintegrated and exploded.

The entire cross battleship is full of golden violent energy raging everywhere.

After about ten seconds.

The explosion is over.

In this space area, there are only many icy mecha wreckages floating in space.

in this one.

Ye Yang stepped on the armored dragon and swam slowly.

Carefully check for any surviving aliens.

When Ye Yang flew over a huge mountain-like battleship wreckage.

Suddenly there was a wave of life inside.

Ye Yang's keen perception.

call out!
The emperor's war halberd slashed across.

A sharp golden transverse line appeared on the 500-meter-long and icy irregular warship wreckage.

Followed by.

The wreckage was split in two.

Ye Yang only saw a bandaged crocodile inside.

In the weightless space environment, crawl on all fours and do water strokes.

"Isn't this the crocodile that was kicked away by myself? How could it be on an alien ship?"

"It seems that it is also an alien. I didn't expect it to be able to survive under the power of the Emperor's Falling Demon and Annihilating Slash, and it can move freely in space."

Ye Yang thought to himself.

At the same time, he slowly raised the emperor's halberd in his hand, making a chopping gesture.

Thornton saw this scene.

A pair of eyeballs were frightened and stared like Erha.

He put his hands together quickly, weeping and kowtowing with a very humane expression.

Because there is no sound in the vacuum environment of space.

It cried and begged for mercy extremely hard, and rolled on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yang suddenly felt that the crocodile's behavior was very human.

As the saying goes.

Don't kill kneeling cows, don't sell watchdogs.

And this crocodile probably also knows the details of this group of aliens.

Ye Yang decided to save this guy's life first.


Control the dragon's tail of the war dragon and let Thornton hold it.

Take Thornton back to the earth at superluminal speed.

(End of this chapter)

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